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Everything posted by CaliBills

  1. Steelers should have punted, no way to make a 40 yd FG in this wind and frigid cold...........................................................................................................
  2. Da Fuq you talking about? an NFL kicker can make 49 yd FG easily.
  3. I think the players play a bit more free knowing regardless they are in. But I do think they go after that 2 seed with a bit more risk knowing if they win, then could be home games in Buffalo all through playoffs depending on Bmore
  4. McD called the timeout I bet to say yeah no shotgun just run it
  5. I agree. I wish Staley was still there because tendencies and schemes tend to be similar to previous games. What we got was a home team (even if the fans didn't show but time difference and flying does) that also was now playing harder for an Interim Head Coach and gameplans/scheme/playcalling was different and harder to gameplan for.
  6. He did get his head hit and neck looked at in the very beginning of the game which could explain the lower snap count. plus he has now hit that dreaded 30 in age and as we have seen many many times, most skill players start their decline. We shall see but I assume it is injuries/banged up body causing this.
  7. -3 in Turnovers and we still won. Dont care how, dont care why, just care we did.
  8. He definitely earned his Bonus with this game and the 2 sacks!!
  9. Lol Oh I am aware. But that doesn't mean I can't call those overreacting a bunch of whiney two year olds.
  10. Everyone feel better now? FFS some of you all react like a whiney 2 year old!!
  11. LOTS of tickets up for sale still for the game. As low as $39 per ticket for upper section. Wish I could go this year as I try to make it to at least one close game a year of where i might be, whether in Socal or FL or whatever. I am sure Bills Mafia will basically have it as a home stadium for the Bills!
  12. congrats!! my little lady is on her way in the next hour!! Just waiting on the last little bit of dilation.
  13. That is actually a sentence lol well, we will well lol
  14. And I absolutely hate the lets all run to the other endzone celebration the defense does after a turnover unless it is actually a pick 6 or fumble return for a TD. ABSOLUTELY HATE IT
  15. Wrong again! lol you are shooting 100% on being wrong today but since you are married as well you must be used to being wrong all the time lol
  16. what? bad analogy. Try again Its more like your wife asking if you are ok and you say nothing. She can assume you are upset even if you are not, you just might be focused. Silence isn't always a negative association when asked a question.
  17. Maybe they wanted to focus on winning a game this week instead of giving into the BS that some hack wrote...... Stop reaching....
  18. And like i said in multiple posts in this thread, we don't know anything about what goes on behind closed doors or the relationship McD has with the players and the players owe us nothing when it comes to how they feel about anything put out there. It is ones fault for expecting anything then forming conclusions on the lack there of.
  19. I saw a lot of assuming, not questioning but saying its damning evidence that so and so hasn't said anything to the media, and so what if so and so said they had his back, it isn't Allen or Diggs or someone else.. It was all to fit their narrative and they would argue they know things based off of one opinion based hit piece.
  20. Soooo for all those questioning whether or not the players had his back I would love to hear your rebuttal to the proof that is now displayed before you that you all had no idea what you were talking about. Oh here is Allen talking about it....
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