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Everything posted by theesir

  1. Screw you!!!! He has been a fixture on local radio since the 80's He worked On-on-one sports on WBEN after the Stan Baron era (Who is a Hall of Famer) He was a beacon in the dark when all we had in local sports radio was ranting and raging and hate. He has always conducted himself with class, had great, intellegent guests and has taken to Buffalo as if he was raised here. The sports fans of this city love this guy because he has become one of us. He could have left town for a better deal when Empire fell apart, but loves this area and did everything he could, even financing his own show to make it work for himself and the people of Buffalo. How old are you? 22 or something like that. I'm 35 and it seems Howard has been part of my life as long as I remember. I usually don't have an issue with you Steve, but know what you speak of before you open your inexperienced trap!!!
  2. I just wanted to use those cool initials. Not that I need to respond, but I opened the reply window, got a phone call and posted a few minutes later. So EXXX CCUUUUUU SSSSSEEEEE ME!
  3. Thanks for the update Lori, I just got a similar email from Howard. I just emailed Schoop at WGR looking for a little on the air comment.... We'll see.
  4. Mike, have you actually heard that Simon is moving to this spot or are you just guessing based upon the fact that they have gotten rid of the morning show???
  5. Brad and Jeremy have been doing the "Monday Morning QB" show with Paul Hamilton since earlier this season. The only change to the schedule is the fact that the Morning show is no longer there. I feel bad for them even if they annoyed me. What the hell will a guy like Puff do? He'll never get another job in radio.
  6. Wow, the morning show is gone!!! They were there this morning. Wheres Brad Riter??? He reads this board, How about a little behind the scenes info Brad! Post as a guest if you need to.
  7. I'm just making this up, but maybe this is a sign that Empire is a goner. The Hockey season is all but cancelled, and the Sabres games were all that was keeping them afloat. Happy and possibly sad day all wrapped in one.
  8. I would agree about Howard and Kevin, but Brads got his thing with Jeremy and I think they do a hell of a job with that. Puff and Gaughn..... nothing personal, but you both inspire me to turn off my radio each morning at some point EACH morning. Meaning I actually TRY to listen each day, but can't stand it. What can i say I'm a glutton for punishement.
  9. Got from where??? a very general answer would suffice
  10. HALLALUEAH!!!!!!!! Oh....... Wait...... are they gonna put him on with Puff, and those other 2 annoying guys????!!!?!?! PLEASE NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!
  11. You're talking about national races (at least with Schumer and Hillary) I'm talking about our state legislature, which has moved NY to the enviable position of most tax state in the country and all the other mess here and yet they ALL kept their jobs. Insanity indeed. Hell, I actually think Schumer has been a good senator for us, but he has no control over what happens at a statewide level. As for Hillary, she's only been there 2 years, tough to make a judgement. Unless your from the camp that believes she can do NO good BECAUSE she is Hillary, or a woman. To them her record will mean nothing.
  12. I really thougt this was going to be a tough sell to begin with, but didn't think it would end so quickly. Hopefully they'll be able to get it up and running again. Yet another punch in the nose for the WNY economy. http://www.cnn.com/2004/TRAVEL/DESTINATION...y.ap/index.html
  13. Me too. Nice job Steve, I'm sure there are a few people( cough...paco ...cough) seeing that title, your name and swearing before the link is even clicked.
  14. This hits it right on the head. These are the issues that touch our everyday life and the people who didn't vote seem to have no clue about how this effects them. All I've seen is an excuse inthis thread that basically says "both candidates sucked, so I didn't vote". At least 3 Supreme Court appointments could come in the next 4 years, that one issue alone should be enough for a person (young or old) to determine which candidate best represents your views and vote that way. I repeat what I said earlier.... its sad!
  15. I think today has been deemed a FREE SKATE day here. Election topics OK... tomorrow back to the PPP with them!
  16. Stagering tax load, no balanced budgets (Hell no budget at all from April until September) and people constantly bitching that we need to get rid of them. What does the proud electorate of NY do?...... They return almost EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM TO OFFICE!!!!!! <Whine> My taxes are too high, my sales tax is going up, my schools are underfunded</WHINE> Who did you vote for? <PROUD> The same guy again! </PROUD> :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:
  17. IN a society dominated and controlled by media image, he gave a speech where he went all "Hulk Hogan", was given a laughing stock tag and creep out of the race.
  18. I agree coach. There is something called winning with grace. Unfortuantely there are too many people now that believe that personal attacks and insults are a REQUIRED PART of political discourse.
  19. I add my congrats as well. You can't argue with a presidental election where one of the candidates wins a true majority. I hope in the next four years they make the right decisions for America.
  20. This total was incredible to me. The margin kept shrinking through the night. When I went to bed it was 58-42, when I got up this morning 51-49. I was stunned. The exit polling was the biggest loser in the whole election. How can they EVER be referenced again by the networks.
  21. I agree. I voted Kerry because that's what I was given, unfortunatley the Democratic party is out of touch with a HUGE voting block in the south and central US. They need to put forth a more moderate candidate. This elections was Bush's to lose, but people couldn't breing themselves to select Kerry over him.
  22. While I certainly hoped that Kerry would win I have to say that Bush (this time) truely recieved a mandate. I may not agree, but 51% of the people in the country that voted did agree with him. That may not be a huge mandate, but in a democracy it counts. When is the last time a president even received 50% of the popular vote?? There are huge area of the country that the democrats need to get in better touch with or it could be decades before they take the house, senate or presidency.
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