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Everything posted by theesir

  1. If I could get on the internet right now I'd go to weather.com
  2. He's has his one bullet in his pocket and can put it in the gun when Andy says its OK.
  3. Some people just seem to have hamstrings that are prone to pulling. Unfortunately for Haddad he's one of them. The one New Orleans Wide Receiver is another one. Crap, can't remember his name.
  4. I understand and agree. That's why I said that I thought it was pathetic that he seems to be one of the few banging the drum for these fallen heros. His politicising of the fallen would be rendered meaningless if the "legitimate" media or even the administration was saying more about them.
  5. Without kidding, I have heard that many millions in Palestinian money truly is unaccounted for and stashed away somewhere.
  6. Anyone else you feel the need to systematically exterminate??? Greek Orthodox folks? Roman Catholics? Kerry is a Roman Catholic. If you kill them all you would get him and probably a few more "Libs" as well. The rest would just be collateral damage.
  7. Thanks for coming over, we're looking forward to adding to our longest winning streak of the season at your expense.
  8. I must be half the man you are. I hit 500 today.
  9. The 9/11 casualties have had monuments arrected to honor them. These poor souls have been brought home in secret so as not to allow a photo opportunity which could make someone look bad. These troops deserve to be honored for their sacrafice. Its pathetic that Micheal Moore is the one putting those names in front of us.
  10. I fully support the troops and thank each of them that have risked their lives for us over there. I however have to say that I think it is sinful that we have not honored those who have given the ultimate sacrifice by drawing more attention to them. The fact that the return of their remains has been cloaked in secrecy makes their deaths look like a "dirty little secret". Micheal Moore makes me sick, but the only place I seem to see these fallen troop's names or pictures is in something that is being distributed by him, and that is not only sad, but insulting to them. Now that the election is over, the restrictions need to be removed an these men and women need to be given their proper thanks.
  11. Even better... They created the Mozilla browser. I can't remember what pop ups look like.
  12. Look at the picture in my profile, glad you can't get jail time for wearing SPAM!!!
  13. I believe that the Isrealis are as guilty of the Palestinians if not more in this whole conflict, but Darin is right, you have to look at Arafats whole history, not just the past 5 years or so (Sharon's as well for that matter). Arafat was as bad as any of the butchers that we decry today, he has somehow gained legitimacy (some) in the past few years, but his past will always be there.
  14. Tell me they got REAL shots and didn't order something like a buttery nipple, or Tequilla Rose.
  15. I agree. I used to enjoy Micheal Moore, but the amount of hate in him has made me incapable of even considering anything that he says anymore.
  16. http://buffalonews.com/editorial/20041105/...?tbd1047299.asp
  17. Sorry, it was in an article about Chirac basically saying no to Bush reaching out and trying to heal some of the rifts caused by the Iraq invasion. Here's a link http://www.thesun.co.uk/article/0,,2-2004512444,00.html
  18. It seems that France is trying its hardest to alienate as much of the western world as possible.
  19. The running game has been very good in NY the last couple of years, but Tiki's fumbling has really hurt them. While they are playing a lot better, probably the biggest thing that has turned their running game around is the fact that Tiki is holding on to the ball and not ending drives.
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