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Everything posted by theesir

  1. Then, maybe I can sit with you guys and we can sell the extra tickets I don't even care if i don't sell mine I got them gratis
  2. I will be there, looking to meet most of you for the first time! I may be coming by myself and have 1 extra ticket. !@#$ unreliable brother in law!!!
  3. I truely believe that that butt could squeeze a man's..... you know... clean off!!
  4. Media, player and their families, live in houses, watch TV, get board and surprisingly do a lot of the same silly, mundane things the rest of us do during the day, like laughing at the ramblings of others. After work they don't all go home to "Celebrity Land" where they are pampered and primped so they can dazzle us again the next day.
  5. I have 2 of those 50 yard line third row seats. I got them from a vendor we deal with at work and now my brother in law who was going with me has backed out. I may be looking out here to see if anyone wants to go to the game. Even if I don't find anyone to go with, I figure there'll be 75000 or so others there so I'm goin' anyway. I hope to meet you all this time. I was at the Fins game, in Hammers lot and couldn't find Lot 1 Pole 5.
  6. That's a man baby!!! PSFW (Pretty safe for work, I mean, its from Yahoo news) http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=stor...r3530771616.jpg
  7. Am I the only one that gets turned on whenever Cindy posts a message???
  8. This is a "phishing"email. You will be directed to a site that looks all official, enter your info and whoever set up the site can now log into your account. RUN AWAY!!!!
  9. My name is Tim and I am a TSW Loser
  10. "i'm not dead yet" Yes you are! "I'm feeling better... I feel happy!"
  11. This website is not only about TSW, on the front page is probably the most complete link list to articles about the Bills on the entire interent. I have friends who are bills fans from all around the US that come to 2Bills Drive to read the articles and have NEVER been to the Stadium Wall. And why wouldn't a "professional sportscaster" want to come to a place like this and see what the fans (read: his audience) have on their minds.
  12. Posters on this board who are logged in and take responsiblity for what they have to say, generally do not have their posts deleted for disagreeing with another poster. Cindy posted a topic the other day about supporting her team no matter what and she was flamed all day, so no one is being protected here. However when a flaming rather rudely written response is posted by someone who is not logged in and can say whatever they want without others on the board being able to identify who the rant is coming from, I certainly understand the post being removed. Like em or hate em, the people on this board for the most part at least "virtually" know each other by our logins. If I were to make personal attacks on another user, others would know it was ME that did it and I would have to face the consequenses if what I said was truly out of line. There have been a lot of GUEST posters in the last couple of days trying to stir up trouble. If you have something to say, Log in and let us know who you are, take ownership of what you have to say. </RANT OFF>
  13. I would think that the NFL own the original broadcast of games and stations can not just replay them. It would be cool though.
  14. I was in Paris for a week last Month. Had a great time. Were treated respectfully by everyone. We didn't get a politcal comment from anyone. Germany on the other hand is a different world all together (never been there, know people that live there). They are an ANGRY country, so peoples experiences already posted do not surpise me.
  15. The WGR Website shows him doing the 10am pregame show with Jeremy White. Brad and Jerry Sullivan before that and Schoop and Bulldog on post game.
  16. I've heard that there was no advanced notice, they were called into a meeting after their shift and were told they were being let go. No Link, was told by someone who knows the parties involved.
  17. Go away or register :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:
  18. Schumer and Clinton are not raising our state taxes, its the STATE senators and assemblypersons who for whatever reason we keep "rehiring" I love it when people blame our US senators for our state taxes going up.
  19. A little digging has confirmed that all three moring guys have been let go. Jeremy White is going to be doing Sports in the morning with Howard starting tomorrow and the Nighttime show with Riter will be just Riter. I'm not so happy about that. I love the way Brad and Jeremy play off each other.
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