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Everything posted by theesir

  1. He said that the fans in Buffalo are great (or something to that effect), but none of them really want to live in Buffalo. Its funny, at the stadium on Sunday they played his remarks on the Jumbotron, but cut it just as he was about to say the offending line.
  2. AS for the whole daughter thing, I seem to remember Ice saying something to the effect of " I mean no disrespect, but your daughter is hot". THe conversation then was carried on by others down disprespectful paths. I just want to say that if being disrespectful, pigheaded and two faced was grounds for being kicked off this board, almost half the people on this board would be banned. I think there is a real problem with hateful people on this board who take the annonimity for granted and are much bigger "men" with a keyboard then they would ever be in person. I saw Ice post a request for the stevestojan filter to be changed and that request was followed by pages of the most mean spirited tripe ever posted on this board. Funny how being disrespectful, mean spirited and "contoversial" is only wrong when certain people do it.
  3. Sorry, I started another one, but hadn't been here all day and had to react to the news.
  4. That'll teach him to get open in coverage and be ready to break off a route for Drew. Id this supposed to teach a lesson to players like Josh Reed? Try hard and don't drop balls and we'll cut you and keep the guy who can't catch. Bullstevestojan!!!
  5. Where will you be, I'll look for the guy who looks like John Goodman
  6. That's it!??! Only 2 of you are going to Sunday's game? I thought this would be a great chance to meet fellow TBDers. There must be some others of you going.
  7. I'm going to the game with 7 others. I think we are going to park in Hammer's Lot. What time should I be there by to be sure I get in? Anyone else gonna be there. Where's that pole you all meet at? What time usually. Can't wait!!!
  8. Fate is keeping us apart R.Rich, the only other game I'm going to is the Jet's game. Wife got free tix from work, 3rd row 50 yard line. I hope we can see across the field. I will however be at the opener tailgate next year. FOR SURE!!!!
  9. I will be there. Hope to meet many of you.... all of you for the first time!!!
  10. The only problem with this is they are girls who LISTEN TO COUNTRY MUSIC. When alone with them, you would have to listen to COUNTRY MUSIC!!!!
  11. Oh my god! You guys made the Busted Tee site Rosen!
  12. His Pink Polo shirts are all at the laundry and he can't start with out them.... Cooooorrrrrrriinnnnaaaaaaaaa B)
  13. I'm hoping the Yanks lose in a sweep so I don't have to hear their damned games on WGR at night anymore. One of my true joys at the end of the day is taking a walk with the dog, after dark, no one out but me and the mutt and listing to sports talk on my walkman. Until the Yankees lose all I will get at night is that schill Sterling and I'm walking in silence or settling for the other option...........DR. Laura
  14. He was kicked off of ESPN and all records of him were erased because he said (I'm not kidding here) something to the effect of Jews own most Hollywood movie studios in a Blog he wrote on a completely different website. Nothing derogatory, simply that they own most Hollywood movie studios blah blah blah. He can now be found on NFL.com
  15. Sure, blame the dog, its ALWAYS the dogs fault.
  16. OK, I want to get this straight....you grab an ax, grab the chicken (the feathered one), put it on the chopping block, your penis is also laying there on the chopping block (what the hell is your penis doing on the chopping block ?!?) You lose track of whether the thing you are whacking is the feathered object with the beak that you are holiding down or the penis. You choose the penis. I just have a feeling that there is more to this story than this guy is letting on.
  17. He got fined and docked points for saying something he probably can't even spell
  18. Debit cards should never be used for online or big ticket purchases. IT does not offer the same protections as a true credit card. If there is ever a dispute (such as for an online purchase not received), the amount taken out your account fromt he Debit transaction may not be returned to your account until the dispute is RESOLVED! This could be a couple of months. Credit card disputes are immediatly credited back to your account UNTIL the dispute is resolved.
  19. The Patriots has already used both of their challenges. They failed on one of the two challenges they made earlier, therefore no third review and no ability to challenge the incomplete pass.
  20. I actaully think that in this game Drew did pretty damned well. In the interest of good team work, it was another bunch of his teammates who screwed up.
  21. Perhaps it was my imagination (not), but the reply I've seen has Fletcher extending his arms out in an apparant attempt to break the goal line as he gets hit. Sullivan drives me nuts, but his last couple of columns have been less venomous, and, well..... pretty much right on. (as much as it pains me to say that)
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