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Everything posted by theesir

  1. Who I supported aside, there are an equal number of loons on the right as well. The left loons tell anyone that'll listen that the other side are loons and the right loons tell anyone that'll listen the left is full of loons and we end up with political discourse thats sounds something like "Your a Liberal Loon", "No, I'm not, your a facist loon!!!!'" How can any of us be proud of what our "political process" has become. I actually heard commentators on one of the cable news channels last night (I really don't remember which) commenting about how mean spirited the campaign was and then BRAGGING about how they were proud they did their part to make it that way.
  2. My six year old was also very interested and also asked how many elections until he is allowed to vote. I tried hard not to tell him which candidate was better, but have really tried to impress upon him how important it is to get as much information as possible and make up your own mind. (Not follow the crowd)
  3. My problem with this is almost half of his sacks came against a future hall of famer who is still in his prime. This reminds me of all the people that call in after a game and say "If you take out Willis' 2 24 yard runs and the screen pass and the touchdown, he's no better than Travis" ALL THE PLAYS COUNT!!!
  4. No... Tell me what you really think
  5. I didn't support Bush, but I voted and I want to say detox I appreciate your service to your country. You are committed enough to your country to not only vote, but put your life on the line for it. It makes the point of view of those who say "there was no good choice so I didn't bother" even look more pathetic.
  6. I'm glad to hear this. Perhaps your daughter, who seems like an intelligent and responsible girl will be able to convince some of her contemporaries that voting is a right and responsibilty. Good for you and your family Dee Ray.
  7. As I was typing a post about todays youth being taught by the media that they need not take responsibility for their actions, this is what gets posted.... NICE!!!! If these 9 in 10 had bothered to vote they may have learned that there were OTHER things to vote for beyond the presidency.. Maybe I can explain. There are 3 branches of government....... Never mind. Get back to your X-Box.
  8. I have been complaining, along with a multitude of others, that this generation of young people has been hammered with a "there are no consequenses to your actions" mentaility throughout their teens. The media preaches this to them in the ads they run and the television programming that is marketed to them. THis generation has been raised by the television and after years of telling them not to care about what adults think, they (MTV and the like) try in a couple of months to convince them how imortant it is to be involved. Didn't work!! Oh well, lets go get our belly buttons pierced and push a shopping cart in front of a moving car. It'll be cool, I saw it on television.
  9. They REGISTERED voters in record numbers, but the dolt youth of today couldn;t seem to figure out that going to a P-Diddy rally and signing your name doesn't count as voting. Maybe MTV needs to do a Real World Iraq or Real World Afghanastan and wake this generation of kids up!
  10. I don't even care who they WOULD have voted for, but 1 in 10!!!! This is absolutly pathetic!. With a war on terror being waged and military force that may have to start dipping into their demographic for "volunteers", there weren't more than 10% that cared enough to cast a vote. I think the 90% who couldn't be bothered to vote should be the first one conscripted if the time should eventually come.
  11. I'm trapped in the side mirror of my vette!!!
  12. I got moved over here earlier today too. Never been here before. I feel like those bad guys in the Superman movies that were banished to that Spinning Mirror thing.
  13. Voted! Twice!!! Kidding!!!!!! But did Vote!
  14. My sister's son has downs syndrome. I guess your right I should laugh about !@#$s like you who think its fun to make fun of stuff like that. Good stuff, your pretty damned funny man. You must be pretty damned proud of yourself.
  15. The arguement you are refering to is so "this morning", come on this is the internet age, this morning was a lifetime ago. We're all getting along again.
  16. DAMN HIPPIE!!! Hey Dev, is there significance to your signature, seems like a refernce to a radio station at a muddy hippie concert this summer, but this could be an incredible coincidence.
  17. When I look at those poll numbers, I get the same feeling in my gut as when the Bills were in the superbowl or Sabres in the Finals. The numbers will not hold and I'll go home losing again.
  18. EZC!!! The Avatar is BACK!!!!! It just wasn't the same when you would call me names and I'd be looking at the chick in the bikini!
  19. I have to just say its kinda invigorating over here at PPP. I was getting pretty board with all the Bledsoe/Donahoe rehashing.
  20. And this is how it used to and should still be, but now if you don;t agree with someone it seems you are not just supposed to disagree, but hate them and point out how stupid they are for having an opinion which doesn't agree with yours. Its pathetic.
  21. Actually the last line of my last post was intended to be sarcastic. All Day I've been posting about the fact that both sides engage in this stereotypical stevestojan. The extremists have highjacked both parties and anyone with a centrist view is ostercised. If you don't agree with Bush YOU'RE A LIBERAL or TERRORIST LOVER(!!!! If you don't agree with kerry, YOU'RE A FACIST!!!! the country is split 50-50 because we are all being trained to pick a "dance Partner" to accuse of not being like us. The sad thing is so many are willing to jump right in and just do what the parties and their allied media partners tell them to do.
  22. I did not create the term I took it from the post I was responding to. Maybe people who live in the city are not all on welfare.. When you live in a world of nothing but media produced sterotypes it may be difficult to differenciate truth from what you are being told.
  23. VA I respect you, so take no offense to any rants here. You have proved that you will support what is right whether you personally agree or not.
  24. Say that if you want, but to just bash and ridicule people of poor means or because of race makes people like that seem like complete hypocrits. My wifes ex husband who had an affair with a 24 year old (While he was 35) and my now wife was pregnant, then left her after the baby was born and married the adultress, loves to rip on democrats because Clinton was an adulterer. You can't be self rightous in judging the actions of others and then ignore them in your own life. We're compationate unless your a poor blacky in the city.
  25. Its funny that supporters of the party of "family Values" and Christian Ideals are the ones who are most often spewing this hateful, stereotypical, borderline racist drivel. I am a near 6 figure executive DEMOCRAT and voted today. No bus ride for me. I have more respect for a "welfare warrior" who votes to try to improve their own life rather that some Radio Patriot who hears Lee Greenwood sing "I'm a real American", runs out of the house in his American Flag tee shirt and votes for Bush because he doesn't want to be accused of not supporting the troops </RANT OFF>
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