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Tommy Callahan

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Everything posted by Tommy Callahan

  1. Enforce gun laws. aggressively go after the gangs that create so many victims. doubt them criminals care about your laws. they prove it with every shooting.
  2. Every weekend in DEM strongholds with anti-second regulations. But most never make it to national news cause it hurts the corporate anti second narrative. This site links them all. with links to the local reporting and DETAILS. https://www.gunviolencearchive.org/reports/mass-shooting
  3. “Any person capable of angering you becomes your master; he can anger you only when you permit yourself to be disturbed by him.” ― Epictetus
  4. It has to be so bored. guessing a senior citizen with a laptop to keep it busy so it doesn't keep ringing the nurse's bell. prisoner with a tablet? seems they will say anything for replies. ANYTHING. even if it counterriots their previous statements.
  5. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ LOL at this profile projecting hard ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  6. So, you make post, but don't expect reactions or replies on a discussion forum? and if one does, that's a bad thing? Thats some EPIC logic. Is it getting rough seeing all the stories fall apart? is that why you go back and forth so much? toss out insults on most comments? eh?
  7. Biden Poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids “Unless we do something about this, my children are going to grow up in a jungle, the jungle being a racial jungle with tensions having built so high that it is going to explode at some point,” as he filibustered bussing. Winter of pain and death for the unvaccinated
  8. According to Frantz Fanon, cognitive dissonance occurs when “people hold a core belief that is very strong [and] when they are presented with evidence that works against that belief, the new evidence cannot be accepted [so] they will rationalize, ignore or even deny anything that doesn’t fit with that core belief” All day every day that quote seems to fit in here. Critical thinkers are not puppets and do not follow people. but then again, thats why the mob attacks critical thinking for the easier "group think"
  9. ITs funny when people surrounded by ARMED security preach about us plebs not needing to defend ourselves. Also, these morons never leave their comfy non diverse Ivory towers, while stumping about how we need to change. They are so out of touch. every time they speak or flood the media with the PAC narratives. Normies rush out to buy guns to defend themselves
  10. Again Franz quote on Cognitive Dissidence Fits. According to Frantz Fanon, cognitive dissonance occurs when “people hold a core belief that is very strong [and] when they are presented with evidence that works against that belief, the new evidence cannot be accepted [so] they will rationalize, ignore or even deny anything that doesn’t fit with that core belief”
  11. I am sure you do vote. and by your comments. For the corporate and authoritarian politicians. based on what you are told on for profit media and PAC spokespersons.
  12. Remember when Snopes had to fact check if Schiff fundraised for a Ukrainian arms dealer. the snopes explanation is epic. they call it a half truth. State the person did sell arms to Ukraine to fight Russians. But then said the guy is not Ukrainian, and not an official arms dealer. So, it's just half-truth. just hoping people only read the title https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/adam-schiff-ukrainian/ http://politicalpartytime.org/search/Host/Igor%20Pasternak/ here he is selling arms to Ukraine in 2017 https://www.newsweek.com/replacing-kalashnikov-rifles-hits-snag-ukraine-541606 Here he is at the euro maiden https://www.prweb.com/releases/2014/03/prweb11709226.htm But sure, lets put Schiff on the intelligence committee while we are funding military endeavors in Ukraine. seems smart.
  13. AT the very least seems like Baldwin and that safety person are looking at Negligent homicide/manslaughter.
  14. So you dont vote? Cause it seems you tend to side with the statist on most topics. that's kind of supporting the boot. If the corporations and elites openly purchase elections and liars on social media. Who are the representatives, representing?
  15. Thats exactly what all those PAC profiles do, and its just epic funny how you and the other two profiles that read exactly the same, share from the same PACs. Remember when the left hated citizen united. now it leads you around by the nose.
  16. in the big picture its just moronic to move to Electric end devices when the Electric infrastructure and sources have not been increased to meet said demand. France has cheap electricity. Cause they have Nuke plants all over and embrace it. Asia is building nuke and other energy plants as fast as possible.
  17. Who do those sites work for? Its all the same silly. Except for one, you know their agenda. Like Maddow on MSNBC the others are just pack profiles. Let me guess, you get news from Joe joe and Jersey Dad as well? maybe even pedo rob Rainer?
  18. Do tanks even make sense when one does not have air superiority? The euro maiden? the one with Nolan handing out cookies in the crowd? Pick a country reporting on that topic, and it changes dramatically.
  19. Good comment. dude has always been creepy. remember those voice mails to his daughter? he would have a very hard time with a jury
  20. More Ron Flipping Filpkowski and Trip Gabriel. The most trusted place in news.
  21. first rule. remember when they would actually teach that in schools. Always check, never point a gun at anything you dont intend to shoot. Not in the real world and not after Brandon Lee in Hollywood. And the part where at no time did the script call for him to point it at her and pull the trigger? why was he doing that? anger? joking?
  22. Bandwagoners are fair weather fans. they always go reactionary and want to blow it all up and start over.
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