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Tommy Callahan

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Everything posted by Tommy Callahan

  1. Bidens inflation reduction act didn't seem to do anything but fill the right folks pockets What you wanna bet she wants her college debt paid
  2. Numbers add up. No way is this some slush fund for shady donors/contractors. Bet it ends up looking like a prison.
  3. Lol. This case is a joke. David ***** says Cohen provided him stories in 2016? Lmao. The msm reads like a dem mouthpiece.
  4. Lmao. A thread for the msm parrots to show everyone how out of touch they are Yeah. Florida. And yeah. Biden has most of the big money behind him. And why they are representative of the big money. Lol
  5. Now do firearm violence or crime. Did you cut and paste that directly from Bloomberg's site?
  6. Why is it the left doesn't like to itemize and keep detailed records. Maybe cause they are just jobs programs with nice sounding names?
  7. If we throw enough money at it and give the state more control. We can be saved.
  8. Trump declassified crossfire hurricane and the left will do anything to keep it out of the lexicon.
  9. @Tiberius This the kind of democracy you support? https://twitter.com/ImMeme0/status/1782795354062074079?t=qyIDYAlbR0pIMnjDFfCzag&s=19 Send these to Ukraine.
  10. No one outside dumb PACs want to ban that drug. It's making. It mail order and teledock that removes the safety factor of the mother. These pills can have severe side affects if used after certain gestation.
  11. Lmao The dems with the costal mansions might wanna move.
  12. So you volunteering to go door to door in gangland? Forget the state. That's macro, go micro to see the patterns. Ie, counties with gun violence at the highest levels, don't allow legal ownership or make it almost impossible. go by county or district if you really give a rats about the issue. but you guys will spend all day parroting outliers and meta data.
  13. you got a point. no need to demonize and call people insults like scum. He had it at communist.
  14. They want to avoid the fact they were spying on him using foreign intelligence and known false political research. And that it went as high as OBAMA. Makes Whitewater seem like child's play. And documents about crossfire were already declassified. Trump ordered crossfire docs to be declassified and released, but last I knew the DOJ was still sitting on them. https://www.grassley.senate.gov/news/news-releases/biden-admin-continues-to-conceal-declassified-crossfire-hurricane-records Sure, seems the correct question about if a president is immune to prosecution be tied to the Massiah and crossfire hurricane?
  15. Ultraviolet light can kill almost all the viruses in a room. Why isn’t it everywhere? - Vox https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3292282/ https://megelin.com/products/megelin-led-nasal-allergic-rhinitis-treatment-device?utm_campaign=holiday-us-all&utm_source=google&gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI_5nE67bYhQMVDEpHAR1kDQLpEAQYAyABEgLdwPD_BwE https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7998866/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7538853/ How many of those BARDA vaccines you get? And the only ones better off, are the crust at the very top.
  16. OJ was found innocent in a court. That island seemed to be a hot spot for the rich and famous, Hollywood and what not. its like your comment is just gaslighting.
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