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Buckeye Eric

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Everything posted by Buckeye Eric

  1. Add back in about 5,000,000 + people have the ballets tossed out or not counted plus all the folks who for some reason had to vote for Nader and it is not such a mandate. The bottom line is that my 401k still sucks. Gas prices have gone up 50%. We are spending billions on war on terror that can never be "won" while our schools are severely underfunded. The federal budget is in such a huge deficit it will soon effect social security and medicare. Stem cell research is deemed immoral since it costs unborn fetus "lives" while thousands are sent to die in Iraq. So, how again IS Bush good for this country.
  2. Well, with Howard gone there is no reason to keep the DTV Sports package just for the Empire Sports Report. I think I will trade it in for a movie package ...
  3. We just have to be sure we do not apply a double standard. We can not give JF a pass because the team has had injuries and then not give MM/TD the same regarding injuries to the Bills OL in traning camp/early season that have slowed OL development.
  4. Yes fans, it is that time to take a look at the coaches that TD overlooked when hiring GW. Below are the head coaching prospects which fans wanted TD to hire and have used to bolster their arguments that TD is a failure as a GM. John Fox - Panthers (1-6) (22-21 career). One year wonder? Marvin Lewis - Bengals (2-5) (10-13 career). How did they beat Denver anyway? Mike Tice (5-2) (20-20 career) The 5 teams they have beat are a combined 15-21 while the 2 teams that beat them are 12-2. Has never made the playoffs. The next 3 weeks (at Indy, at GB, Det) will tell the tale. Contender or pretender? In the end, TD was really in a no win situation. No matter whom he hired he would have been critisized for making the wrong choice. COMING SOON: Draft Choices: Are SB Winners Built by the Draft?
  5. ALL draft picks are a crap shoot. The player they took at four would have never met the unrealistically high expectations of this group.
  6. By cutting DB now means a believe this team will somehow perform better under Shane Matthews or that the team can tread water waiting for JP to return. There is something fundementally wrong with this concept.
  7. Um, how about overpaying a unproven premadonna after they hold out for the entire training camp making them essentially useless for the first year.
  8. So, some would rather see a washed up like Kordell Stewart type as the backup next year, *assuming* JP starts? I fail to see the wisdom in that approach. At least the team know what they have with DB. By cutting DB the team would be putting itself at risk of a situation the Bears have this year. They would have to find a sutable backup, the the reaslity is they just do not exist. Can you say Shane Matthews?
  9. There is also the kicking game. How may touchbacks have there been this year by RL? Ummm. 1. Then again, he has only had to kickoff 21 times, a league low...
  10. Not according to their web site.. XM Investors I have had XM for 3 years. XM is on better financial footing. Sirius is spending a heck of a lot of $ on programming and it remains to be seen if it will draw enough new subscribers to offset it. NFL does not matter to me since I just TIVO the games off DTV. MLB on XM is great because baseball in the summer on the radio is a natural fit. Plus, the NFL season is only 16 weeks long and (generally) only on Sundays where baseball is over half the year and practically every day. MLB is more bang for the buck.
  11. If Bledsoe was behind a half way decent line his play would be alot more respectable that was it has been. Many of his bad decisions are due to the fact the guy is shellshocked. Pure and simple. Sure, he still has it but we made never see it behind this line. What made Flutie look effective behind a bad line was his mobility. That is why JP will immediately make this line look good.
  12. Um, err, yeah. I may be wrong but I believe a player needs to have the ball thrown to them and not to their feet, over their head, or to the defensive backs in order to make a catch.
  13. I second this solution. Set up a manual program to tune into the proper channel at 1pm EST. It should work regardless of if the program tile is there today. Also TIVO (or the more generic digital video recorder) is the *only* way to go. I had to run out of the house on Sunday and got back at 2:15. I started to watch the game, forwarded through all the commericals and half time, and caught back up with the live game by the start of the 4th. I even paused it a few times to check out the NASCAR race which I was TIVOing at the same time.
  14. And this information comes from which authoratative source? ummm...hey... I *just* heard that JP will be starting on Sunday, Bledsoe wll be cut, and AVP will be coming out of the booth. Hey, this is fun!! You too can start your own rumor!! (Waca, you may wish to change the text under your photo, unless you change "walk" to "live again")
  15. He is just being realistic. This team does not have the OL to pull of an Indy style approach. Teams can live or die with the Indy approach. If they tried this approach and failed then he would be criticised for not tailoring his O strategy to fit the talent he has.
  16. Let's see. Are we talking about the history of the Bills or the NFL? How about: Jim Marshall’s wrong-way run for a safety in 1964? Super Bowl VII when Garo Ypremian fumbled while trying to throw the ball, and Mike Bass picked it out of the air and went 49 yards for the score. SB XXVII when Leon Lett having the ball stripped by Bebee The entire 1976 Tampa Bay season when their offense had 20 ints and fumbled the ball 30 times.
  17. Hmmm. A top three pick will demand a ton of money, is likely to hold out, and most likely will not play up to expectations. Draft choices are a crap shoot. The core of almost all Super Bowl teams on the past handful of years were built through FA. I would rather pay top three $ to a FA or a and existing team veteran which has known skills. In that context, TD should be appauded for giving all those headaches to the Cowboys.
  18. TD will not be let go during the year. What does that accomplish? A GMs job is done between Feb and training camp. Letting TD go during the season can only undermine a young team trying to find its identity under a coach with 4 games of experience.
  19. UPDATE!!! I have heard from a very relable source that JP failed to have his morning bowel movement! The team rushed him over to Tim Horton's for a large with double cream and sugar, but that failed to expedite movement. We are DOOOOMED. Oh, my mistake. I thought stevestojan said the board is deficating...
  20. Momento and Repoman are great. One that hasn't been mentioned is After Hours, a Martin Scorsese film from 1985. Includes Griffin Dunn, Rosanna Arquette, Teri Garr, Cheech and Chong, among others...
  21. The assumption that this team would have been immediately improved drafting an OL is wrong. The draft is a dice game that more often than not comes up snake eyes or craps. Teams RARELY upgrade a line through the draft immediately. It is a 2-4 year process. In fact, both of the teams in last years' Super Bowl rely on FA OL rather than their own draft choices. 4/5 of the Panthers OL was signed as FA.
  22. My bother did some research Monday night. Both Culpepper and McNabb got rid of the ball in about 2.5 seconds. Is 4 seconds too long?
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