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Everything posted by Motorin'

  1. I wonder if Hollister had scored that TD to win the AFC West on the last play of the season if the Hawks would felt the need to bring Olsen in?
  2. Hollister had a pretty good 2019 season. But I think the last play of the week 17 matchup against the 49ers for the NFC West title had a negative impact on his 2020 season. It was 4th and goal, and Wilson hit him on the 1. Instead of plowing through for the TD, he kind of turtled to absorb the hit. And Fred Warner made the game saving tackle, propelling them to #1 seed and eventual Super Bowl birth. https://youtu.be/5_nXPsKonUE Hollister had 41 catches that year, his first in Seattle. They didn't seem to trust him as much the following year. I like Knox's speed and athleticism. I think the mental side of the game needs to slow down for him. He kind of spaz's out from time to time. But I think that aspect of his game can improve with maturity and unlock his potential. I think there are certain teams, like KC, that we match up with better in 2 TE sets. So I think Hollister can be a solid #2 receiving TE, and hope that Knox grows into his potential.
  3. I don't like people telling me what I think, and don't like being forced to defend positions that I don't hold. God I can't wait for football season to start.
  4. You are the one deliberately shifting the goal posts. You're putting an absolutist constraint on the issue. If racism isn't all encompassing in every possible situation that it is no where at all. When the truth is that the effects of racism are still with us in some ways, but not nearly as many as used to be... The fact is that 2nd generation Nigerians have parents who are the most educated demographic in the country. Children of highly educated parents, such as children of Nigerian immigrants, aren't going to do worse in school and work than their parents. That Dldoesn't prove that there's no effects of racism anywhere.
  5. Too late, you're on list. See you in the Walmart Fema camp with Barry and Isis... And just so you know, of the 17 million Nigerian emigrants, about 3% came to the US. So 97% of them do go somewhere else...
  6. Wrong question. Are there more opportunities in a wealthy democratic nation with a history systemic racism than in a poor military dictatorship. Yes, clearly there are.
  7. Just because you're unable or unwilling to apply the example given to the discussion at hand doesn't mean "it's not an answer." The Nigerians applying to the top schools in the US are the top students in Nigeria... Even in very poor military dictatorships there are wealthy and well educated people... There's also very few colleges in Nigeria. In fact there's only 150 colleges for a population of 180 million people. So the best students who often come from wealthy families that can pay for education abroad come here to take advantage of the abundant number of colleges. The idea that that somehow proves that there is absolutely no effects of racism here just doesn't follow. Tell me about the income and education inequality in Nigeria following British rule and decades of military dictatorship.
  8. Because most things are on a continuom.
  9. I get it. You're a black and white thinker. Everything is all or nothing. Nothing exists on a continuom. Either everything is racist or nothing is.
  10. Nigerian immigrants happen to be the most educated demographic in America. Like many nations, their best performing students come here to go to great universities. The idea that this somehow disproves the existence of racism makes as much sense of arguing the existence of wealthy Nigerians means poverty does not exist in Nigeria.
  11. If they think the school systems have been poisoned by communist infiltrated flourid in the water system, I would be all for a national conversation on the legacy of racism. Let's do it. Arguing over OJ Simpson, welfare and Rodney King doesn't count. It is long over due. But most white people can't have the conversation because their emotions are too fragile and they revert to base human behavior as if the conversation is a threat to their existance. So you end up getting an angry diatribe about welfare and crime when the topic is about the legacy of racism.
  12. That my friend, is a completely made up misinterpretation... Because Sean Hannity says so...
  13. You probably don't actually want to hear anything I have to say. I'll start to explain myself, and then 12 angry righties will only respond to just one part that they try to twist into being wrong while ignoring every way anything I said could be right. Then they'll call me a racist for insisting that there are still racist aspects of our society that didn't magically disappear in 1954. Then they'll further insist that I'm racist as they equate black people with criminality. Then they'll insist that I'm racist by telling me that black people are on welfare... It's really tiring. One more thing, the only people who are talking about a race war are racists. The idea is stupid to even talk about. But deep down it's what the racists want.
  14. I think most white people benefited from racism. Most through no fault of their own. And I think you guys either intentionally or unwittingly conflate that idea with the claim that all white people are racist. They are not the same thing. You're a sock puppet.
  15. That is a really really stupid description. The only people that believe any of that drivel are angry white people who think they are oppressed by double reverse racism. CRT is the new Gay Marriage to the unreasonable right.
  16. Yeah, the way he said it was more like saying he has no chance instead of saying Herbert has to prove it. That's kind of funny actually.
  17. Against every other teams 2nd string? It might just be a Super Bowl favorite.
  18. From a massive cheerleader for the murder of half a million Iraqi civilians. Wonderful moral compass to keep your true north.
  19. I guess I lived at an address that was exempt from DTV, so I was able to get Sunday Ticket without a DTV subscription... Found a better option anyway
  20. FDR / Eisenhower style socialism, dummies. You know, what made America the strongest nation on earth in the 20th century. "Make America Great Again!" You know, like the good old days of the 1950's and early 60's, until the socialist hippy scum ruined everything!
  21. The Onion’s Guide To Critical Race Theory A mounting effort by some Republican lawmakers to ban the teaching of critical race theory in U.S. schools has prompted debate about what it is and its place in American education. The Onion answers the most common questions about critical race theory and the debate surrounding its teaching. Q: What is critical race theory? A: An academic concept that racism is a social construct embedded into legal systems, government policies, and in-laws. Q: Should critical race theory be taught in our schools? A: Not unless we’re aiming for fewer white supremacists. Q: Won’t teaching it just make other kids hate my white children? A: Your kids are already insufferable and widely despised. Q: Why do some people condemn critical race theory? A: Misplaced sexual frustrations. https://www.theonion.com/the-onion-s-guide-to-critical-race-theory-1847056450
  22. Conservatives actually love critical race theory -- when they turn the subject to 'oppressed' White people https://www.cnn.com/2021/07/12/us/critical-race-theory-white-hypocrisy-blake/index.html If you're trying to figure out why so many conservatives despise critical race theory, here's some historical context you should remember: White conservatives oppose critical race theory -- only when it's applied to Black people. But many have no problem adopting some of CRT's language and core insights when complaining that contemporary America discriminates against White people. This is the audacious double standard that's often overlooked in the current debate over critical race theory. Many White conservatives roll their eyes when Black people claim that systemic racism exists, that racism is baked into the nation's policies and legal system, and that it can't be reduced to individual prejudice -- all key CRT concepts. Yet White conservatives have steadily built a legal and political movement that claims White people are the primary victims of covert forms of racism embedded in American institutions such as religion, education, and throughout popular culture... [W]hile overt, ugly acts of bigotry attract the most attention, the most potent component of racism is "positioning the bigot as the actual victim." "So the gay do not simply want to marry, they want to convert our children into sin... The Jews do not merely want to be left in peace, they actually are plotting world take-over. And the blacks are not actually victims of American power, but beneficiaries of the war against hard-working whites. This is a respectable, more sensible, bigotry, one that does not seek to name-call, preferring instead 'to' change the subject and strawman." MORE
  23. Yeah, I didn't realize they put so many restrictions on who can access it. It just always worked for me as a stand alone app. Pretty dumb business model if you ask me.
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