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Everything posted by Hebert19

  1. If you read it. I also said it will be more in pass game. But watch that run again. See who had a shot at him. This. Hyde and poyer both had a shot. Both looked old and slow.
  2. Hahaha. Watch again. Hyde came running up too fast and ran right into a blocker then hall embarrassed poyer like he wad a high school player in open field. As did Hyde.
  3. How do you figure. He's actually agreeing. 8 man box means they couldn't stop the run with 7. Also Wilson couldn't test what I was saying. Let's see what adams does next week.
  4. Said this when he signed with bears and I will say it again now. Edmunds while frustrating sometimes made this defense what it was. Hyde and poyer looked slow out there. Mark my words we will get torched over the middle this year when not playing Zack Wilson, and give up many long runs.
  5. He's not seeing field. Plan and simple. Look at his last 10 picks. 9 of them are because he didn't see a defender. No idea what happened. This. He has missed defenders in his throwing window over and over in last 10 games. It's like defenses have realized stick a safety or LB in middle of field and he will eventually throw you one.
  6. - Josh allen cannot see the field. He hasn't been able to since second half of green Bay game last year. Constantly throwing to receivers that have another defender in their route and is totally not seeing them. High school QB *****. - Edmunds loss has exposed poyer and Hyde. I said this all along but last night proved it. They looked sloooowwww - Gabe isn't a number 2. In a league where teams have waddle Higgins and Mike williams as number 2s we have Gabe who literally cannot get open. Ever. - dorsey over thought things last night. So concerned about theor D line that he actually played into jets strength which is rally and tackle since they were dropping 7 back. Play action anyone??? - defense will be fine. Not great but not the issue. - I liked what cook diggs and Kincaid did. - please get kirksey ready!
  7. No. The answer is that he will never reach it because of mental errors.
  8. It's like he stopped seeing the field. Completely missing linebackers amd safeties in his path. It's awful.
  9. - Josh allen cannot see the field. He hasn't been able to since second half of green Bay game last year. Constantly throwing to receivers that have another defender in their route and is totally not seeing them. High school QB *****. - Gabe isn't a number 2. In a league where teams have waddle Higgins and Mike williams as number 2s we have Gabe who literally cannot get open. Ever. - dorsey over thought things last night. So concerned about theor D line that he actually played into jets strength which is rally and tackle since they were dropping 7 back. Play action anyone??? - defense will be fine. Not great but not the issue. - I liked what cook diggs and Kincaid did. - please get kirksey ready!
  10. Just let josh call what he wants and go. No more ***** screens and short passes.
  11. I think they should call Fitz anyway. Allen and Barkley look rough
  12. Hi everyone. I'm not a season ticket holder as I only make it to a game or 2 a year so can't get on early pre-sale tomorrow. If anyone gets extras I will buy off you for a premium. Need to take my girls this year as we couldn't attend last year.
  13. How is torrence still on the board. I'd take he or downs/Hyatt and call it a day.
  14. again. Some had him in top 15. Some top 20. Not liking this pick is just ridiculous
  15. Watch the tape. Mayer is clearly slipping more. Another tight end before him. Dallas wanted kincaid. Anyone cranky with the pick doesn't understand what having a second TE threat does for an offense.
  16. He has more yards and touchdowns over past 4 years than any other tight end. Had 2nd most receptions behind bowers who will be a top 10 pick next year...and played injured half the year. He's a stud and will be a pro bowl tight end...if you don't like the pick that's fine but his talent can't be debated.
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