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Everything posted by TheBeaneBandit

  1. Someone in the know tell me about Phillys interior oline situation......... That is another area we should be focusing on........
  2. Allen does have miles to go as far as being able to read a defense so this actually wouldnt surprise me. There is absolutely no threat of Allen being able to make a defense pay by making a proper read or adjustment
  3. Hey, anything that keeps Peterman from potentially seeing the field again is a good thing lol
  4. Was at the game and the dude fits in very nicely. Hopefully he keeps it up and then we keep him lol
  5. I'm very happy for the win It's just the offense needs SOOOO much work it's hard to imagine all the moves that need to be made to get the team to serious contender status....... By that time Shady will be chillin on the beach anyways and Benjamin is just a straight up bum
  6. Attended the game and the worst offense i may have ever seen. Count me in for trading Benjamin and maybe even McCoy cause we need a complete overhaul on offense anyways. Get what ya can because we are going nowhere anyways. On a positive note..... Nice pickup on the DT from Miami Phillips
  7. I would pump the brakes on the elite secondary claims....... Yes they play well together in spurts but besides a top 10 corner in White its a couple scrappy safeties, a so far pretty good Johnson and then a bunch of help me baby Jesuses as the remaining cb's.......front 4 and lb is where to focus on really finishing the overall unit though.
  8. He's a silly mexican rapper....... It was humerous to me. The witch thing is just kinda...... Gay. How about Beane is Harry Potter lol
  9. Please stop with the Beane is a witch crap people........ I don't know where some of this junk comes from.......
  10. Their d line is horrible at getting pressure, bottom 3rd in stopping the run, only 1 promising lb, and an extremely overrated secondary....... For starters.
  11. Nobody should be supporting these guys either. The book on these guys is a how to suck manuel and the team is a bunch of flat earther cult followers reading it step by step.
  12. You dont need to watch the tape! You were just standing right there! Get out of town and take the GM with you. These guys are not the men for the job.
  13. He isn't the guy to turn this mess around. This game is one of his specialties Keep sticking with Peterman jackass
  14. Im sure whatever they told Peterman at halftime will make all the difference........
  15. Wow if you still support Peterman you need to just jump off a cliff and rid yourself from the human race
  16. Peterman youre a complete piece of crap. Dont even come back to Buffalo dick
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