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Bobby Hooks

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Everything posted by Bobby Hooks

  1. Only one thing is 100% for sure so far. We’re facing either Rosen, Darnold, Mayfield, or Allen twice a year.
  2. I have Mayfield as my number 2 after Rosen. For whatever reason I don’t feel the Bills agree. I hope I’m wrong.
  3. We just spent 16mil on the defensive line and we have desperate need for a linebacker. We’re going to pass on Rosen and Roquan Smith? No. They just like giving Bills garbage in mocks so better players can go to more fun teams.
  4. I can cherry pick too. It’s a waste of time. Just like choosing a project qb in the first.
  5. The mindset of blowing another first rounder and trying to “fix” a qb with serious accuracy issues is absurd. Have we not experimented enough on the talented non-accurate qbs enough? Im over high ceiling prospects. Give me accuracy or give me death!!!!
  6. It’s a trap as old as time and it scares the heck out of me. We don’t have two more years to waste on another project. You learn if someone has accuracy on the sandlot. You have it or you don’t. Don’t know how front offices still don’t grasp that you can’t teach that.
  7. I hope they’re pushing this info to make the Browns or Jets more interested? Ill puke if we draft him.
  8. That’s assuming 1 and 2 are up for sale. That may not be the case.
  9. The Bills can still get into a spot, it’s just going to cost us more and we might not get the exact guy we were targeting. This trade hurts no matter how you slice it.
  10. Nah... I don’t think the Bills were in on it. I think the Colts know who they want and think he’ll still be there at 6. 12 is a big drop off.
  11. Or the Colts got a second rounder for every spot they moved up. It’s an excellent trade and they’ll probably still end up with one of the players they were targeting anyhow. Wouldnt have happened if they traded to 12.
  12. Even if he did, we’d hopefully pass. Fools gold. Emphasis on the fools part.
  13. Bills are better on the defensive line than they were during the season. Beane & Mcdermott have made excellent choices since joining the Bills. Beane and Mcdermott have first hand knowledge of this player. 1. Better today than last season 2. Beane & McDermott have made excellent choices 3. Beane & Mcdermott know more about this player than most In summation, Beane and Mcdermott have made excellent choices, signed a player they know a lot about, (remember the part about the good choices so far), the line is better now than it was last year. Did i miss something?
  14. Don’t you say “got it?” to me, pal! I stormed the beach of normandy when you were just a glimmer in your grandmothers hope chest! Back then when id see an awkward person I’d think, that guy would not make a good football player. In fact sometimes I’d even tell that person directly to their face. “Listen here oddball Jones, if I were picking teams for the good ol’ American football league you wouldn’t even get a sniff from me.” I’d say. But now, I think I’m ready to allow it. Rosen just better know that he’s skatin’ on thin ice with us normals.
  15. Fun diatribe but... if you just look up a few posts you’ll notice you brought up Mayfield first and were the first to make a comparison. You said he would have answered the question like a mature adult. You know, because he has such a long history to go off of in that respect. And since you were the first to make the comparison. If any qb in this draft reminds me of TO and the like its Mayfiled. Crotch grab, 50 yard line flag stomp. But you know, Rosen said “shucks”.
  16. Funny how you choose to gloss over all of the negative stuff the media was throwing around about Mayfield. Didn’t have a problem with him doing his best Michael Jackson impression (crotch grab) on national tv. But you really have a problem with Rosen saying “ahh shucks”? Agree to disagree I guess. I love the cut of that kids jib.
  17. Oh wow... so you’re not a fan of people being themselves? Youd just prefer everyone acted every day of their life to fit some mold that fits your ideals? Yikes. I really didn’t think people actually thought like this.
  18. I actually feel the exact opposite. I think these canned responses that no 20 something year old kid would say in real life sounds disingenuous. Like they’re being coached on what to say. That’s the opposite of genuine.
  19. You strike me as the type that could benefit from a good ol’ public shame spanking. This had to be one of the most specifically odd things to care about. “just not a fan of awkward people that much in the game of football” the fact that that’s something you’ve even decided to have a strong opinion about one way or the other strikes me as awkward.
  20. Jesse the body Ventura, and Larry Kinnebrew.
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