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Bobby Hooks

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Everything posted by Bobby Hooks

  1. They could run faster then because of all of the pterodactyl eggs they were eating. Again, options?
  2. And thank you for having no input of your own. I swear most people are just fans of complaining about the teams choices. I haven’t seen one person thats whining tell us who is better and will play for the same amount of money.
  3. Can you make a list of guys that are better that will take as little as him to sign on for a year. Ill wait...
  4. Of course you did, you wouldn’t be able to whine and complain otherwise.
  5. No, apparently there’s an all star linebacker out the just waiting to sign with us for a million dollars.
  6. Man, you guys really will complain about anything won’t you? Can we? Where are we going to get the money? Who’s better that will fit with the money we have left? Names please...
  7. Love that lineup. Sprinkle in a little Clay, O’leary, and Thomas and you have the makings of a salad so yummy it eats itself.
  8. Why did he resign? I bet we would have re-signed him!
  9. What’s wrong with wanting 53 all-star talents on dirt cheap contracts? Oh yeah, and the Giants pick for our 12 and maybe a 5th.
  10. Nah, bro. Watch those games again. Taylor had forever to throw. Benjamin made good almost every time he was given his chance to our jump someone. Taylor refused to throw to anyone that didn’t have 14 steps and standing stationary with two outstretched and waiting hands.
  11. Ideally sure. But this is the draft we’ve been loading up for and there are a few good options. You pass now and you’ll be chasing that qb in years without the kind of ammo we have now, and in more questionable qb drafts. It sucks we may be forced to give up a bit more than we would have liked but we’ve gotten pretty favorable deals lately. You can’t win them all. We’re certainly not going to be able to move 9 spots with a backup LT again.
  12. Who knows how they’ll perform on our lines with our schemes. Maybe they’ll stink and we’ll cut them in camp. At least they’re being proactive, yeah?
  13. What do you want the Bills to do? I feel like you just want to complain about everything and shoot everyone else’s opinions down. Any ideas of what you’d like to see?
  14. A qb who can digest plays, audible at the line, and throw quickly is the way to help a struggling line. Getting another runner back there is the exact opposite of what you need. Another ball carrier the oline will have to continue blocking for doesn’t help the line one bit. Case in point Brady and Manning can’t run for squat. How people dont don’t understand this is bewildering.
  15. Doesn’t matter if he can get the ball out on time. People don’t realize how well our line was doing because Taylor held it way too long til someone was wide open. Most of the running around he did was because of how long it took him to find a receiver. Not because of the line. Lauding Taylor for keeping a play going when he was the cause is took so long to begin with was the main reason people think our line was worse than it was.
  16. I notice it doesn’t say we haven’t contacted the Browns. Just that it wasn’t in reference to #1. 4?
  17. Trade to #2 for Allen? Wow... excuse me while I go take a second look at my dinner I ate hours ago.
  18. Yeah, I’m open to something along those lines. If you proposed that to me before the Jets trade I would have tried to bite you. I was all all hyped on moving ahead of everyone and nabbing our guy. Media was helping the cause, which is probably why the Jets felt the need to move so fast. The trade was a bitter pill. No way around it. All we can really do now is wait and hopefully have some contingencies in place like you said.
  19. The whole premise of your post is assuming I thought we could have gotten Indy’s pick. Since thats not the case, and I myself said they weren’t interested in moving back to 12 I’m really not sure what you’re trying to tell me here. I agree 4 is where we should make our move if the draft falls the way I hope it will. And we certainly have enough ammo to do it. Nothing would make you happier than Darnold, and Rosen being taken at 1,2, leaving Mayfield to the Jets? Thats where you lose me. That’s the worst situation possible, grasshopper. Now if they drafted Allen, I’d do back flips and hope the Bills make that move doing whatever they have to.
  20. You’ll never have this much ammo again. At least not in a number of years. It was accrued knowing exacty what is was going to be used on. It would be dumb not to take your shot now while you have it. Good qb draft, you won’t have this type of ammo again in a long time. If not now, when?
  21. If they take a good qb, yes. If they take Allen, no. They actually did us a favor.
  22. He thinks Mccarron is going to be our franchise guy. Just wanted Ted to let you know who you’re debating.
  23. We are. We’re giving him a legit chance to battle against a rookie (no matter who that ends up being) to be the starter for our nfl franchise. It doesnt get any any more honest than that.
  24. Does that mean food and water is overvalued because we need that? Terrible idea. We have the ammo to get a good one this year. If Mccarron beats the odds and works out you have even more trade ammo the next year. If not, you have a legit blue chipper sitting behind him.
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