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Bobby Hooks

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Everything posted by Bobby Hooks

  1. Oh ok... that make sense. I’m alright with 50 then.
  2. I heard it was 90, this is an outrage!
  3. You’re way out of line. Hoping a reciever that showed promise will play well for your team is dumb. If he wins the spot of course you do. If not, no harm no foul. We should surround our new qbs with the most talent we can. I get trying to see what we’ve got with the young guns but not at the detriment of the development of our new qbs.
  4. Wow... you’re really going WAY out on a limb here. Yeah, he probably won’t light the league on fire but by all accounts he was playing really well before he got injured. Could equate to some decent play this season. But thanks for the hot take though. Before you showed up and got “real” with us we really thought he was going to go to the hof! Thanks for saving us from ourselves. Also, it nothing like talking about Dez, you know because he’s not a Bill. Not a lottery ticket, he’s already a Bill. But yeah, now that you say it using your reciever already on your roster to catch some balls for you, that is a weird strategy.
  5. From all the accounts at training camp he was lighting it up last year. I was really excited to see what he had. Cant wait to see if that carries over. Good qb play will go a long way if AJ or Josh can get things going. If reciever continues to be an issue I could see this team pulling the trigger on making another trade ala Benjamin. Also 90 mil in free agency next year will go a long way. Futures so bright I gotta wear shades.
  6. You would choose to read it that way. Why bother even entertaining another perspective when myopia clearly runs so deep within you.
  7. Well it was a little bit of a joke and a threat depending on the person I’m talking to. You understood it could be taken both ways and called that out specifically so I’m sure we would have gotten along famously. I mean, think about it, am I really meeting up with someone that is expecting a brawl during a home opener? Well, maybe...
  8. Hey, going to the opener? I am. Maybe we can share a beer and you can explain in person how funny and aggressive you are. Ill explain “what type” you’re acting like. Im sure it’ll be an excellent in person debate. You in?
  9. This is the exact type of passive aggressive post that instigates the exact negativity your type claim to despise. Way to keep the negativity flowing, atta boy!
  10. I most certainly am. Maybe not so much for the dummies/normals. They're usually my target.
  11. With Allen? Pretty sure you meant Edmunds. Allen won’t be on the field the same time as Darnold. Footballs tricky.
  12. I’m in the middle. I’m selling myself on him more and more each day. If he works hard and shows any amount of improvement from the beginning of training camp to the end I’ll be comfortably on board. I’d like full fandom to come after this season. But if he somehow wins the qb battle I’m prepared to get into a fist fight or two defending his honor. *Cue Karate Kid 2 theme*
  13. As opposed to Allen who makes it look difficult against air...
  14. It’s funny, most of the negativity seems to start in every thread from a poster passive aggressively bringing up how negative everyone’s being about the pick. Instigating the exact thing they’re so upset about. Most fans that were bummed initially (myself included) are trying to bring themselves around to it. And are waiting for training camp hoping we missed something. Why obsess over the minority?
  15. It is a little odd how accepting everyone is here to fans of other teams. Overly nice even. I remember one Jets fan that everyone was best friends with before the draft. Strikes me as odd that not many seemed that accepting of fans of their own team when the big migration happened. Or times like now when each side of the Rosen-Allen debate post ad-nauseam cutting eachother down. Mostly noticing it more from the Allen fanboys now. It’s a real garbage show, really.
  16. Yikes. I’m trying to sell myself on the pick too but complete 180 before even training camp? Idk... Give it some time. You don’t have to buy his jersey right away.
  17. Nah... gettlemans taking a lot of heat in the media and giants fan base for being an old stodgy dinosaur. He’s of the old school where you keep your picks and don’t trade players. He didn’t do his due diligence and could have cost his team. Guys like him are on their way out. Gotta adapt and be good at bartering these days. Hes is the guy at the garage sale that wants $50 for an old bowling ball and won’t budge. “Scram kid, you’re wasting my time!” now hes deflecting and blaming the offers.
  18. I love 49, looks super sharp when he’s making plays.
  19. So are you going to wear his letterman jacket too? Are you going steady? God talk?
  20. I agree with your wife. 49 is a cool number. Even if it wasn’t seems like a silly thing to be annoyed with. Maybe don’t wear a shirt with a 19 year old kids last name draped on your back like you’re high school sweethearts.
  21. It would be really dumb for Dez to do that. He wants a one year prove it deal which means he wants to show he’s still got it. With our qb, and oline situation being in transition it wouldn’t make sense for him.
  22. I just ordered mine with #17 WhiteisLeft
  23. Gotta give this post a little credit for calling the Teller pick.
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