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Blank Stare

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Everything posted by Blank Stare

  1. That’s what dumb teams do. Thank you for letting them hang around with sloppy ball. See how he responds
  2. Yes, we have 14 points, but they’ve stubbed their toe a lot this game with really questionable play calls and bad drops. That slop won’t hold vs the cheats.
  3. This lead should be larger. Spent a lot of time on their end. Need to come away with more points there.
  4. Another in a long list of Bills coaches overthinking it.
  5. Seems like the sound guy is off/late on Seven Nation Army today. First game for him I guess.
  6. Have you ever seen receivers running as free as they do for KC? Never anyone near them. And that’s without Hill.
  7. Have you ever seen receivers running as free as they do for KC? Never anyone near them. And that’s without Hill.
  8. Another drive with a Nsekhe? It’s obvious to everyone but the coaching staff.
  9. About time. Quit the rotation. You want to get Ford reps, bring him in on heavy sets or rotate him with Spain.
  10. Get Ford out of there. He belongs inside this year. Nsekhe should be the guy.
  11. So far that’s been the one thing Josh Allen hasn’t really unlocked yet this year. The deep ball. Some of it might be jitters. He let the one (should be TD) go to Brown, but that’s been missing so far from his game this year. Good news is he’s showing growth as evidenced by our long drives which to me means more than if the team was having similar success going deep and getting quick hitters. It takes real work and concentration to sustain drives like he has been doing. I think the deep ball will come, but they’ve clearly made a concerted effort to get him to take what’s there and not push it.
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