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Everything posted by Maine-iac

  1. Thank god for the flag. Allen has hit one of the 6 or 7 thows he's had down field all day.
  2. Setting the record for most screen plays in a row ....................
  3. Too many players making mistakes for me to be able to tell how good/bad Daboll is doing.
  4. We have the guys to get behind the defense when we get the ball back. Need to hit Foster or Brown deep or Dawson down the seem. I know Allen has missed two or three of those already but that just means the play is there and it has to be made.
  5. I'm actually glad McDermott didn't challenge. First off the refs hate us and secondly from the way those challenges have gone this year I'd have a hard time believing they'd give it to us.
  6. Time for the offense to help the defense out a little and make this a game.
  7. Well to that I'd say Brown isn't the one dropping the passes so far but I get what you're saying.
  8. OL and even with the wind if Josh hit one of the multiple plays he's had downfield this might be a different score. We're still in it but the offense needs to get rolling sooner rather than later.
  9. Someone should tell Ford if he's looking for a place to start, try blocking the guy in front of him on running plays.
  10. At this point you could argue that Watkins is Ted Ginn 2.0. I personally would like to think Watkins is more talented but on paper and scheming for them I'd imagine they are rather similar.
  11. Walterfootball had Ford listed as the #3 tackle but the #1 guard for whatever it's worth.
  12. I think people are looking at this the wrong way. If Brown is the number 1, and you could certainly argue he is, then Watkins would not have to be anything more than a decent 2. If the money was right I'd certainly bring Watkins in to compete with Foster/McKenzie for the 2 spot with Beasley playing the slot. It will be interesting to see what Watkins is looking to get for his next contract.
  13. Baltimore wrote the script on how to move on the Pats defense and their offense is pretty toothless this year. Houston is just taking a page from Baltimore, you could see it on the last TD and the Pats offense will start pushing if the lead gets much bigger but without Gronk Brady has no security blanket.
  14. Putting aside the drafting Josh Allen argument for a second just to say that the guy (Brandon Allen) playing now lit Cleveland up and played well enough to get them a win vs the Vikings if the Broncos D didn't choke that game away. I guess in the end they still have an Allen playing QB.
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