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Everything posted by Maine-iac

  1. I thought it was going to look like the 40 yard run to start the game. Everything was there ................ then the blockers completely whiffed and Allen got pounded.
  2. Is that Daboll? I mean some of those Allen was standing there looking at the guys across from him. Snaps the ball and the line let's someone through unblocked. I have to think it's either Josh or the OL that aren't getting the assignments right rather than the playcall. Given what we've seen even on running plays where 3 guys can't block one guy and get Josh down the field I'm not sure I'd start the blame with Daboll.
  3. I'll be honest I was afraid of taking a lead early. Most games we hung around and grinded and then crept away in the second half. I'm not sure this team knew how to play with a decent lead so early in a game. Again with that said we had numerous chances throughout the 4th quarter and overtime to win this game.
  4. Basically we picked a hell of a time to get "Billsy". I hadn't seen it all season. Even the first Pats game it was really just Allen losing his mind. Today the whole team took turns gift wrapping the game for the Texans. edit: I'll let Hauschka off the hook. He was trying to be a hero we just decided to go backwards close to 40 yards in two plays and take it out of his hands.
  5. So many plays that someone unblocked hit Allen. I don't know if he isn't recognizing things or his line has no clue what they're doing. Probably both. Then in multiple games I've seen blockers (multiple) whiff on crucial running plays. Allen should have gone for 20 late in the game on the sweep right.
  6. I'm sorry I still can't blame the D. They made a few bad plays but Allen made some plays that are utterly inexcusable. I love the kid but he loses his mind sometimes.
  7. All these mistakes and all they have to do is just make a stop and kick a field goal.
  8. Epic failure after epic failure. Really so many inexcusable mistakes we can't blame anyone but ourselves if we lose.
  9. We've gift wrapped this game for the Texans 3 times. Only thing saving us is the defense. Save us one more time.
  10. Allen needs to be smarter. I'll take lucky. It would be nice if he was smarter though.
  11. I would like to just give Duke some love. He's had a few contested catches knocked out but they were hard catches and so far Brown has been really quiet and so has Beasley. If it weren't for Duke I'm not sure we're still playing.
  12. OK Allen has made his quota of bonehead plays. Hopefully it's only Stone Cold Josh Allen from here on out.
  13. Well our defense is getting some rest maybe they can find whatever they were doing in the first half and if we make this kick come out and do something.
  14. Kind of late coming back to this but wanted to reply. I was very skeptical when Daboll was hired but have been pleasantly surprised. I do think he's done a good job with Allen. I also would agree we could see a nice jump in scoring next year because even with his improvements Allen left a number of TD's on the field that hopefully he'll capitalize on next year. With all that said McDermott and Daboll fit because they are both cut from the same conservative cloth. Largely I don't see us scoring 25ppg because unless the defense collapses we will be too conservative in both close games and with a lead to score that many points. That said this team would stomp most teams with the current defense and an offense that scored even 23 or 24 ppg.
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