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Everything posted by RobH063

  1. I was going to just hit the Like button but I didn't want it to look like I was liking my own post. So here's a Like for you in written form.
  2. Go back and read board I answered that question few days ago No, you really didn't answer that question. There's a lot of questions from people that you don't answer. Legitimate questions. Your standard response if you get backed in a corner is to say "Go back and read board I answered that question few days ago" and "If you don't believe me, don't read it" and then when you get frustrated you start posting dumb off the wall questions that don't pertain to this thread like "What do you think about Gaines?"
  3. I have spent the entire morning getting in touch with my contacts in Dunkirk to see if any of them knows who Dunkirk Don might be. Unfortunately they weren't able to definitively say but they did come across his memo that he sent to some of the members here and forwarded it to me. I thought I would share it with the membership here so we all could see it.
  4. Another example of why so many people, myself included call BS with what Don's posting.
  5. I would guess that the Pro Day's, Combine measurables, Interviews and medical evaluations all play into what the draft grade on a player is. All team's draft boards are fluid to some degree until the draft is about to start. Imagine if it was really like what Don is spewing out. Every team would know what other teams were going to do beforehand. They could ruin your day in a hurry because every team has disgruntled employees. Every team fires people.
  6. Did you just agree that you like your own posts?!? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Now that's funny right there, I don't care who ya are
  7. Serious question Don. Why would this contact do all this for someone else that was terminated for no good reason. I mean, if it were me, I would feel bad, I would let the guy know I agreed with him, I'd give him support but I wouldn't put myself in a position to get fired and ruin my reputation with my family, friends and contacts throughout the NFL.
  8. John Murphy and Donald Jones are employed by the Bills. They will always be upbeat. The rest of the fan base can react any way they want. They've earned that right!
  9. In defense of the others, they aren't married to a Super Model whose income is a lot more than theirs so he helps the team financially and still has more money than the others to play with.
  10. That was the whole point of my earlier post. His answer is he is going "Rogue" because he's being let go. That seems pretty lame for someone who is a professional in the NFL. I could buy it if he's a nozzle jockey at the kwik fill and his boss is a jerk so he goes "Rogue" before he's being let go, or he works in a factory and his bosses are jerks, but it just seems a little out there to believe that someone of that stature who I would assume has a good reputation throughout the league is getting even. The guy probably has been paid pretty well too over the years. Now he wants to stick it to the Pagula's and the rest of the staff at One Bills Drive? People get hired and fired in the NFL all the time. They all seem to land on their feet.
  11. So why would the Bills have any interest in a player who has already been tagged twice, giving up draft picks and a lot of money in the process. Even if a deal can be worked out and therefore no third tag by the Redskins, that 44% increase still applies to any further tags down the road if I read things right. So if the Bills sign him to a contract, what's to say Cousins wouldn't hold the Bills hostage at the end of the contract knowing it's either 1. meet his demands 2. tag him for the third time at a 44% increase 3. release him. It doesn't matter who did the tagging previously. It still would be a third tag and the 44% applies right? Seems way too costly for a QB and exactly the situation the Redskins are in with him now. The only difference would be he is a few years older by then.
  12. This is why very few believe anything you say. Even if you had Iron Clad, Guaranteed, easily verified information, most wouldn't believe you because you're such a Richard.
  13. I'm confused Don. Is your source a former employee you hunt with or a current employee that's on the way out who talks with the former employee that you hunt with. Is it a man, a woman, a heshe? Are you employed by the Bills now? You keep referring to "We". Who is this "We". Are you referring to You, your source, your source's source or the Bills. If this "Source" has gone rogue, does that make him/her a sleazeball and unprofessional for telling a person who tells a person who posts it all on an internet forum. Does it make all of you sleazeballs? I'd honestly like to know how you and these other people think of yourselves. Good Decent people, you know, the ones everyone looks up to and says they are stand up people, don't go rogue, they sure as hell don't look for vindication on an internet forum. What kind of person are you and these others you speak of?
  14. He might be in the wrong line of work. He needs to be the guy people talk to when they have insomnia. I swear I was yawning after 30 seconds with his cadence.
  15. Huh. Breaking tables along with bones and setting oneself on fire is a sign of passion? Sure thing. Extremely Passionate! So passionate in fact that they get to go to the hospital instead of watching the game and rooting for the Bills. And then, not to be outdone by some other passionate fan, they get to yell out of their hospital room "Did The Bills Win?" Over the next few weeks, they get to sit at home watching the game on TV while sipping their lunch because they no longer have any teeth. Good times I say!
  16. Me too. I've watched it at least 50 times and laugh just as hard now as I did the first time I watched it!
  17. Bravo! Although I strongly disagree with the OP's opinion on things, I will defend his right to think it and say it. Isn't a troll all about creating chaos? I don't think voicing ones opinion is creating chaos. It might stir up different feelings and emotions but it's not chaos.
  18. Im not sure what happened but that is normal nowadays. Last year he was hitting them deep. Not so much this year. Playoffs or not I want to move on next year I think so too Fansince. I don't ever want to bash Taylor. He's been a much better QB than most we've seen in the drought but he's like when you had a girlfriend you just knew wasn't "The One" you broke up and moved on.
  19. Nice write up Virgil. I agree with you 100% about Taylor's deep ball. It's either out of bounds or way overthrown in most cases.
  20. You're assuming they would take him out of the game. The league won't allow that to happen, probably have the Bills player removed instead That wouldn't surprise me in the least if that's what happened.
  21. I think the way to handle him is for Tre to do just like he did in the first game. Have hands all over him and frustrate the hell out of him. Let him take himself out of the game with another bonehead thug reaction
  22. The problem is that with every tailgating idiot caught on camera, the cries for no tailgating are heard and I don't think anyone wants that. All it takes is for an idea to catch fire. uhhhh Go viral.
  23. I'm not disagreeing with you. I don't like his play calling either but if he calls plays not to lose when the Bills have a sizable lead and McD just lets it happen it's on him too. They both wear headsets. McD can speak up and tell Dennison to be aggressive rather than conservative.
  24. I have no issue with that. If I was the Coach, I wouldn't have used trick plays either in a game like that. There was no need. Personally, I'm not a fan of trick plays regardless of the type of game it turns out to be.
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