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Everything posted by BillsSbSoon

  1. When I saw last night that it said afc east team my first thought was Miami honestly. He’s from Florida.
  2. It is what it is now just sucks to lose a 25 yr old mlb with his best ball ahead of him. Milano is the man but he’s also about to be 29. I just really hope their plan isn’t for Bernard to be the starter
  3. Been thinking this too. Frustrating but what can ya do
  4. My initial thought was to say London even though I like Tremaine faults and all and wish we were getting him resigned. But London could be a liability in todays league with his coverage ability. Idk it’s actually a tougher question than I thought
  5. Two firsts and two seconds plus dj moore to move down 8 spots…that’s a great trade for the bears
  6. Because it’s Aaron rodgers. And the jets defense is loaded. Garrett Wilson is going to be a top 5 wr probably, maybe as soon as next year. And their rookie sensation rb will be coming back. Not saying we are done but we had our shots and we didn’t get it done and now other teams are catching up
  7. Honestly terry has bigger things going on to attend to than a coach who won 13 games with everything that went on last season. I don’t really think terry is putting any pressure on the fo at all right now. That could change after next year though
  8. Yeah well the niners got as far as they did with a third string rookie because of a dominant defense. You can’t just ignore it either
  9. There’s some truth to what you’re saying..but on the other hand he’s still pretty young and coming off maybe his best year. Starter, captain etc. I don’t wanna hear it from anyone if the defense takes a dip without him next year. The meltdown will be epic here if mcd drafts a mlb early on
  10. Damn that sounds like he’s a goner. Wanted Tremaine back bad. Now we’ve gotta find a middle backer on top of the other things we need. Not good
  11. Pretty interesting. That kinda says to me that Vegas thinks or knows we’re going to add offensive talent one way or another
  12. Well on the td they took the lead on Philly was in man, he just got burned thinking he was still going to motion across and not turn back
  13. They got one call after another in the afc title game and then got this one…disgusting. The nfl wants mahomes on the Brady pedestal so bad.
  14. Once Philly gets to the 50 they take a shot downfield. You’d think kc would’ve been ready for that. Both these teams playcalling just runs laps around ours
  15. Playcalling is just miles ahead of what we do
  16. Yup said the same thing a few weeks ago. Their oline just mauls people
  17. What do you think is really going to happen if we get bounced out again next year? He’s just going to be like oh ok guys no big deal? I will say though if he wants to go to Dallas, good luck with that stef. Dak? Lmao please
  18. What a lot of people are missing about drafting another wr is the bigger picture. We need to be drafting with the thought of we need a future #1 not just wr2. And It’s pretty clear diggs is going to ask out if we don’t get it done next year
  19. Ive thought of this myself because if we don’t get it done next year at some point he will prolly want out. He’s going to be 30 next year. If there was ever still a time to trade him and get the highest value it would be now. But we have nobody we can say right now might be able to step up and be number 1 on this team. Justin Jeffersons don’t come around every year. We are kindve stuck in limbo with this roster. We need more around josh on offense to where we can’t let diggs go
  20. 2020. Offense felt unstoppable. We knew we were going to be good, but that good? Josh was the mvp that year imo. He was dealing that entire year and it was the best he’s been in the pocket
  21. Unbelievable. Kim is the leader of the organization. She’s much more comfortable being front and center than terry.
  22. Yup. That defense was badass. We were a qb away with that team too.
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