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Peace Frog

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Everything posted by Peace Frog

  1. I answered my own question. Here is his bio: Matt Jones bio
  2. I think TD is driving everybody nuts with his inactivity in the free agent market because he wants the best value he can get. Looking at Jennings' durability and Williams' age compared to their potential open market value doesn't seem to be in the best interests for the Bills. Jonas & Pat 'say' they want to stay here in Buffalo but realize that they could get much more from other teams that are willing to overpay. The Henry for Shelton trade would have been great for us but, alas, was not meant to be. One potential candidate I'd like to see the Bills sign is Jay Fiedler at backup QB. We could sign him for cheap and he's not a bad QB. I wouldn't worry too much about Donahoe not doing anything yet. I think if he finds someone available that we could use that is worth the money that we can afford to sign that wants to sign with us, then that person will be signed.
  3. This may not be much help to your situation but have you tried kissing her?
  4. If it was me, I'd move Teague back to LT and try to improve our Center spot.
  5. I heard NASCAR stands for 'Non-Athletic Sport Centered Around Rednecks'.
  6. I don't have to miss them. I own every episode that has Curly in it. I wish, in this age of putting comics and such to the big screen (i.e., Spiderman) that the Stooges could have made a movie. Tommy Lee Jones would make a great Moe. Curly could have been played brilliantly by the late John Candy or Chris Farley. I could never figure out who would make a good Larry.
  7. If there is truly a seperation of church and state, then why does our currency have 'In God We Trust' on it?
  8. To me, light beer is Labatts Blue or Moosehead. My #1 favorite is definitely....Guinness
  9. I had to post my standard Bills message board reply to this assclown.
  10. Yeah, and his wife looks like a laundromat lesbian.
  11. I've seen a few posters suggesting the Bills get Kurt Warner to replace Drew Bledsoe next season until JP Losman is ready. Say it isn't so. Kurt Warner should go back to sacking groceries and take his laundomat lebian-looking wife with him. http://www.femmefan.com/site/featuredartic...dbrendashow.htm We need JP to be the man next year!
  12. I just can't see Kurt Warner here in Buffalo. His wife looks like a laundromat lesbian.
  13. Kurt Warner is no better than Drew. Besides, his wife looks like a laundromat lesbian. I say, put JP in there and see what he can do.
  14. Nicely versed. You possess quite the literary skills. Now, off to surf horsey-porn until the Bills game starts.
  15. I shrunk the gif file, but it's not giffing now. Here's the link to the pic, if anyone can fix it. Basically, I'm trying to use it for my avatar. http://geekhost.info/~gabriela/textbilder/cowbell_anim_1.gif
  16. How do I resize a GIF file so I can use it as an avatar?
  17. www.jaymohr.com has the audio soundbite under his media section.
  18. My dad and I were at The Comeback Game. Nothing compares to that.
  19. Maybe Mark Weiler feels this way about our beloved Bills because it's a suppression of his latent homosexuality.
  20. It's painfully obvious that neither of these Bills-bashing Billfidels (enemies of Buffalo) believe in the power of the COWBELL!
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