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Everything posted by SoTier

  1. Not really. "Bastard" refers to males or females born outside of marriage, although today it's mostly applied to males. "B word" refers to a female dog but is more commonly applied almost exclusively to women.
  2. RIP, Irene. I've reached the age where many of my favorite singers/actors are passing on ... not necessarily from drugs/alcohol/accidents but from maladies associated with old age.
  3. This is exactly how I feel. The Bills will be a better team in January for winning tight games in November and December. My sense is that good teams that have to scrap to get into the playoffs or to get high seedings seem to do better in the playoffs that teams that coast in.
  4. He's also more durable. He hasn't been injured enough to miss many games. Gronk missed a lot of games. Same old Chargers ... going back to the early 2000s when they were loaded with talent. They made the playoffs then but they never did much in the playoffs. Now, they certainly have good talent but they don't make the playoffs because they continue to find ways to lose games. Yes, easily.
  5. Lawrence really does have a "horse face"! I'm watching Red Zone, and they're flipping between KC/Rams and Arizona/Chargers ... and the team colors are almost the same: KC and Arizona in red and Rams and Chargers in gold and blue. It's a bit confusing!
  6. I think it was to waste some time. That was the criticism of McDermott last year ... the Bills didn't squib kick against KC in the playoff game. Two or three fewer seconds and the game would have been a Bills win.
  7. It looked like it until the very end when it kinda died. Trevor Lawrence has had the first real clutch drive in his career!!!
  8. If you come on a Bills fan site and have nothing positive to post, being "crucified" by other posters is the least you should expect. You could easily be suspended or banned by the moderators. Words have consequences, whether they're spoken or written. Once said or posted, they can't be taken back. That's true if you're in politics or in the media or in business or in a relationship ... or you're a fan of a sports team. "Free speech" guarantees that you can say what you want about the government and the government can't come after you. It doesn't mean that private citizens or businesses or organizations have to accept some horse's ass spouting trash or stupidity without taking action against said horse's ass. If you lie, don't whine when you're called a liar. If you call people vile names, don't cry foul when you get called worse back. If you send disgusting emails to co-workers, don't pretend to be a martyr when you get fired. If you don't want to be "crucified", then don't spout opinions to people you know won't like them.
  9. I just love MB drama queens. So much angst about a regular season loss in OT to a non-conference opponent.
  10. Staubach, Blanda and Starr were all drafted 50 or 60 years ago. Warner is a baby ... he came out of college less than 30 years ago. Even Brady was drafted more than 20 years ago. Brisette generally plays well -- and puts up good numbers -- but just not good enough to win games because he can't seem to make clutch plays. His failed QB sneak on 4th down is an example.
  11. I'd be upset that my team wasted a second overall pick on a QB who has shown so little promise of becoming even a competent NFL QB toward the end of his second NFL season.
  12. Couldn't happen to a better team. I laughed 'til I almost cried. I dislike the Pats but I absolutely loathe the Jests. I think I hate them even more than I hate the Carp ... although it's probably a dead heat on the loathing scale.
  13. This isn't something that just affects New York. The US is a large country ... too large for most people to know the geography of each state unless they have a reason to do so, like they've visited a place or they're from that place etc. I would say that, though, that if your job involves maps, that you ought to be able to read one well enough to accurately locate places on it.
  14. FTX Group filed for bankruptcy today. CEO Sam Bankman-Fried has resigned. Crypto Melt Down
  15. Agree. The Eagles might be on a par with the Bills and Chiefs but the Cowgirls, Vikes and Niners are on about the same level as the Ravens and Titans.
  16. You are assuming that the guys already on the Bills aren't nearly as good as players on that other teams are looking to move. I'm not sure that's a safe assumption. "Adding safety depth" could cost an awful lot in the future if the depth player isn't better than the young safeties that the Bills already have on their roster or PS. I don't pretend to any expertise, so I'm good with whatever roster moves Beane makes or doesn't make. He's proven he knows his stuff.
  17. You're assuming that a RB and/or safety better than we currently have are available at a reasonable price. There may not be.
  18. TBH, statistically, JA was trash in his first and second years. Some of that was on him, but a lot of it was on poor coaching in his rookie season (as in lack of an experienced QB coach) and a poor supporting cast. What didn't show up in his stats was his willingness to do anything to win as well as his continual improvement early on. His leadership was on display from the get-go, too. He played considerably better after sitting out his elbow injuring, which obviously had given him time to observe and figure out the pro game better. He was considerably better at the beginning of his second season than he'd been as a rookie, and he improved all through his sophomore season even though his stats didn't blow anybody away. A lot of QBs have the physical skills but not the mental traits to be successful. Some have the mental traits but not the physical ability. Others have both physical and mental skills but not the leadership (ie, "it factor") and vice versa. Allen has it all!
  19. Obviously your perfect parents raised a perfect child who has never done anything illegal, stupid or dangerous.
  20. I agree. Belichick has a good defense, and Mac Jones and Bailey Zappe are pretty decent QBs for Belichick, and Belichick sets them up with his game plans. I think the Pats' offense is considerably better than the Jets and their defense is better than the Fish. That's a recipe to make the playoffs.
  21. Agreed. Belichick has a good defense, and he has two credible QBs that he knows how to put in situations that maximize the offense's chance of success. Contrary to what some think, NE's success over the last two decades wasn't solely because of Brady. Do you know how many playoff berths have been decided on the last week of the season in the last five years? In fact, the Bills broke their playoff drought in 2017 when the Cincinnati Bengals beat the Baltimore Ravens on a last second TD throw from Andy Dalton to Tyler Boyd. It was on 4th and long I think. Game six is way to early to be predicting playoff berths for most NFL teams. Any Bills fan old enough to remember the most of the Bills teams between 2001 and 2016 can cite numerous times the Bills looked the class of the AFC a few games into the season. In 2003, pundits were predicting the Bills to go to the Super Bowl three or four games into the season. In 2008, the Bills went 5-2 in the first 7 games and finished up 7-9. Another year, they went 6-2 or something in the first 8 games and then collapsed. IMO, it's much more likely that the Jests finish below the Pats and Fish than above them in the standings.
  22. The Jets are NOT going to win 12 games this season. They are not going to lose only once to teams other than the Bills over the next 11 games.
  23. I disagree with your statement that "Allen would have become great no matter who coached him" because I remember how raw Allen was as a rookie. It took him about 2 1/2 years of hard work by Allen and strong mentoring by Daboll and Dorsey to get Allen to where he is today. Offensive coordinators have to tailor their offense to fit the QB they have rather than try to force their QB to fit into their "system". Pair Allen with another OC who would have tried to mold him into something he wasn't or wouldn't have hired a QB coach who had success with a raw but talented QB (ie,Cam Newton), and Allen could have become just another big-armed bust. The history of the NFL is littered with promising QBs who never made it big for one reason or another, at least some of whom never were in the right system to maximize their talents or were never given the mentoring that might have made them significantly better. I think that Daniel Jones may be the poster boy for that. He certainly doesn't look anything like the QB he was in previous seasons ... but then, the Giants don't look like the team that most pundits expected them to be, either.
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