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Everything posted by PrimeTime101

  1. this guy... Unbelievable read by Henny ? really? it was a effing check down...
  2. lets just worry about the now.. I'm pretty annoyed I just had to argue the obvious.
  3. Just STOP... They said he was in Concussion protocol Why the heck you even arguing. No more replies to you.. your WRONG
  4. https://www.sbnation.com/nfl/2016/9/18/12940926/nfl-concussion-protocol-explained
  5. I think hes out. I really do. he could not walk off the field.. The cam Newton hit comes to mind Cam Defiantly had an injury but still came back in.. forget the game
  6. When we beat them will you be saying the same thing? Sick of hearing this.. We stack up well with KC.. Josh is healthy and Mahomes ankle is hurting
  7. and he was still defending himself saying browns should of called a TO.. Good thing hes not a HC
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