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Everything posted by PrimeTime101

  1. The Real question is... how many gray hairs would of Beane gotten if he was watching Josh at the fair throwing fastballs at bowling pins. yikes lol
  2. First and foremost thank you for sharing. I agree that there is never an excuse. That being said, extreme mental illness is getting worse in this country and around the world. Even though as of now we know very little about CTE, It can be considered an extreme mental illness that many of us will never understand. It is sad.. I feel bad for all involved. And as for all you "rot in hell" posts.. The last time I checked, most religions believe one sin is no worse then another. Another words Stealing and or using gods name in vain is no different then murder. Again not saying I disagree ... Just saying.. I guess maybe in times like this I have to remind myself. and in typing this it is what I am doing. sorry if this went to far.
  3. this is about creating competition with prove it contracts nothing more or less
  4. second deck would need to be 110% more seats then the rest of the deck combined near 90 mil project not everyone was down with
  5. Yea we have this already This is a horrible response Turk come on.. lol your better then this lol
  6. tell me your not serious? Tampa was just learning their way... They would not struggle this year... and oh yea.. that game Tampa had players out due to covid IF you think they give tampa a run for there money? HA HA
  7. so a third deck over 100% more 22k more then the rest of the ballpark? no... lol This was highly suggested and talked about on other forums and not the main op topic here. this was part of it too.
  8. yep. You said it. They would have to expand to major league size right? from 20k seats to 45 k seats. There you have it. Do you know the cost of doing that? The difference I am trying to tell you is It would already be set up size wise for MLB. Thats all I am saying. Was Location and not big market place part of it or even most of it? Yes.. But seating had a role.
  9. Ok I don't need to explain it to you. I am going by my memory and what I remember was said back then.. and thats that. Lets get back on topic shall wel?
  10. They specifically said when they chose a different location that lack of seating had a play in it. I didn't say it was the main reason but It had a play in why they didn't come.
  11. so new building old building next to each other, where they going to park?
  12. you said it. Opinion. but your saying it like its fact.. MLB was just an example and you say it isn't wont or never will is crystal ball work. Small market has 0 to do with it. ITs about filling seats.. you bring a big name to buffalo and he will fill 62k seats in a domed stadium. There is only so many upgrades you can make to this stadium before you run out of things you can do. Big names come to domed stadiums. Its just fact. you said it though and I applaud you for understand it. and again... I respect where your coming from.. just 2 different beliefs. WHERE in orchard park do you want it?
  13. Everyone is afraid of change till the change happens and they love it. Domed stadium in buffalo? You could bring in other professional sports, way more events held at the stadium. But man.. many of us have gone back and forth on this topic many times on these forums... and here we go again lol
  14. that is a horrible conclusion you have there. A domed stadium will bring in way more revenue then just a bills game. Way more revenue then the current stadium from other events. If you build it they will come. We almost had a MLB team come here but not enough seats. You could create a dual purpose situation at the hopes of bringing other things then just football.
  15. Why do you guys even think he will make the team? We go into a year needing to fill a roster and create competition for the back up spot and everyone thinks he's terrible starter? Who exactly said he was starting?
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