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Everything posted by PrimeTime101

  1. This whole thing is frustrating me on multiple levels so bare with me stuttering through this. First and foremost we live where we have choices in life.. The choice to boo or not boo... the choice to take a vaccine or not take a vaccine.. the choice to voice our own opinions, no matter if the majority likes that decision or not. So knowing all of this.. this is how I look at this whole thing. As a fan I hate this distraction. The week before the big game and it is the last thing we need. As an guy born and raised in western NY... proud or my heritage, I applaud him for voicing an opinion... The more we voice our opinions and are heard the less mental disease we will have in society. So I try my hardest to play devils advocate.. try and understand his side of things.. Bees has always worked hard at his craft and I can see why it would be bothersome when you work hard at that craft and then feel like he is getting boo'd for his freedom of choice. So if you just put what I have just said into perspective maybe.. just maybe one would understand... but that is not the end of the book on this topic. This is also a business he works for. He is getting paid to do a job and make the right decisions not only during game play and practices but outside the field. And because he is being paid to not only produce on the field but to... be a good teammate... be something kids look up to.. at his age in football? be a leader and act like one... So that is why this ticks me off.. He is being interruptive to the business of football and the business of being a buffalo bill... and to even take it to the next level... they are not just giving those seats... we pay for them... Cole does not pay for them... Who is he to tell us how to react to him? BECAUSE... It is also our right to voice OUR opinions.. And if Cole don't like that then that makes him a bigot.. He does not have the right to voice his opinion and tell us we can not voice ours... I mean who does he think he is? MAYBE... he needs to be reminded what country he lives in? I apologize for the long read... I just wanted to explain and share my thinking process on the matter. Thanks for the read.
  2. To your Bolded.. he is the #3 WR in the team with #3 stats you say barely contributed to... your letting your anger on this topic confuse your memory.. he has 25 receptions, second most on the team with the third most in total yards 210. His job is to get the underneath stuff and he has done a solid job at it. I understand and agree with your anger on the topic but don't come out and say he barely contributed to a 3-1 start...
  3. Also I am going to add the LAST thing this team needed before a big game is a DISTRACTION. in short.. Keep your mouth shut and stop acting like Trump on Twitter.
  4. ABSOLUTLY yes it is their choice... they paid for the ticket.. I am just saying I highly doubt thousands of fans at one time boo him cause of his choice. I agree with your anger on this topic and Coaches can not be happy right now.
  5. I think Bees miss heard.. and I think he should of gone right back on twitter and acknowledge it. We live in U.S.A where we fight for choice every day. No way an entire crowd boo him cause he is making a choice.. He is just mishearing and needs to admit to it
  6. Though I am happy with Knox's progress I disagree with your statement as a whole. To beat the chiefs you have to force FG's. And I think this defense can get that job done.
  7. I am kind of with Doc on this one.. Seriously as a bills fan with a great QB I would never think that we are going to loose. I would be optimistic and positive for my team saying "we took them twice last year, we can take them again" KC is a dangerous team and If were my team I would not be going on my opponents board acting all doom and gloom. This almost has a troll feel to it. Just saying.
  8. First KC last game Josh had a off shoulder injury that affected Josh's throwing Motion. Second KC we could not pay to have a good healthy WR on the field. KC will feel pressured this game.. Our defense is way better and we have a healthy Josh Allen and healthy better WR set. That is just the difference on our offense. On defense we are top 5 at least. Buffalo will score points and the only question will be, can our defense limit KC's offense to FG's and or Punts. Time will tell but I think over all we have the better more complete team.. 38-32 Buffalo.
  9. And the crazy looks with his tongue and lips lol
  10. This game is so hard... I hate Brady yet The Patz need to not win lol
  11. And another BAD ref call. Refs just loves giving Brady yards..
  12. Thats a horrible REF call... HE cant run down the sidelines for 40 yards but he can not be pushed out on the sidelines either... Horrible call
  13. hard to tell who helped him. Sometimes average players make All Pro Teachers
  14. LOL We should now call him CAPTAIN CHECKDOWN! lol
  15. blood and guts game. Just as I was hoping for.
  16. yea the drop was not horrible or blatant.. was not the best pass but should of cough it type of thing. Knox could be the next thing coming on this team
  17. how about MotorMoss? Take out the R its MotoMoss lol
  18. That being said.. any player off a practice squad might of looked good against this offense today... that's for cramps not a hamstring lol
  19. I am sure he told him to settle down on the antics... and that being said... it was still a cheap shot so I agree
  20. give it time. your brain will compute lol
  21. so he worked on his catching and acting game. TY TE university
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