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Everything posted by BananaB

  1. Don’t expect any changes. Same old ***** different day.
  2. Bills are treading water. Way too many vets have been signed to cover the play younger players they brought in. Beane doesn’t like to give up draft picks for proven players but will sign a guy on his last leg after the player he drafted struggles to get on the field. They ain’t improving because of it.
  3. Can’t argue, Diggs really didn’t play like a #1 the second half of the season
  4. The GM thought Gabe was a #2, then he doubled down and blamed his inconsistent play on an ankle injury in the off-season. Shakir is starting to show promise, hopefully he does’t take that for granted this off season. We need way better play out of that position.
  5. More I think about it the more I want McDaniels. Guy is proven, he even had McCorkle looking like a decent QB. He also won’t be poached for a HC job any time soon.
  6. Personally I like the guy who has the tools to make the plays despite some mistakes over the guy who might be smarter but just doesn’t have it physically. I agree it’s not a good situation either way though
  7. Oddly enough the rookie made a solid play on third down late in the game chipping rice on the cross route. It was a bad penalty by the refs that kept the drive alive. Then he backed it up on the next third down taking Mahommes down near the sidelines.🤷🏼‍♂️ This D is full of vets all over the board except the LBer position, surely there could be help in communication to make sure the best player is on the field. Klien was ***** terrible, you’re right about that. Looked like he was still on vacation . The whole defense is vets, there gotta to be a better way.
  8. You act like this has been the only time his D was a no show in the playoffs. Why don’t ask McD why he chose Klein to start over a rookie who was active all year. I’d like to know myself. 3 playoff games against the Chiefs, not one sack or Int. They average over 35 points in those games and have generated 1 turnover. For a coach who keeps pushing “we gotta win the turnover battle” down everyone’s throats how do they do that if they can’t force any? His system is soft. They get exposed every year in the playoffs. It’s the reason why they choke in the final minutes of play when the game is on the line.
  9. Like to get a guy who can get the best out of Joshs arm and not his running ability. He can do it all but I’d rather him do it in a way that prolongs his career.
  10. Really? In the 13 second game they had no fear at all in scoring fast and leaving time on the clock. They seen an opportunity and took it. Left the Bills a minute on the clock. That’s football. More then one guy is expected to do their job
  11. You take the shot when it presents itself because you may never get another opportunity. I got no trust in the D but it’s still the right play. That’s the problem with this team, Josh is expected to do way too much because other guys can’t do their job. Thats on McD Asking Josh to pass up his shot because McDs D is a liability is ridiculous. What if the next play the oline gives out more and Josh is sacked? Maybe they tip his next ball and it turn into an INT. Who ***** knows how it pans out. Asking the D to do their job is not unreasonable. It’s part of the game. The fact that this is still getting talked about tells you how bad this D has been in crucial situations over the years and why MCD should be canned.
  12. Half assing it…. I really didn’t like how Diggs handled the question about his brother’s tweets earlier in the season. I believe he wants out and the passion to give it his all every play wasn’t there
  13. Everyone keeps saying they were running out the clock but that’s how they moved the ball on every drive. It wasn’t just this drive. They never just stopped pushing the ball downfield they couldn’t do it all game. When they did have opportunities the WRs never made the catch. The 2nd and 9 was another one of those opportunities, this time targeting our most reliable WR. The WR was open, the olay was there and the protection never held up. The only time they moved fast all game was the last few minutes before half when they when no huddle.
  14. Not when McD keeps using the resources for his D. After last year the biggest thing we needed was WR help. After they completely bombed in FA filling the holes what did they do at trade deadline, go out and repair McDs D.
  15. There is way too much invested in this D to fold in the biggest situations. That is what is holding this team back and that’s 100% on McD. They fold against the Chiefs in playoffs, the Bengals every time they face them and just about everyone else in the final 2 minutes of games.
  16. Harty was that guy early though, Shakir stole the spot from him though.
  17. Isiah McKenzie had better stats than both combined
  18. As much as everyone wants to give Brady all the props for everything Bill has ever done, those first 3 Superbowls has a lot more to with coaching then QB play. And throughout the years the systems his teams played were constantly changing to the strengths of the players on both sides of the ball. ***** he went 12-4 with Matt Cassel, that’s more impressive than 9-7 with Tyrod Taylor. 😂 How do you think the Peterman season would have went if lasted 16 games instead of 2 quarters? 😂 McD and Beane are now searching to make one or two more plays so the can get over the obstacle in front of them, the Chiefs. That’s still not the ultimate goal, it’s a bump along way. Have they played to their players strengths or continually tried to fit a square peg in a round hole? They continue drafting high D players and then go grab vets to the job for them. The team just ain’t moving forward. Right now we got a freak at QB that has taken this team as far as he can without more help around him.
  19. What about the other two times they eliminated us in the playoffs and our D gave up 36 and 42 points? Can’t blame injuries on those games.
  20. What has he done to prove he can get by the Chiefs in the playoffs? That’s all that matters at this point. You gotta keep moving forward and the Bills are just treading water.
  21. They really don’t gotta tell him anything. He’s paid to do a job and and even though he has had some success the job hasn’t got done. If they feel they want to see if there is someone else available that can finish the job he started that’s up to him. Obviously if they are looking for them it might be best to be straight forward with him. They save more money if he quits then they would firing him.
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