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Everything posted by Stank_Nasty

  1. i mean... if they score each time down the field like the 2nd half of the pats game thats the exact same as scoring while passing. i personally would like to see a balanced attack where the hawks respect our run so our PA game, that was so lethal in sept, gets humming again. he could have literally stopped completely and then got back going, and still probably could have walked to the EZ. my original point being there are a couple of really REALLY sort of boneheaded plays over the last 2 games that would have the offense, and allens stat line, looking a lot different. i guess the fan in me is banking on those getting cleaned up as opposed to be reoccurring issues. Drops, pop warner penalties, and shoe lace trippings didnt seem to be happening the first month.
  2. that was a throw in stride, in his hands.... sure he had to reach A BIT. thats catch 90% of pass catchers take to the house.
  3. I agree with you i'm finally concerned about the offense. But think about his numbers in that jets game if not for a pop warner penalty on the td that got called back and kroft not tripping on his own feet..... sunday he played a smart game and had another td dropped. then if you realize its a factor thats talked about and there are numbers that support it, dont say things like "are they gonna be too tired"? if thats your response to somebody providing a link with numbers.... i have no problems "talking down" also i dont disagree with anything you just mentioned. It also doesnt discount fully that their are numbers supporting coast to coast travel as real SLIGHTLY limiting factor over years of games.
  4. You dont believe hard numbers that say thers merit to the argument? That makes sense. Ok... Also if its not new to you, dont act oblivious to the topic. It doesnt make you look super smart, just difficult. .... I'm not gonna pretend to understand why it seems to affect fine tuned pro's or say that i agree that it should or shouldnt. But there is data to show that it is a factor. Do i think its overblown? Yes. Is there numbers that say it can be a factor though? Yes.
  5. i'm fairly certain there's plenty of stats that show west and east coast teams have a bit more trouble when they have to travel multiple time zones. its not huge or anything but its there.... also i had assumed every football fan has heard about this. its something that gets brought up amongst analysts quite a bit . brand new to you i guess... thats odd to me. right. its a common talking point when these types of games come up. i'm surprised to see someone new to the concept.
  6. Thanks for the heads up on this article! I own and operate a gym and i've subscribed to SI for years now, never really reading them and just tossing the old ones regularly. The same would have happened to this one due to the Golf themed cover. haha.... I'm thinking i'll put this one in the filing cabinet for safe keeping though.
  7. looks like the first 6. he references them being on top of the east 6 games in.
  8. "Buffalo's turning to Allen, after conservative Tyrod Taylor, was like waving goodbye to the kiddie roller coaster and hopping on the screamer that barely passes its daily inspections. If the last generation of great passers was typified by world-class surgeons-- Tom Brady, Peyton Manning, Drew Brees-- diagnosing defenses and dissecting them with painstaking precision, Allen arrives in the operating room with a hunting knife and a bottle of Wild Turkey." ..... LOLOL. oh man thats good.
  9. golfer on the cover. i just got it in the mail today.
  10. dude.... its definitely "high level business" situations.
  11. This is basically word for word where i'm at.
  12. oh wow. easily the best part IMO and my favorite morning sports personality for the last couple of years.
  13. Also...... is gettting the ball back down 3 with 3 minutes left back in week 3 vs a top 5 defense, and winning the game as time expires not a statement? He's made his statements.
  14. Moss and the lineman make the "Angry runs" segment. Brandt calls it the "Ensemble effort".... Felciano "Carries him in like a big ole sack of manure on Biff Tannens convertible!" 😂
  15. And look what just happened against maybe the 2nd worst team in the NFL. That’s sort of my point. Week to week league.
  16. So can we now here all week how the Bucs are frauds because they didn’t blow out a lesser team? .... or is that only a thing for the Bills?
  17. A lot of butt hurt in here because it’s Brady. Geez guys. It was a good non call.
  18. Disagree. It’s hardly clear even in slow motion. That ball hits his arm almost right when we hits Lewis. Let alone in real time. The right call IMO
  19. Falcons finished 11-5 back in 2017 when we beat them... other than that I got nothing
  20. i woke up this morning and smiled thinking about how the Pats lost and what it was doing to those fans..... my god, we've dealt with so many of those losses.
  21. Right? i seriously wonder if this board is made up of the middle schoolers that havnt seen how the NFL works for many years. week to week league. comparing margin of victories and who beat who is usually really foolish. bottom line is we drew up a DESPERATE team with the GOAT coaching for his season and a QB playing for his reputation. Thats probably the most inspired effort that team has had and will have all year. We weathered it and won. onward and upward.
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