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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. Now define a woman. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
  2. Admit it. Your entire schtick just got crushed. I know it’s tough to let it sink in. I feel for you. You were so heavily invested in a fabrication. Take a minute, or a week, or a month….and do some soul searching. You were sold a lie! And you bought it hook, line, and sinker. I still luv ya though.
  3. Two reasons: First, in today’s society nobody wants to admit they were duped. They’ll fight to the death for something rather than just say ‘my bad’. Second, they’ve been lied to for so long by a blatantly partisan media that it rocks their entire world view to think that’s even possible.
  4. Yes, it’s most certainly a far better experience to walk to through a crime, graffiti, and drug infested urban neighborhood to get your carton of milk. 😉
  5. You mean the kind of ‘democracy’ they have in Russia, China, and Iran where the government class makes up stories about the opposition, enlists the police state to spread the story, then installs a new leader, and claims they won in a landslide? That kind of democracy? No thanks.
  6. If anyone was wondering….it’s a really nice day at Malibu Beach today (a little cloudy) and the wifi works great! You can zoom from here. Come on out! 😎
  7. So let’s cut to the chase. You prefer…. Open Borders Foreign Wars Higher Taxes At least now we know. Nothing else needs to be said. Thanks for your participation over the years. You can let yourself out now. Message received! 😁
  8. Excellent! We may have finally reached a breakthrough here. So now we know that we have two corrupt politicians and yet you still prefer the one that wants to: Open the Borders Get entangled in $$$$ Foreign Wars and Raise your taxes The choice seems pretty damn clear to me! 😉
  9. Thanks I try and ask good questions. What this entire ‘caper’ and the recent reaction to it has absolutely proven to me is that some people got so entrenched in their never Trump talking points that they simply refuse to believe they’ve been utterly lied to. It’s a shame, and I’m not saying that I blame them given the drumbeat from the media. But…my same extension of courtesy does NOT carry over to those who we now absolutely know for a fact were briefed on this entire thing PRIOR to it all ‘going down’. That includes Obama, Biden, Comey, Clinton, Brennan, Clapper, etc and I’m guessing Schiff. Unbelievably treasonous hoax knowingly perpetrated on the American people.
  10. As I’ve been saying on here for years…EVERYTHING we’ve been dealing with comes back to Hilary Clinton. There’s no greater villain in all of American history. Total trash.
  11. I remember we called it “The Martian City” when the first dorms opened up at Amherst. There was virtually nothing there at all on the property.
  12. Andy…all of what you said is true. We actually HAVE a system in place for migrant workers to enter the country for the kind of work you outlined above. It’s been in place for decades. Those laws/systems are currently being ignored.
  13. I hope they install the live web cam(s) during construction. The challenge with something as large as an NFL stadium is picking a view that shows anything significant. On some of our larger projects the Contractor will install multiple cameras so you can switch between views, and then move them as the project progresses so you’re not staring at an unchanging blank wall for weeks.
  14. So if I pay for the YouTube Sunday Ticket do I also get the cat videos? (Asking for a friend.)
  15. How is it that we impeached the former President for asking about corruption within a former administration, and we are not impeaching the current President for actually being corrupt? We now know for a fact that Biden was briefed about the Russia hoax while he was in office.
  16. Thanks! So in essence what you’re saying is you’re in favor of ultimate rule by the Executive Branch. I thought you were opposed to that sort of thing….no? Sounds like ‘democracy’ only works for you when the voters agree with YOUR position. (Now, just so you know, I am also not in favor of such a ban.)
  17. Wrong! I most definitely was. Nice try though. Yes, it’s a question. That’s what the question mark means. How about answering it?
  18. As an executive order or by signing a bill that’s been passed by houses of Congress?
  19. Are they handing out diplomas on a matchbook over at SUNY Amherst these days? (Kidding, a bit) The statue and false Nazi quote was long BEFORE Covid. And yes, I think it’s utterly childish to go out and destroy public property because you don’t like a statue.
  20. And right here we’ve learned another invaluable lesson today: Another thing thar died, was/is IRONY! Unbelievable.
  21. So here’s what we learned today: Even when shown that the media lie they’ve been spreading for years is utterly and blatantly FALSE…they’ll just keep right on pushing the narrative. And they call Trump voters a cult? Hilarious!!!
  22. It’s utterly fascinating to me how it’s primarily single young men that are need of seeking ‘asylum’. In the olden days they would’ve been called …what’s the word again? Oh yeah…LEGAL immigrants abiding by the laws of our country!
  23. And now we return you to our regularly scheduled programming. 😂
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