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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. You hit the nail on the head! The league is literally designed for one of two options. You either hit on draft picks and ride them through their rookie deals thus creating some level of roster stability, or you resign yourself to a high degree of roster turnover as the more expensive veteran free agents come and go from season to season.
  2. Keep pushing the lies. Someone is bound to believe them. Too bad everyone has the internet.
  3. So if I understand this correctly, the President of the United States just told a bunch of high achieving "People of Color" that they and their parents just wasted thousands of dollars on a college degree because "whitee" is out to get them? And just four years earlier he would have told these same kids that "education is the great equalizer". Nice job Joe!
  4. Nice deflection tactic Hawk. Keep pushing the race-hate porn.
  5. Nice photo album. So you’re saying that I don’t live in an extremely diverse community? I’ll be sure to tell that to all of my neighbors. They could use a good laugh at your expense.😉
  6. And that’s been your life experience walking around lily white New England? Here in Southern California I live in the most diverse society in the history of mankind and nobody gives a rats arse!
  7. My favorite part of the border discussion is how neat and orderly the ‘wall’ looks in all of the video footage. Then, when you see the part where the wall construction was stopped, you see nothing but trash and chaos. There isn’t a better way to summarize this Biden-created humanitarian disaster. Period!
  8. Keep pushing the racism agenda. I guess it’s all they have left. Sad.
  9. I’m of the opinion that the lion’s share of next year’s roster turnover will be due to factors other than the cap. Like many on here I trust that the Front Office knows what they’re doing in the financial regard. But, let’s say the team makes the playoffs once again but craps the bed there, then I’m guessing turnover will come more out of choice than necessity. And likewise if they win the Super Bowl then roster turnover will come like it does for all championship squads as players, having accomplished the goal, will choose to leave for new challenges and greener ($) pastures.
  10. We’re actually able to email a link to the model and the Client can look around the model from their cellphone. But, they cannot walk around inside it. They can just see a complete 3D image of a specific room. So in the case of the new stadium, the Bills could send you a 3D image from a particular seat, and you could look all around in every direction from you phone. It’s nowhere near as realistic of an experience as wearing the goggles.
  11. No worries. In my business the actual opening of the new building has become a bit of an anticlimax. The VR experiences we can provide to our Clients during design are so realistic that once they stand in the real building the reaction is often something like “so… it looks just like the renderings”. 😉
  12. Thanks....you are correct, it of course won't show you everything....but it is really darn close. Your comment on leg room is a good one. It's critical to the gameday experience. I've mentioned this in previous posts on stadium design and row spacing. I'm going to assume that Populous is going to get it right and pray that their experience will not be overwritten by those trying to squeeze in an additional row.
  13. I’m not sure you totally grasped my comment. The VR representation of EACH unique seat will be part of the VR goggle experience. Everything. When we have clients put them on the reaction is always the same…”Wow!” or “Holy Sh@t”. Most reach out to see if they can see their actual actual hands and feet and many have to literally sit down just to keep from falling down. It’s something to do with the 3D stereo vision and the fact that the goggles engulf your complete peripheral vision. I’m guessing you won’t want to take them off and let the next person try them. Nobody ever does. 👍
  14. You’d be amazed at what we can do with VR these days. When you put on the goggles you’ll swear you’re sitting in your seat. You can look in all directions, up and down. It’s incredibly realistic….but nobody’s going to spill their beer on you. 😉
  15. He literally doesn’t even know what he’s fighting for anymore. He’s been lied to for so long it’s all just a blur of ranting and memes now.
  16. He has no political views. It’s all just screaming about partisan crap day after day. He doesn’t know or remember what he’s screaming for anymore. Just totally lost in the ‘my team’ matrix. Sad…he had such promise.
  17. So now you’ve got something to do! I mean the Draft is over…so. 😉
  18. Does it count if I really don’t like those white collared shirts that Kraft always wears? If not…it should!
  19. Gunner...in the Bohemian Rhapsody movie, they show computer generated aerial images of what's supposed to be the old Wembley Stadium from back during the Live Aid concert days. Are those images anywhere near accurate?
  20. And you do? It's your position that Biden's ex-daughter in law did consulting work for some Romanian oligarch? In what field exactly? And istead of invoicing the Biden Company, she asked that her payments be distributed through a middle man under some nebulous LLC? Sure! That sounds completely logical. In fact, that's exactly how my gardener invoices me for mowing my lawn. 😂
  21. I was going to ask about the train situation leaving Tottenham. We were utterly amazed at how fast they got everyone out of Wembley. Is Tottenham similar? Do they stack up the trains, ready to go?
  22. We were there. I thought about switching sides after BOTH team's quarterbacks decided to throw passes only to players wearing Charger uniforms. 😂
  23. I'm sure all of that pollution is going to stay in their little corner of the planet's climate. Yeah.....right!
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