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Everything posted by dma0034

  1. Landry for a 1st on an expiring contract? I like Landry a lot but that's too much, I'd definitely trade a 2nd for him too.
  2. They are looking to trade Landry too. I wish the Bills would be all over that
  3. We root for Denver. Two reasons: 1. We have their pick 2. Why are we not talking about winning the division?
  4. It's like the Bills select better Patriot players with their picks than the Patriots do -Al Michaels
  5. Figured. Really got to hope the weather slows them down a little bit
  6. Seattle would need to add, like a lot. Like a 2nd
  7. It would have to be one of the 3/4 Superbowl Contenders. I mean K.C, Pittsburgh, New England or Philly. Those are the only teams he's coming out of retirement for.
  8. I'd give up the 6th we got for Dareus for Pryor or Graham. I really want them to sign Landry in the offseason.
  9. Tradegly Process Formerly Known as: The Off-season Champs
  10. Maybe the worst play call of all time? The WTF punt formation Colts think that's bad.
  11. I'm not sure why people keep saying he's been disappointed. If your QB gets you 15 points it's average. 20+ is good. He's gotten over 20 in 3 of 5 games. 14 in one and was injuried. I'm in a two QB league where I've traded Carr and Newton (traded him when his value was low and got nothing) and I've been happy with Winston and Cousins as my QBs.
  12. I personally think it's two reasons: 1. Poor matchups. They love putting the NFC East team in there to draw the most ratings but more often than not they're bad. Looking at the remaining MNF games really the only game I really want to watch is Falcons-Seahawks. Where Sunday Night Football has: Pats-Falcons, Pats-Broncos, Eagles-Seahawks, Ravens-Bucs with the ability to flex any game to make it better later. The NFL should look into flexing MNF too 2. Poor commentating. TNF quickly realized Tony Romo was great to have in the booth for TNF..... Gruden is boring; likes everyone and doesn't show me anything. McDonough?
  13. I think the offense will look better very soon. They've played 4 of the top 10 defense thus far and the one that wasn't (Jets) they seemed to move at will on them. Bills need to get some healthy receivers. Expectations for this team still aren't high. Many would look at the playoffs as a bonus but no one thinks they're Superbowl contenders or anything. If they do well this year and draft well in the offseason next year or the year after may mean this team is very dangerous.
  14. The Bills-Browns 6-3 game made me not renew season tickets. Just the worse game and for no reason. Both teams were trash and Parrish fumbled late or we could of seen a 3-3 tie.
  15. If the rumors about his O-Line are true I'd get out of there with back spasms too
  16. I mean best rookie QB ever? Cam Newton destroyed the first two teams he played. Bills will get their QB next year. Also Tyrod has been impressive this year. No one will complain about the Bills drafting a QB next year but this season is Tyrod's
  17. In order to have 300 yards you need to throw 30+ times a game. He hasn't done that once this year. Also with no deep threat or play-making WR he isn't going to get the 50+ yard scores that benefit a lot of other QBs right now. Don't think Eli breaks 300 in a game this year or last without OBJ.
  18. Honestly the NFL must love it. All those same people will go buy more merchandise to replace the stuff they burned. It's kind of like if you burned your Lebron jersey in Cleveland.
  19. Well how often were both of them healthy at the same time? Then couple that with that the Rams played the 49ers on a Thursday night after a very tough physical matchup with the Seahawks. Not saying this shouldn't be Tyrod's last year but there are a lot of factors in why yesterday was a big day for Woods and Watkins
  20. Aaron Rodgers is on the Regional Cover.... guess where McCoy is?
  21. Rodgers Brady Brees Ryan Carr Newton Roethlisberger Wilson Luck Rivers Cousins Stafford -I take these 12 with no questions before Flacco. Then add in Manning, Winston, Mariota, Smith. Flacco isn't much better than Tannehill or Taylor imo
  22. The problem hasn't been the play calling. The problem has been the O-Line is being destroyed. So how do you stop that? Play action and moving your QB out of the pocket. The Bills haven't done that at all this preseason.
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