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Everything posted by dma0034

  1. Too much being taken out of Preseason. The offense will look average once Glenn is back and the Bills start using Roll Outs and Play Action more frequently
  2. Patriots Though when Brady tore his ACL it was against the Chiefs in the opener... and there is that Madden curse after all
  3. I truly believe that the Chiefs pick will be higher than the Bills pick this year.
  4. "Mahomes with plenty of time to throw" That being said a few times should really stand out.
  5. If this were the regular season the Bills would be doing a lot more bootleg and roll outs.... it's exactly how you counter what the Eagles are doing.
  6. The most unlikely thing about that is the Bills QBs throw for over 4k yards and 30 TDs lol
  7. The only thing Peterman showed me is that he should be taking the same amount of reps as Yates and being competing for the backup spot.
  8. I'm not sure why people think because they traded Watkins they are tanking. Last year the Bills were 31st in passing and that was because they didn't have reliable healthy WRs. This year the talent may not be as good but I don't think Tyrod will be looking out at Goodwin being his top WR. Do I agree with the Watkins trade> No, but I understand it.
  9. Well the Bills went 7-9 last year without Watkins for the most part. Jones-Boldin-Mattews isn't as terrible as the crew they had last year. Bills should be better on Offense. The thing that is interesting is if the return to the 4-3 defense sees the D-Line become a monster again. If it does the Bills are still better than last year with the ability to take a HUGE jump next year
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