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Everything posted by ChiGoose

  1. To believe the immunity argument that Trump's lawyers are pushing, you would have to believe that the Founders, having just finished a war against a King, created a president that could have their political opponents killed and threaten or coerce Congress into not impeaching them (which might be successful if they were on a murder spree) and there would be absolutely nothing anybody could do about it.
  2. Luckily for Trump, he never did pay back the National Enquirer for the McDougal story catch-and-kill. Unluckily for Trump, that meant that when the Stormy Daniels story was being shopped, he'd have to pay out for it because the National Enquirer wasn't going to front the money this time. So the Trump Organization paid to kill the story to benefit the campaign. The company ledger was falsified to cover up this fact. He should have just paid out of the campaign fund and avoided all of this. Bringing in his company was a bad move.
  3. Seems bad. I sure hope that Trump didn't falsify any business records to try to cover that up.
  4. Moving Noem up my rankings for potential Trump VP
  5. This SCOTUS believes in states rights unless the state is doing something it doesn't like; originalism unless the original meaning of a law is something it doesn't like; textualism unless the text doesn't say what they want it to say; precedents are things to ignore or overturn; judges are historians, scientists, and medical experts... Attempts to understand a consistent jurisprudence for this court fails against just thinking about what it is that the GOP would want.
  6. Climate change is a pretty solid example of a specific way the political right is currently broken and living in a fantasy world. The right doesn't like a lot of the left's solutions for combating climate change (and that's fair, it's ok to have policy differences and no plan is perfect) but instead of acknowledging reality and proposing their own plan, they just deny that climate change is a thing at all. Then they point to anecdotes, highlight anyone with extreme positions as being representative of everyone, ignore predictions that were correct while highlighting predictions that were wrong, and try to evoke emotional reactions that distract for the factual realities. It's a common thing across a lot of different issues today: deny reality and push emotional reactions to prevent any action to address problems. Create an "us vs them" scenario the conveniently supports whatever big moneyed interests want. Anyway, if you don't believe that climate change is real despite the o v e r w h e l m i n g evidence, you're being played like a fool. PS: If you're not a fan of immigration, you should be really concerned about climate change.
  7. Anyone else who did what he did and is facing what he’s facing would already be in jail. But it’s Trump, so he’s probably looking at nothing worse than a fine.
  8. Absolutely 100% correct. Candidates and their campaigns, however, do not have the right to tell people to sign fake elector certifications, order the DoJ to tell states not to certify elections, or tell DHS to seize voting machines.
  9. Anything done at the behest of a candidate or campaign is almost by definition not an official act. Candidates cannot order the government to do anything. They can file suits if they think something is being done incorrectly or illegally (like Gore and Trump did). But they can’t do things like order the DoJ to tell states not to certify electoral slates (like Gore did not but Trump did).
  10. Since POTUS has no role in administration of elections, what is the theory that Trump’s actions inserting himself into the election process are official acts?
  11. Nah man, the Dems aren’t pulling all these strings behind the scenes, forcing law enforcement to do things. If they were that competent, they would have never lost to an idiot conman in 2016. If they had that kind of power and desire to do away with Trump, he would have already been convicted of multiple felonies that he absolutely committed. They would have enforced the emoluments clause while he was in office taking in foreign money through his hotel. What’s actually happening here is that a long time criminal committed a bunch of crimes and now he’s facing the consequences of that. If the new normal is criminals get charged with crimes, I’m not sure why you’re so worried about it.
  12. I’m 100% fine with the law being enforced against people who break the law, even against Dems. Do you oppose the laws being enforced? Or do you think that some favored people should be above the law?
  13. Trump’s lawyers know they are going to lose this battle. Their arguments are ridiculous. But they are going to win the war. Their goal isn’t to win the cases, it’s simply to delay them. This hearing has already delayed the case despite the fact that the Special Counsel asked SCOTUS to hear this issue months ago but they declined. What Trump’s team is hoping for here is a remand. It’d be pointless because there is no reading of the Constitution or law that makes overturning an election an official act, but it would mean that Chutkin would have to make that ruling. As soon as she does, Trump will appeal, eventually all of the way up to SCOTUS. By then, it’ll be too late to have the trial by the election, depriving the public of knowledge as to whether or not Trump is guilty.
  14. The Dems are bad because law enforcement is enforcing the law. We cannot allow them to normalize law enforcement enforcing the law! Can you imagine!?!?
  15. “Where is the president’s statement on this!?!?!” ”Here it is” ”BRB, moving goalposts”
  16. Because the Dems, by and large, are feckless cowards. When Biden won, they thought to themselves “well, that’s the end of Trump” because they are dumb.
  17. I’m glad we don’t actually live in the world you think we do. Do crimes, get charged. If you didn’t want your president to get charged with crimes, don’t elect a criminal.
  18. He hasn’t been tried for election interference once. He is slated to be tried for defrauding the US in DC but who knows when that’s actually going to happen. Sorry reality doesn’t match up to your fantasy. But that’s a you problem. Right. Makes absolutely no sense if there was a widespread conspiracy to get Trump. Just charge him with the crimes documented by Mueller and be done with it. Could have had the guy already into his second year in jail not worrying about any of this today.
  19. He has violated his gag orders so frequently that Judge Merchen could take him into custody today. When defending Trump, his lawyers could not point to any case that supported their theory that he hadn’t violated his gag order. It was that bad. Aside from that, the entire second half of the Mueller Report is just documenting Trump crimes. Merrick Garland could have indicted Trump on day one and likely secured a conviction ages ago. It’s incredible that people think that there’s a grand conspiracy to prosecute Trump when in reality he has been treated with kids gloves that none of us would ever have benefited from.
  20. Sweet Biden-Harris Administration Announces Final Rule Requiring Automatic Refunds of Airline Tickets and Ancillary Service Fees WASHINGTON – The Biden-Harris Administration today announced that the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) has issued a final rule that requires airlines to promptly provide passengers with automatic cash refunds when owed. The new rule makes it easy for passengers to obtain refunds when airlines cancel or significantly change their flights, significantly delay their checked bags, or fail to provide the extra services they purchased. “Passengers deserve to get their money back when an airline owes them - without headaches or haggling,” said U.S. Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg. “Our new rule sets a new standard to require airlines to promptly provide cash refunds to their passengers.” **** Under the rule, passengers are entitled to a refund for: Canceled or significantly changed flights: Passengers will be entitled to a refund if their flight is canceled or significantly changed, and they do not accept alternative transportation or travel credits offered. For the first time, the rule defines “significant change.” Significant changes to a flight include departure or arrival times that are more than 3 hours domestically and 6 hours internationally; departures or arrivals from a different airport; increases in the number of connections; instances where passengers are downgraded to a lower class of service; or connections at different airports or flights on different planes that are less accessible or accommodating to a person with a disability. Significantly delayed baggage return: Passengers who file a mishandled baggage report will be entitled to a refund of their checked bag fee if it is not delivered within 12 hours of their domestic flight arriving at the gate, or 15-30 hours of their international flight arriving at the gate, depending on the length of the flight. Extra services not provided: Passengers will be entitled to a refund for the fee they paid for an extra service — such as Wi-Fi, seat selection, or inflight entertainment — if an airline fails to provide this service. **** The final rule improves the passenger experience by requiring refunds to be: Automatic: Airlines must automatically issue refunds without passengers having to explicitly request them or jump through hoops. Prompt: Airlines and ticket agents must issue refunds within seven business days of refunds becoming due for credit card purchases and 20 calendar days for other payment methods. Cash or original form of payment: Airlines and ticket agents must provide refunds in cash or whatever original payment method the individual used to make the purchase, such as credit card or airline miles. Airlines may not substitute vouchers, travel credits, or other forms of compensation unless the passenger affirmatively chooses to accept alternative compensation. Full amount: Airlines and ticket agents must provide full refunds of the ticket purchase price, minus the value of any portion of transportation already used. The refunds must include all government-imposed taxes and fees and airline-imposed fees, regardless of whether the taxes or fees are refundable to airlines.
  21. Trump is a co-conspirator in Michigan's 2020 false electors plot, state investigator says "Michigan prosecutors consider former President Donald Trump and some of his top aides co-conspirators in the plot to submit a certificate falsely claiming he won Michigan's 2020 election, an investigator for Attorney General Dana Nessel's office testified Wednesday in court. Howard Shock, a special agent for Nessel, said Trump; Mark Meadows, who was Trump's chief of staff; and Rudy Giuliani, who was his personal lawyer, are "unindicted co-conspirators" in Michigan's false elector case. In total, over the last two days, Shock has identified 11 conspirators who haven't been charged. That means prosecutors believe they participated, to some extent, in an alleged scheme to commit forgery by creating a false document asserting Trump had won Michigan's 16 electoral votes when Democrat Joe Biden had won them. Shock's testimony came on the sixth day of preliminary examinations in Ingham County District Court as Nessel's office pursues felony charges against a group of Republican activists who signed the certificate of votes claiming Trump won." On a side note, was there some memo that went out on the right telling everyone to use the word "lawfare?" It's like the "collusion" BS all over again.
  22. You still seem to be confusing what you think the law should be with what the law actually is. As I previously stated, all Trump needed to do was pay the money out of the Trump Campaign. If he did, he would be facing an FEC fine at worst, but most likely no penalty.
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