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Everything posted by ChiGoose

  1. Cool. So all of the tweets about the 2020 election being stolen should be deleted by Twitter?
  2. So now we have to trust Twitter with the authority to police speech and determine what is true or false?
  3. No, I just understand that many (most?) FBI investigations do not end in charges. That the threshold for a search is lower than that for an indictment, which is lower than that for a conviction. I also understand that if you personally keep government documents unlawfully, that you should expect to have to deal with the FBI. And if you lie to them about returning all of them, you shouldn’t be surprised when you get a knock at the door.
  4. It’s because the GOP only cares about the culture war, which boils down to: is there a slice of air between your mouth and Trump’s ass? If so, you’re out of line and it’s time to go.
  5. Woke liberal MSM news pundit calling for Twitter censorship, claiming FAKE NEWS: https://twitter.com/seanhannity/status/1558512052553109505?s=21&t=xgVSrVhsVOtkYvlESIzAvg
  6. The FBI wanting to see video of a location where government documents are improperly stored equals corruption? That is so incredibly stupid.
  7. Not only did one of Trump’s lawyers sign a statement to the DoJ falsely stating that they turned everything over, but surveillance videos show people taking boxes in and out of the locker after they had been in contact with the DoJ https://www.nytimes.com/2022/08/13/us/politics/trump-classified-material-fbi.html
  8. Nationwide broadband would be such a tremendous economic boon to rural America (while potentially harming urban America) but the GOP doesn’t give two sh!ts about rural people so they would never go for something that would create economic activity on par with (or greater than) the highway system.
  9. The real difference is that, in general, blue states care more about their people while red states are only concerned if the people in power “get theirs” It’s why life expectancy and health outcomes are generally better in blue states. And in some red states, the income tax is low but the tax burden is higher because of other consumption taxes. The main goal is that the rich and donor classes get to have as much as possible and screw everybody else. Ok, so I pay more in income tax than other people might. But I get a lot in return for it, so I don’t see any reason why I’d want to move somewhere like Florida or Texas.
  10. I agree that like Hillary, he should be investigated. And if charges are warranted, they should be filed. At this stage, the big question is why he had the documents. That will likely play a large role into whether or not he will be charged.
  11. Because emails are digital and paper documents are physical? The FBI had Clinton’s physical server, what other physical evidence of digital files would they expect to find at her house? Unless she was in the habit of printing out her emails to read and the FBI knew of this, there really isn’t anything you would expect to find of a search of a home for emails when you already had the server. It’s really hard to understand why that would warrant a search but someone taking physical documents, refusing to hand them over, then handing over some and lying by saying they handed over them all, would not.
  12. A simple change that would go a long way would be Return Free Filing. For most Americans who are wage earners with simple deductions, the government already knows all of their info. The IRS can provide them with a return and they can either agree to it or submit their own. If your employer already provides a W-2 to the IRS, this would make filing a hell of a lot easier. Lots of other countries do it and we could too if it wasn’t for the lobbyists.
  13. Criticizing law enforcement is fine. Publishing the names of specific officers you are calling corrupt the day after one of your supporters attacked an FBI office is both asking for violence and absolutely disgusting.
  14. Ah, I see we’re still playing the “have no idea how anything works” game. Two FISA warrants against Carter Page we’re found to be inappropriate. Other FISA warrants on Page were found to be fine. Page was a small part of the Russia investigation. The Steele Dossier is 1. a raw intelligence document and 2. not the predicate for the investigation into the Trump campaign. Raw intelligence documents should never be made public because the media and the public will read them for what they are not: an intelligence analysis. When gathering intel, you go through two steps: get the info and then assess its veracity. Like other raw intelligence documents, the Steele Dossier had not been vetted for veracity. It was basically “some people told us X” before investigating whether X was true. Steele caused tremendous problems by making it public because people like yourself didn’t understand what it was. Which wasn’t helped by the media’s poor coverage of it. This wasn’t limited to the Right, however, as many on the Left grasped on to the salacious aspects like the pee tape because they wanted it to be true even if it was ridiculous on its face. Ironically, it also caused a problem for the Clinton campaign. When they first got the dossier, they were so embarrassed by its contents that they tried to bury it. When Steele went public with it, the FEC noticed that Clinton has no disclosed payments to Steele or Fusion GPS (because they hid the connection to bury the dossier) and fined the campaign six figures.
  15. Nah, the current POTUS is actually brain dead and the administration is being run by reverse vampires. They made the call to reclassify as part of the deep state lizard people plot to make sweet perfect angel Donald Trump look bad. But don’t worry! This will all end with JFK Jr in the White House to save America.
  16. So what’s the current explanation? From what I understand, Trump had no idea he had the documents because the GSA packed them but it’s ok if he did because he knew about the documents and had already declassified them but also the documents were planted by the FBI. And so when NARA asked for the documents back, Trump refused because this was the first time he learned of them but also that they were his documents and were declassified before leaving the White House. And because he eventually gave documents back at the threat of legal action that just proves that he was cooperating the whole time but also that the documents were declassified and were planted by the FBI. And that’s why it was improper for the FBI to search his place and find the documents that he refused to return but were also already declassified and were planted by the FBI. So, in the end, there was no crime here because Trump cooperated by turning over some documents but refusing to turn over others because they were both declassified and planted by the FBI. And even though some of the statutes under which he was being investigated have no mention or requirement that the documents in question be classified, he’s totally innocent because he had no idea about the documents he declassified and the GSA put in his house and were planted by the FBI. Do I have that right?
  17. Hey, at least I can understand the difference between collusion and conspiracy, unlike apparently 75% of this board. Also, if Biden does the stuff Trump did, he should be investigated too. The FBI was right to investigate Hillary as well. I just don’t get why people are so eager to shill for a loser like Trump.
  18. Ok, so that's obviously a dumb straw man argument, so par for the course here at PPP. My assumption had been that the boxes were included with their personal effects when they were moved out of the White House, which they clearly shouldn't have been. The idea that this is all the fault of the GSA sorta falls apart when Trump was notified about the documents and still fought to avoid returning them. So even if they had been brought to MAL accidentally and without Trump's knowledge, he was definitely in the wrong for not returning them when he was notified. Also, how does "the GSA messed up and sent these documents to MAL without Trump knowing" square with "Trump declassified these specific documents before leaving office"?
  19. ...or could it be that presidential records belong to the archivist once the president leaves office and therefore, no presidential records should be at his home?
  20. Oh my god. Read like, just the intro to the actual report. Mueller straight up said he wasn't even evaluating on the basis of collusion because it is legally not a thing. Like, I know the report is long, but you don't need to read the whole thing. Just like, one paragraph. It can't be that hard, can it? Here, I will make it easier for you. I'll give you the actual text where Mueller himself states that they are not looking at collusion: Page 2 of the Mueller Report Just page 2. You don't even have to make it to page 3 to realize the statement "Mueller found that there was no collusion" is complete BS.
  21. I know. It's crazy that there are so many people out there who deny that the Trump campaign worked with Russians despite more than 100 contacts between the campaign and the Russians. And somehow, people still believe that Trump is innocent of everything despite clear evidence that he has committed several crimes. I guess people just pick their team and they just trust everything they are told that supports their team and ignore anything that doesn't fit their worldview. It's unfortunate, but here we are.
  22. This is the first I'm hearing this claim. Everything I've seen states that the boxes came with Trump's stuff when he moved out of the White House. Is there a source for this?
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