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Everything posted by T&C

  1. I've heard this many times about them... why not just stay at the house and crank it out into the backyard. Guy I know works in security in Tampa for concerts. Said when he did the Eagles show they were instructed to never directly look at any of the members of the group. And this was back in the tunnels and hallways. Kind of dickish if you asked me.
  2. Thought you in particular would get a kick out of this... the debut of the Stones:
  3. Haven't had any pop in at least 10 years...
  4. Ahh.. I didnt watch the vid. Tilapia is a garbage fish, I won't eat it. If it isn't certified wild caught I won't eat any fish. The farmed crap from random countries is just that... crap.
  5. Not sure what you mean by that.
  6. I'm the same... but, stamped out ray wings are pretty tasty for sure. Puffers are a pain in the ass just like ladyfish... not worth it to me anyways. Too many no hassle good fish to eat out there to even want to deal with a puffer.
  7. You triggered a nerve... I got them mixed up, thanks for the clarification.
  8. Was this attached to the Laff in the Dark? Or, wherever the air vents came up?
  9. I worked at Darien as a summer job in the mid 70's when school was off. All they had then were paddle boats and the new waterslide. My job was waterslide attendant... sat at the top and told people when to go or when to wait. The puss I extracted from that gig was incredible... lowest paying job ever/best job I ever had. I still have my employee manual. Amazing how that place turned into something completely different.
  10. I get what you are saying... I wouldn't wait 2 hours for a ride either. But, and maybe I'm dreaming here... the lines at Crystal Beach never seemed that long. I doubt my old man would have put up with it either. As kids the wait was kind of the lead up to the thrill of the ride.
  11. I didn't grow up near the Falls (Lancaster) but I have never heard of this place... would think I'd at least heard the name but no. Was it like Glen Park? Every year we'd go here for the 4th of July weekend... hit the park, watch the fireworks over the lake, ... they had some place across the road called Fairyland Forest. The Blue Streak is an awesome coaster and is still up and running strong. Not that far a drive from WNY really. http://www.newconneautlakepark.com/ http://www.newconneautlakepark.com/attractions/historic-blue-streak-wooden-roller-coaster.cfm
  12. Is this the one kind of by the Comet where the attendant actually had a water hose to wash away the puke?
  13. Will do... also have another Bills guy in that area too.
  14. Thinking about this for a bit, it could also have been A&P... we shopped there sometime too.
  15. I think it was Super Duper... not completely sure but I got those tickets as a kid and we shopped there.
  16. Very cool... would have probably done the same in that proximity.
  17. What was the Bullet ride? Have no recollection of that one. Do remember the suckers though.
  18. Thanks for this... I rode the Wild Mouse before the Comet, must have made the height or being with a parent. Close to the mini golf thing they had. My Dad loved that one... and the Scrambler. We closed the park a couple of times on the Scrambler. First time I ever saw woman's underthings was at that park... the guys running the air jets were as dirty as I am today.
  19. Awesome. Also, does your knee have that much hair nowadays... or is that a random head?
  20. I know what you are saying but somehow I never went on one or my school didn't have it. Also never rode the boat on over... most towns had a Crystal Beach day back then. I know Lancaster did though. We might get up that way later this year, I don't know, might be the next depending on what goes on with family health issues... but I will ride that mofo one last time.
  21. Never heard of this until you mentioned it but this vid clearly shows what you are saying:
  22. I have to laugh at this... "where the phone never rings". Next 100 years? I'm sure the wheels were already turning at this point. Still, not a bad overview at that time: Never rode it like that, must have been after I went into the Army in 78. Another Park we used to go to once a year was Roseland on Canandaguia (sp) lake... also gone.
  23. Didn't know of another... the original from Crystal Beach has been moved to Lake George or somewhere's out that way... thing is still going.
  24. The year I was finally tall enough was a great one, we would go every year to Crystal Beach and how I counted down to being able to ride the damn thing... you can only extend your neck so far. First time was a mindblower... rode it with my Dad.
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