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Everything posted by T&C

  1. Dunno, hot chicks are everywhere... actually was a good move going to the kitchen, and then back to the couch. Sitting here with 5 different different foods to munch on for the second half.. she never lets me down.
  2. pretty sure whoever that chick is in the red is lip synching... this is ***** horrible, on the way to the kitchen.
  3. Where in the hell have you been? Everything good?
  4. Had no idea we were heading in that direction... and she has big arms, at least one of them is lol.
  5. T&C

    Name This Person

    Ok, it''s a she. But, can you see where/why I guessed Todd Rundgren... I wasn't joking.
  6. Had no idea... this kind of falls under the useless information category here though. https://www.howtogeek.com/trivia/coffee-breaks-first-appeared-at-a-company-located-in/?answer=1&fbclid=IwAR3y4K5GC7P6WkcB76RUiT4qJfYkWDodWyaxl4zeRk_kiXSow3DxsRMjcW0 We quickly moved on to this however:
  7. I actually have the original Anchor Bar wing recipe... so old that you might remember when the Durkee name was around. Don't know how to post pics here or I would... I'm not hacking the whole thing out.
  8. @bbb Yeah, I'm freaking a bit too. But, China is basically closed... no flights, ports don't want to accept ships from them, etc. A ***** mess. And... lives are being lost. Right now its a no win situation. Down over 600 as of now.
  9. On a side note, the DOW is down over 550 as of now, directly related to the virus.
  10. T&C

    Name This Person

    A young Barbara Walters?
  11. T&C

    Name This Person

    Thanks, that keeps up the spirit of the thread... either you know or you don't or you guess. Some of these have been eye opening.
  12. T&C

    Name This Person

    I made this with the either you know or you just guess... should have put a no google clause in there lol.
  13. T&C

    Name This Person

    Keith Morrison? I thought Frampton played at Baylor.
  14. T&C

    Name This Person

    Wow, would never have guessed. The pic reminded me of an actor that I still can't place his name. Well done.
  15. You are right... pure fear, it must have been horrible, can't even imagine it. From what I've read though their deaths were instant so there was no suffering. Also looks like all of the bodies have been recovered.
  16. Moons last performance ever, B-Stage at Shepperton Studios on 25 May 1978 Filmed by Jeff Stein for the closing sequence of The Kids Are Alright. Quality is excellent.
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