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Everything posted by T&C

  1. I fed my Nelson milk snake a mouse at noon today... snakes are varied and some are mellow like this one breed. What shocked me the most is that the price of a mouse went up to $5.41 with tax at Petsmart... was like 3 bucks a month ago. I wish the flea market was still open... the chick up there charged just under 2. Whatever, Pandora gets her meal as always lol.
  2. Other than the morons... the rest are easy to work with imo. Herbicides are what they are and they work well with little to no effect on health if used properly. The roundup "lawsuit" is just a group of lawyers trying to make money.
  3. Their saliva is poisonous... one little nip and you are done, it may take days but that is how they hunt.
  4. If it was me I'd be moving those baskets out back somewhere's. I'm an animal lover but there comes a point where there is a line in the sand. Its not like you are killing them... just a simple relocation. Take tennis or badmitton gear when you move them... if you do.
  5. Aren't teams allowed 48 hours to release a player after signing one at this point in the year? I might be wrong but I could swear I read that somewheres. Maybe it was 24 hours...
  6. We get 81... Wade is an exemption again this year. I'd like to know too.
  7. Nice... have never seen one down here. Wonder if they would like this one:
  8. Straight outta Roadrunner!
  9. I'll bet that its the reflection of the glass that is keeping them away. As far as the seed goes, you can't go wrong with sunflower seeds. A lot of the cheap/budget bags of seed are loaded with milo... the brown seeds the size of a bb. Sure they are " edible" but nothing will eat it other than the mourning doves on the ground and that's only if that is the only thing there. Its just filler and in my opinion the only thing its good for is making more milo.
  10. The squirrels here will climb them but like I said if anyone has a problem with that just vaseline it up... it even stays on when it rains hard.
  11. T&C

    Name This Person

    Yep, that's Gene. This was actually at a Tops in Buffalo, he was there promoting some sort of drink with his name on it.
  12. Get a tall shepards hook... available most home improvement stores... and hang your feeders. Sunflower seeds are the lobster for most species. Lube the post with cheap vaseline or whatever the dollar store sells. The squirrels will slide down it like 1 dollar hookers. Mine have given up lol. Figure I'm saving 40 a month by just feeding the birds.
  13. You gave me a good idea... Slit a tennis ball a few times and then cram a 4 packer of moth balls inside it and then roll it into the unwanted territory... that should last for a couple of months at least.
  14. I see a pair of swallow tail hawks fly around here once in awhile, seems a half a mile high though... never have seen them perched/landed ever. The red shouldered though... they screech around here all day. Just throw a bag of mothballs in there if you want to get rid of the woodchuck... even opossums can't stand it. Had a problem in my pump shed a couple of years ago and that did the trick. Favorite predatory bird is the owls and the falcons... hawk variety next. Favorite non predatory bird is the cardinal.. and robins. Don't get robins but every few years in the winter here but they were my favorite back in WNY.
  15. T&C

    Name This Person

    Not Joe... but Joe only wishes lol.
  16. I have red shouldered hawks all around... once in awhile they land in the back part to make their presence known. A woodchuck is a ferocious piece of fat that would be hard for a hawk to take down, unless it is a pretty young one.
  17. T&C

    Name This Person

    Who is this geezer on an electric cart?
  18. Pumped my fist at splashdown... I'm in awe at how smooth this has been from liftoff to splashdown... just mind blowing.
  19. Oh yeah, they love that one. Mine last maybe 5 days but I have two other feeders right there, one just sunflower seeds and the other a round seed cake crammed into a suet feeder, so they have choices. I you google C&S suet cakes on images there a ton of other ones out there... I'm going to see if home depot or lowes has any of the different ones... mainly the insect one and the hot pepper one. What is strange to me is the packaging of the ones you have, seems like last years look... all of the packaging around here looks kind of like this depending on which cake it is:
  20. Absolutely the one in Brandon.. we talked about it last year. Wonder if most of it will be outside this season.
  21. We are going to have a beer at O'Briens and discuss this... I disagree with most of it lol.
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