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Everything posted by T&C

  1. T&C

    Name This Person

    I think Chevy and myself posted a new one within a minute or so of each other. Have no idea on his.
  2. T&C

    Name This Person

    Who is Steve Miller jamming with?
  3. London premier of Yellow Submarine, 1968.
  4. T&C

    Name This Person

    Was this guy in a western series... Matt Dillon?
  5. Yeah, I saw it mentioned in the article... didn't know if you had a link because you quoted just that one part. It is just bizarre seeing her name after all this time.
  6. Chevy, I'm not kidding you about this. I went to grade school with a Suzanne Korcz at SME in Lancaster. She was my first girlfriend and we were going to get married lol... I even bought her a ring. A cheapie but a ring nontheless. Do you know of any article that mentions this murder and if so could you post a link? She is in all of my class photo's from the 60's if this is the same girl/woman.
  7. Coffee Crisp is the greatest candy bar the world has ever known... "just" out does the Skybar... but Skybar's are pretty damn good too.
  8. It was. I'm one to pepper the ***** out of it though, no matter where. In reality we should have just shared a plate with sides.
  9. I remember seeing the Rich lit up for this one... lived in Bennington at the time on top of the knoll, and as a side note could also see the slag being dropped in the lake... a fiery red/orange. Was in my second year of High school when this one was played. Got a good retro game to post? Lets have it. Man on the wire game here: Pt.2
  10. T&C

    Name This Person

    Gary Wright? Someone related to Spooky Tooth?
  11. T&C

    Name This Person

    Bill Bruford? John Silver?
  12. T&C

    Name This Person

    I thought the same thing for just a second but I don't think it's him.
  13. The one we used to go to was on Genesee about a quarter mile east of Transit on the north hand side of the road... best of my recollection anyways. Could have been Main though but it was near the mall.
  14. Out in Alden: http://www.countrysideinngdi.com/
  15. Tampa area... we got lit up pretty good.
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