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Everything posted by Beast

  1. This is 2018, not 1987. Mack will NEVER bring that much compensation back in a salary cap league. The guy has a hair over 20 sacks in the last two years combined. He’s a heckuva player but that package you suggest is silly.
  2. Good thing we don’t play the Browns or Eagles. Some board members would want Allen to sit those games out.
  3. Too bad for Taylor. I wish him well but the Browns are better off with Mayfield starting.
  4. Should we serve Allen milk and cookies while he’s on the bench?
  5. This is one incident that if there is video of it, I hope it’s never released.
  6. If the Bills didn’t want Schmidt replaced, they wouldn’t be bringing in a vet this late in camp. This is no competition, folks. Ryan will be the Bills punter. Could be they liked what they saw in the kid that got hurt and released him and told him he would be their guy next year. Ryan will be the stopgap.
  7. Schopp is a social justice warrior. It wouldn’t surprise me that he wouldn’t like Allen because of the Twitter situation when Allen was going through puberty.
  8. He doesn’t need the horseshoes on his helmet, he needs them up his ass.
  9. If you’ve ever been through Jacksonville and actually realized you were in Jacksonville, I give you credit.
  10. If our 7th overall pick can’t beat out last years 5th rounder.....well, there is an issue. No worries. Allen is the man. He should be the starter.
  11. What a terrible thread. I’d post a link to it but you made me mad!
  12. The Bills played against Brisette twice. Shut him out once and nearly shut him out again. Personally, I don’t see anything that even says starting QB when I have watched the guy but I’m no talent evaluator.
  13. Allen is definitely the franchise. I like that Peterman’s game has seemed to improve since last season. He may be a guy that a team can win a game or two with coming off the bench. It all remains to be seen but I am optimistic.
  14. So do all Bills fans. Stats be damned. If you look at Peterman and Allen’s play, and can’t tell who the better, more talented, QB is.....well, I don’t know what to tell you. Allen is a Hoss.
  15. The guy runs off at the mouth and because, if he thinks it, he believes he it is 100% true. I wasn’t even discounting it may have been an ACL issue but to say it is because he had on a brace is freaking hilarious! I know ACL injuries. I had mine shredded in 1987 and opted to not have reconstructive surgery on it. I was 19 at the time. Simce then, not one issue except minor arthritis when it gets humid. Of course, I am no longer a cut and plant athlete but, to this day, remain very active.
  16. Not even going to get into an arguement concerning this. Go ahead and believe it is automatically the ACL. Cripes.
  17. Yeah, and they are going to let him walk around without crutches if it is that bad.
  18. I like how people are treating Josh Allen like he is a baby and he better not go over to grandpa’s house because he smokes cigs. This is freaking football. The Bills will be a run heavy offense and there is NO REASON other than he isn’t ready, that he should not be the starter. Yeezus, when you post something it is safe to say the opposite of what you want is what should happen.
  19. So, we should wait two or three years to play Allen when/if our o-line play is better. Good thinking.
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