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Chicken Boo

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Everything posted by Chicken Boo

  1. He doesn't have to care what we think. We're right, he (so far) is wrong. He'll reach that conclusion in due time.
  2. St. Louis Rams value - $1.45 billion L.A. Rams value - $2.9 billion Purely because of location. What more incentive does one need?
  3. My point was that, McDermott will be hearing it from EVERYONE and his ego will not allow him to make the necessary change. Really not that hard to comprehend.
  4. Continue to laugh as the slide continues, the chorus grows louder and McDermott remains stubborn.
  5. I share your pain amd agree 100%, but McDermott won't make the switch until it's too late. Right now, Sean's going to be defensive, feeling like the fans and media think they know better than he, the head coach. If McDermott is to bench Taylor, his ego won't allow the decision to be made under pressure from outsiders. It has to be of his own "perceived" volition. So expect it to happen 3 weeks too late, after 5 straight losses and our playoff hopes dashed. Then we'll hear Sean rattle off the standard, "I did what was in the best interest of the team" "Tyrod gave us the best chance to win" b.s. On a side note, who here thinks Belichick WOULDN'T make the switch after Tyrod's last 2 outings?
  6. The ball came out on time. That's the single most important take away from this video. Peterman was getting the offense into a rhythm.
  7. I'm sure you've tackled this question since yesterday, but just wtf does ^that^ have to do with Tyrod's inability to play QB?
  8. I'd bet my house (I wouldn't) Josh Allen is a Buffalo Bill on April 26th, around 9PM. McBeane will not sell the farm to acquire a QB and Allen will be in prime position for the Bills to draft in the 15-25 range. Take that ish to the bank.
  9. Ouch! How long will it take McDermott to realize what everyone else already knows? This situation will tell us a lot...
  10. Then said coach will watch as he loses the 6th seed in the playoff race.
  11. If the process is to have the worst passing attack in the league, then yes. Yes I am. I'm a rabid anti-process guy.
  12. Stubbornness is possibly the worst trait a coach can have.
  13. Tyrod threw for 56 yards today. You should be very quiet.
  14. If the Bills take a QB, and I'm not so sure they will, my money is on Allen.
  15. You think that's bad. Wait until they stroll in to 2018 with Tyrod as their starter. These are the same guys that thought Tre White would be a better addition to this team than Deshaun Watson. That's a far more egregious draft day blunder than Watkins will ever be.
  16. You poor fella. What this is is the writing on the wall. The Bills need to go all out on their QB of choice in 2018. If they go into next season thinking Tyrod is the answer, then they're just stupid and deserve to fail.
  17. Remember the last time the Bills started 5-2 under Jauron? Just a reminder to never get too high on this team. 17 seasons and counting.
  18. Thery were careful not to insult craft beer, but rather, wine. Bells Two Hearted Ale, FTMFW! Dilly dilly!
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