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Posts posted by transplantbillsfan

  1. I'll take what my eyeballs show me.....and also what Andy Benoit and Greg Cosell think about Tyrod (that he's not good) over what some guy in Ireland who's based his opinion on Tyrod's 2 or 3 best games........and not the 15 so-so/stinkers he's had.

    Way to totally make something up... you may disagree with his opinion, but it's too bad you have to lie to try to further invalidate his work...

  2. Yea Cian Fahey has gotten way too much hype as some type of player analyst. Don't get me wrong, he's a good follow and he has strong takes. That said I take his opinions as seriously as I do mine or my buddies when it comes to the NFL.


    His defense of Tyrod being some type of good QB is comical. He's dug in so far with Tyrod, that I believe it's more important to him to defend Tyrod and throw shade at anybody who questions his analysis than to admit he was wrong and that Tyrod isn't very good.


    I'll take what my eyeballs show me.....and also what Andy Benoit and Greg Cosell think about Tyrod (that he's not good) over what some guy in Ireland who's based his opinion on Tyrod's 2 or 3 best games........and not the 15 so-so/stinkers he's had.


    I love Schopp, but he relies on Cian' QB analysis way too hard. It's what got Schoop excited about Mitch Tribusky. Cian really likes Mitch and doesn't like Patrick Mahomes. I on the other hand think Tribusky is bad and is going to be really bad in the NFL.

    Translation: Fahey's a hack because he likes Taylor and I don't. And because I can cite 2 other QB guys, my opinion is validated. And because he likes Tribusky and I don't.



    And what the hell does him being in Ireland have to do with anything in this day and age?


    Getting Dak wrong is not as bad as declaring Vernon Adams the top QB prospect in the 2016 draft.


    It's not like it was an overwhelmingly strong QB class, anyway.


    The best QB in the class surprised absolutely everyone. The guy drafted #1 overall is on the path to being a bust already. And Wentz started hot and fizzled away the rest of the year.


    You're talking about a guy as a miss who is really a never was. It's the equivalent of everyone complaining that the Bills didn't trade up to get Dak and how Whaley was wrong to be likely enamored with Jones over Dak.


    Have we really seen Jones play, yet?


    For that matter, have we seen Dak sustain his level of play, yet?



    Pump the brakes with the overreactions and try to find some even ground you can sit on. We need a few years before we can really say anything about these guys. And as much as some will want to jump back to EJ and shout from a mountaintop that "I knew he was a bust from DAY1!!!" I bet many of those are the same guys who were saying "Kirk Cousins is the worst NFL QB!!!" for his first few years in the league.


    I never learn anything from reading Fahey. That's why I don't get why people quote him so much.


    You never learn anything from him? Have you read his "film room" analyses? I'm not asking that rhetorically, I'm genuinely curious. What he writes occasionally misses the mark, but so does the work of just about any writer out there.


    Can you give me an example of an expert who consistently writes things you "learn" from and provide one of his articles?


    Andy Benoit > Cian Fahey



    Fahey thought Vernon Adams was better than Carson Wentz as a QB prospect last year. Time for him to go back to analytics.


    We've been through this.


    You can find prospects and players that absolutely every single "expert" or "guru" has completely whiffed on, including Benoit.


    So if you like Benoit more than Fahey, that's fine and you're entitled to your own opinion. But arguing it based on a whiff is pretty short-sighted.



    Plus, Fahey's area of "expertise" really isn't college. Benoit seems to do more with college, but both guys are ultimately NFL guys, so it would probably at least lend more credence to the argument that one guy is greater than the other if you look at their analysis of their fields of expertise: the NFL.

  6. Agree entirely here. It was his best game as a pro. His command was really evident as he checked in and out of plays; he had defenders moving all game long.


    I thought the Seattle game may have been his "ah-ha" moment, but that wasn't the case. I'm hoping the Miami game was, too, but I need to be convinced like everybody else. If not, our only hope is to get leads and keep him from having to win games with his arm.


    Still, that's a terrible indictment of a QB's ability to say he can't throw with anticipation. It's perhaps the most critical aspect of the position from a passing standpoint. Especially in this league where the athletes are all superior and the margins are narrow to begin with.


    Did Benoit say Taylor can't throw with anticipation?


    Did he really say "can't?" Seems the appropriate word would be "hasn't" or "doesn't." Nitpicky, I know, but it's not like this is a physical trait like arm strength.


    Beat me to it...

    He said "he's not an anticipation passer." That sounds a lot like can't to me.


    I'm not a runner. It doesn't mean I can't do it.


    "Not an anticipation quarterback" is one hell of an indictment. Nothing more to say, actually. Doesn't matter what kind of receiver you draft or where you draft him. A QB that can't throw with anticipation is too easy to defend and is a liability. Simple as that.



    Well... there'd be nothing more to say if it were a fact. It's not. It's Benoit's opinion.


    And yes, he watches a lot more football than any of us, so it's a pretty educated opinion. But while Benoit has been pretty consistently negative in his view on Taylor, Cian Fahey, another guy who watches every single snap of every single NFL QB, thinks Taylor is really good. And his is another educated opinion that runs quite counter to Benoit's...


    So sure, Benoit's opinion is worth considering, but settle an argument it does not...


    1. Tyrod Taylor said he hasn't watched the NFL Draft since 2011. "Personal reasons." Falling in the draft still drives him.

      0 replies0 retweets1 like
    2. Tyrod Taylor on if Bills draft a QB at 10: "He'll come in and he'll watch and he'll learn."

      0 replies2 retweets10 likes
    3. Tyrod Taylor said he won't be bothered one way or another if the Bills take a quarterback. "That's not up to me."




    "He'll come in and he'll watch and he'll learn"...



    love that attitude. :thumbsup:

  9. As a non-college football fan and follower, Peppers is one of the few real Elite college players I've seen.


    Why isn't he an option at 10?


    Not that I really value Mel Kiper's opinion, but it's being entertained at least by him:




    Sorry if this has been discussed. Did a search and haven't seen his name in the titles of any threads.


    If you actually want a guy that is honest and shows his work, Matt Waldman. He actually describes in exact detail what he is judging. He spends time learning what the QB is supposed to do on a play so he can evaluate what he is seeing. For example, I have seen other writers do things like post a clip of a college QB throwing an INT with no context. No mention that the QB is down more than 2 scores in the 4th quarter and has less than 30 seconds on the clock. Common sense and context matter. I like people who use those things and not guys talking about CFL scrubs like Vernon Adams "lingering" on reads or ballet dancing and Kizer.


    The best part about Waldman is there is nuance. You can go through his notes or watch a one hour video of plays he is showing and feel like you are in control. It's the difference between reading a record review and listening to the thing yourself with notes from someone else.



    I like Waldman as well, though as another poster stated, even he massively misses sometimes.


    Waldman, from what I can remember, seems to focus more on the college players than Fahey, though.


    Fahey's analysis of NFL QBs is what I like reading. His 2016 version is free for download right now. Of course there's an amount of subjectivity to his analysis, but it's the fact that he makes an effort to incorporate comparative analytics across all NFL QBs for things that simply aren't charted elsewhere that I like and look forward to reading in the 2017 version.



    But again, no one is 100% right about any QB prospect. And most, I'm sure, are wrong as much or more than they're right.


    He's the worst writer on QB's. I can't think of a close second.


    He got known for analytics or numbers analysis. Now he is a wannabe Greg Cossell (who also is pretty bad at scouting college QB's).



    Who did Fahey think was the only QB worthy of a 1st round pick last year?


    Vernon Adams.

    The most obvious difference between the two is their respective abilities throwing the ball deep downfield. Mariota struggles to throw with precision past 25 yards downfield. Adams has no such issues. His passes sustain velocity long past 25 yards and he can place the ball comfortably whether throwing from a standing position in the pocket or while moving outside of the pocket.

    In the above play, Adams lingers on his first read ( :rolleyes: ) before pressure arrives in his face. He reacts just in time, turning away from the immediate defender but running into another. This is where Adams awareness and athleticism stands out. Despite turning into the defender in a tight space, Adams is able to jump cut away from the defender and escape into the flat.

    One of the traits that Wilson and Taylor share is their eye-level. When they break the pocket, they dont immediately look to run. They keep their eyes downfield to give their receivers every chance to make a play. Adams shows off similar poise here, keeping his eyes downfield and delivering the ball just a linebacker arrives.

    Adams drops an accurate pass over the trailing defensive back down the right sideline.



    With all due respect, whose opinion do you actually respect?


    I guarantee you can find at least one massive "swing and a miss" from literally every "expert" or "guru" out there. At least with Fahey you get tangible results for every single NFL QB from every single snap they take. A lot of these other guys just say "here's what I noticed after watching the tape."

  12. So here's a question that might be a bit of a conundrum for readers of this article and advocates of drafting that QB at 10 and seeing this as further proof:



    How much do you value Fahey's analysis?


    If you research him, he's really turned himself into one of the more prolific "film rats" in terms of QB analysis as of late having worked at FootballOutsiders for years and put out these "presnapreads articles. And I know he's now making TV appearances on the Dan LeBetard show.






    I ask because if you follow him, he really likes Tyrod Taylor and would almost certainly be against drafting any of these QBs at 10.

  13. I'll put it this way.

    If we both GM'ed expansion teams and you insisted on only drafting QBs at the exact spot your scouts graded them, while I insisted on simply getting the quarterback my scouts like best, I am coming away with higher-graded prospects than you are. Assuming our scouting is equal I will logically find a FQB sooner than you will.


    Yeah... you also might come away with EJ Manuel :flirt:

    Why assume they would take Dak over Cardale? Players were rated equally.


    Exactly... who's to say Whaley didn't grade Jones higher than Prescott?

  14. Yes, they should have not traded up for a 3-4 inside linebacker and taken Dak Prescott.


    Cardale is fighting to stay on the roster this year.



    My point was that many people said 2016 QBs were weak, wait till 2017!


    The strongest QB in the 2016 class was passed over by 32 NFL teams 3 times in the draft.


    The 1st player taken in the 2016 class is already walking down the bust path.


    You just never know with the draft... especially with QBs...

  15. don't spend the time its really not worth it. a little sarcasm was all that was interned.


    Hows that brain worm thing going in Hawaii?



    Pretty insane actually. One of my friends at work has a husband who had meningitis, which caused a swelling of the brain and then he had a heart attack last week. Then this report came out and it's apparently a cause of meningitis so I think he might have gotten infected from that.

  16. it was an analogy. I already said the 2016 numbers were up for the Bills. One improvement. Keep that trend going.


    again my point is that you accused someone of doing what you did frequently at the BBMB.

    I'll have to go back later and look at what post you're talking about in terms of me being hypocritical. This monstrosity is so big you're probably going to have to direct me to the post. But you were pretty confusing in this little dialogue.

  17. So we are now at the point where the Tyrod guys will cling to their very unrealistic and illogical conclusion unless given irrefutable and undisputed proof to the contrary.


    Good times


    said the blind man...

    The "Tyrod Taylor Highlights" thread has more pages than Taylor had highlights.


    What the hell is wrong with you people?


    Would you rather people branch these discussions off into countless individual threads?

  18. Because you once touted passing stats on 3rd down situations claiming TT had very good stats.


    If the Bills run most of the time what value is propping up passing stats?


    Except that the Bills passed in 3rd down situations more than they ran in 3rd down situations.


    118 passing attempts


    92 rushing attempts



    Were you just assuming the Bills ran more than they passed on 3rd down without looking it up?

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