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Everything posted by GETTOTHE50

  1. Is Dorsey a belichick saboteur? I honestly don’t get how you can ***** up the most talented offensive in Buffalo in over two decades.
  2. I hate Dorsey so much. It’s exhausting at this point
  3. Lol here we got shotgun Dorsey. Can’t wait to see 3&10
  4. Not too many running plays out of the shotgun formation. The only one Dorsey knows
  5. ***** YOU DORSEY YOU ***** ####### WEEK AFTER WEEK WITH THIS bull####
  6. For the love of a things holy please kick Dorsey out of Buffalo
  7. I don’t want to see any more Dorsey defenders on this board. You guys make me more sick than he does
  8. Honestly don’t care if the jets win or lose unless it’s against the Bills. They aren’t going to do anything special this year one way or another.
  9. how the hell are the broncos going to make it through the season.
  10. i dont know who is more insufferable. wilson or mahomes at this point
  11. how does no one put two people on kelce and just jam him at the LOS. you need to throw him off his route completely
  12. holy ***** wilson has dropped off like mcnabb when he went to the skins
  13. and their defensive line carried that team through the playoffs too
  14. I think more injuries are likely to occur when you don’t practice with pads often during training camp or game week. There are too many ‘non contact’ or ‘non pad’ days. Players need time to get their bodies used to the game. Going from 0 to 100 the way they do takes proper warming up. Especially when players are becoming faster and stronger every year
  15. Nobody in the world likes Jerry
  16. All they know in life is football, and they still don’t get it
  17. wow. swifties get away with murder again
  18. how is that a catch by kelce? he didnt have full control AT ALL
  19. Kirk cousins looks like he’s got a suicide vest on
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