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Everything posted by BillsFan4

  1. Yes!! We either have a damn good player fall to us, or we get a damn nice haul in a trade down. Right? I mean, it's still the Bills. Don't F this up.
  2. This is not the way I expected the top 10 to go, that's for sure.
  3. I think you're wrong but I guess we will see up close and personal this season, huh? The one thing I will say that there's no doubt McCown is better at - landing teams a 1st overall pick! lol
  4. If by exciting you mean terrifying, yeah sure... lol
  5. I liked Davis for the Bills, but We should be able to land a top defensive player now. Or our trade back price should be going up at the very least... I'm almost wanting the Bills to not trade back now, depending on how this draft continues to fall.
  6. SF made out like bandits! They got the guy they wanted, plus 3 more draft picks. Great first move by their new GM and HC.
  7. Wowww!! That was a Shocker for me. What a gamble. 2nd overall, two 3rds and a 4th round pick for a guy who started 13 games. I like Trubisky, don't get me wrong. He's one of my favorite QBs in this draft. But damn is that a huge risk by Chicago IMO.
  8. Anyone else getting sick of the constant booing of Goodell every year?
  9. http://bleacherreport.com/articles/2704020-breaking-down-every-nfl-teams-draft-tendencies Wasn't sure where to post this. It's just an article on every team's draft tendencies. I thought it was an interesting read, if nothing else.
  10. Same here. Florida was not for me. Way too hot in the summer, like waaayyyy too hot (for me, anyway). We had gators right in the creeks/rivers by us. I lived right on the St. John's river and this other smaller creek near by that fed into it and that creek was pretty infested with gators. I couldn't even let me dog out on his own because of them. We had a couple guys lose their dogs to gators around where I lived. Lots of different plant, animal & insect life as well, and not being a local I didn't know about much of it. Like those damn fire ants, and chiggers (little bugs that lay in the grass and imbed themselves under your skin and ITCH for a week) and black widows & brown recluses and those swarms of love bugs that are like super glue to everything they hit, and poison oaks & ivy's All sorts of weird things I knew nothing about. None of it was that big of a deal, but it was definitely something I wasn't used to. A lot more crap you have to watch out for. But there was also lots of cool animal life too. The main thing for me was the heat. 95-100 degrees and super muggy is just not for me. You didn't want to leave the a/c (or the water at the beach/pool etc). But I loved living in the Bay Area of California. It felt like it was 70 and sunny year round. Perfect weather out there. LA area/southern CA is much hotter though.
  11. Isn't his playing career still in jeopardy at this time? I thought people were saying that they still don't know if he will ever play again. With the 5th year option being guaranteed for injury, I can see why the Vikings may not want to pick it up. But that doesn't mean they won't re-sign him if he's able to come back and play again.
  12. BS! I did not even post a single thing about loving Tyrod. And it's not the same 2 people who tell you this stuff. There have literally been dozens and dozens of different people tell you this stuff. This is only like the 2nd time I said anything to you. And I do not love Tyrod either. I am perfectly fine with the Bills finding an upgrade. I'd welcome it! It would be awesome to have top tier QB. You bring this same crap up in every thread, regardless of who posts what, then you blame it on someone else. It's a total cop out. We are all just sick of seeing you write the same exact things over and over again. It's all you talk about. There is no reason for it. Try discussing some other Bills related topics instead of just posting the same exact crap constantly. I'm done with this though. I am just going to start using the "report" button when I see you spamming the same crap all the time.
  13. Ok, we've all read you saying this 1000 times now. We get it. Just FYI, here is the code of conduct on this board, written by the owner, for new BBMB members. I'd suggest reading this. Here's a short excerpt - http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/topic/192340-bbmb-brief-orientation/?do=findComment&comment=4263778 "The issue we probably have the most trouble with is "crusading". The bottom line here is that there isn't a single poster on this board that has the power to make any change with the team. And because of that, there is no reason to try and make every single person agree with you by bludgeoning everyone with the same opinion endlessly. Make your point once. Make it twice. Make it when appropriate. Just don't make the same point in every thread, every day, day after day. It just pisses people off."
  14. Siemen is not available. He will be competing for the starting job this season, as per new HC. And he also said that no decision will be made for a long time on who is the starter. And I don't think Foles had that comparable of play to Tyrod in his last chances to start. Yes, he had 1 good year for Chip Kelly back in 2013. But outside of that, he hasn't been all that great. I'm guessing you will say otherwise though, so we will just have to agree to disagree. I'd easily take Tyrod at $9.7M cap hit over Foles at $6M for sure.
  15. This is where I'm at now too. It's not uncommon for there to be changes made to scouting staffs when there are new people are hired. Who knows, maybe Whaley is fully on board with some changes to the scouting staff. Let's just wait and see what happens.
  16. I would actually argue that bringing Tyrod back Was the smart move. Dumping Tyrod back in March, months before the draft, with at least 4 very QB needy teams picking in front of us and who knows how many teams looking to jump us, we don't even know which QBs will even be left on the board when we pick. What if the top QBs are gone? Then what? I also don't think betting the start of your head coaching career on a rookie QB is a smart move either. What coach wants to bank their first head coaching gig, a job that they've been busting their ass for the past 10-15+ years to get, on a totally unknown rookie QB? If we were picking top 3 in a year with at least 1 or 2 sure fire day 1 starters, it'd be different. But we're not. We're picking at 10 in a draft that looks to most likely have no QBs ready to start. To me, the smart move is keeping Tyrod Taylor until you have a Legitimate upgrade. I just don't see it as a smart move to dump Tyrod back in March for what amounts to nothing more than a dream of an upgrade (or some veteran scrap heap QB). Like him or not, he was top 12 and top 7 in points in his 2 seasons as starter. Most coaches probably feel like they can win with that, especially a defensive coach who has effectively run a defensive scheme that has been able to limit opponents to 18-19 points per game or less...
  17. http://www.wgr550.com/articles/news/report-antipin-coming-buffalo Antipin still expected to sign with the Sabres. Hopefully the new GM is on board with this, which I see no reason why he wouldn't be. Antipin can only sign an ELC with a max of $925k. No brainer as far as I'm concerned.
  18. Speaking of Jim Overdorf... I believe last year was his 30th season with the Buffalo Bills. IIRC he was hired in 1986. That is a crazy long time for an NFL job.
  19. I thought it was the other way around. Polian himself said that Marrone leaving was a big reason he decided not to come back here. He said it went from being a fun gig to a lot more heavy lifting, which he wasn't interested in doing.
  20. Hope you guys are right. I could definitely see that being true. I guess I just worry about if any of them are disgruntled, or just indifferent/don't care. I also worry as to why they all seem to think they are getting fired. If it's true, why is it such a poorly kept secret? It just doesn't seem like the best way to get employees putting in max effort and performing to maximum potential. Like you said though YoLo, most of their work is probably done by now anyway (excluding Whaley), so maybe it doesn't really matter at this point. Agreed. It could get a lot worse than Whaley, as we've seen here before.
  21. LOL. I guess we are doomed, huh? Seriously though, This is something most teams do. Even control freak/disciplinarian Marrone played music during practices. Here's just a couple examples though - Seattle - http://www.nfl.com/superbowl/story/0ap2000000317463/article/secret-to-pete-carrolls-seattle-seahawks-dont-stop-the-music Patriots- http://www.patspulpit.com/2016/5/27/11796336/check-out-the-patriots-music-playlist-from-otas Denver- http://blogs.denverpost.com/broncos/2015/06/01/playlist-broncos-practice-music-to-start-week-2-of-otas/34136/ Enough said...
  22. Oh boy, this makes me nervous for this upcoming draft. It makes me wonder just how much these scouts (and our GM) will care about getting the picks right. But at the same time, if they do terrible on the picks it may hurt them in trying to get a new job, I guess.
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