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Everything posted by Roundybout

  1. We know Beane loves guys with absurd athletic scores. Coleman starting to look more likely, though I am not sure how I would like it.
  2. First McConkey, now Franklin. Are these the only two receivers we’ve confirmed to have met with?
  3. Let me know when Biden declares everyone coming across the border is a criminal rapist like certain others on the right wing.
  4. Which one of these guys had the goal of overthrowing the democratic transition of power? Iron Law of Projection really does work on Republicans, eh @Tommy Callahan
  5. Deflection from Jesse Kelly’s tweet, but yes I am disappointed that Biden is taking that path instead of doubling immigration service staff and cutting the timeline for citizenship. You’re an angry little man aren’t you?
  6. What do you think his tweet meant when he said “racist means nothing to me” think REALLY hard on this one
  7. “I’m anticommunist, this justifies me hating black people” These are your idols huh? I mean it’s not surprising, but didn’t think it would come right out so soon.
  8. "I can't wait for my kids to get their ***** rocked when they try this in public instead of on a teacher who can't retaliate"
  9. They don’t. Corey Davis didn’t, N’Keal Harry didn’t, Kevin White didn’t, LaQuan Treadwell didn’t, Josh Doctson didn’t, John Ross didn’t….
  10. This is the guy you see at some dive bar in Cheektowaga five beers into his afternoon
  11. He’s terrible. He’s N’Keal Harry 2.0. No thank you.
  12. It was so blurry, I thought that was his wife or something
  13. When someone asks for a citation, typically the other person does the googling and provides a source.
  14. Not sure how you got “I hate conservatives” out of that post but hey
  15. It costs 170 million a year to remove cats from trees. see, I can make up numbers too!
  16. The darkness was absolutely eerie. Got to see the 90% partial eclipse for a couple minutes right after totality too.
  17. Got to see about a 10 second glimpse of it, I'd say maybe 40% totality.
  18. My back balcony. The circled bit is where the sun SHOULD be in about an hour. Here’s hoping
  19. Conservatives consistently uphold Ralph Emerson’s take that the root of all fear is ignorance
  20. He won’t support a national ban because it’s political suicide. No big surprise
  21. We might get a tiny break in the clouds right around totality. Fingers crossed!
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