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Everything posted by letsgoteam

  1. I have concluded after the game that I think the "competitor" in Romo tries to talk up the other team (especially when they are not favored) in what has to happen for them to win or saying things like the "Pats are finally coming around this season, they are peaking", etc that we heard on Sunday. So as Bills fans, when the other team is stringing some plays together or score a TD and they have "momentum", he begins talking them up and aggravating us fans who are already frustrated about the other team making plays.
  2. Why? Neutral field against KC and the 2 seed are on the line. Despite all that, even if they still want to lose (because they really want to play the pats first round?) They are the 3 seed so they wouldn't even play NE. They would play Baltimore.
  3. I don't ever really look to shame anyone, never been my style
  4. Looks like you "curr'd" enough to quote and ask me on 12/3/22 at 11:15 am
  5. Never threw any towels in. As stated multiple times by me in this thread, I took a break from watching them live. I havnt watched a complete live game since. Browns- watched replay Lions- on in background at my in-laws (they turned it on, their tv, never even mentioned the Bills were playing to them) Pats- watched late third and fourth qtr. live.
  6. I've done nothing of the above. I haven't argued with anyone, and I've only said was that I was done watching them play live for the time being. I'm not done with the team, granted I guess I could have worded my original title better. With that being said, this is the last time I'll post in this thread unless someone asks me a question on here. Happy Thanksgiving and safe travels (if you are out and about 🙂).
  7. For those who care (probably no one), I did NOT watch the game live. I went and ran errands that needed to get done during the game. Looking forward to watching the replay.
  8. I appreciate all of the responses. I knew I would hear things from both ends of the spectrum. To anyone who doubts my fandom, I've been a fan as long as I have been cognizant of my memories growing up. One of my earliest memories, is trying to wake up my parents to see if they won the Super Bowl or not. It must have the 2nd Cowboys game, because I do remember watching the 49ers/Chargers game the following season. I mean I have a 96 Bills season poster (the type from bars/restaurants, that you fill in the scores throughout the year, which I have filed in during 96) that I've hung up everywhere I have lived, which included my put of state college dorm room. That's why I need to make changes, I care TOO much. I do appreciate the responses, its why I posted all of this, because it will help me stay accountable. I'm not giving up being a fan, but I need to take a break from watching the games live.
  9. To all the goodbyes and everything else. I didn't say I'm leaving, Just that I need to go about things differently. Right now, live games are not good for me, or my family. As far as people being making things about "cursed", I'm exclusively talking about football. I have a great and wonderful life and blessed in many ways. The underlined portion is why I have to change my actions, I'm letting a football game (that I have zero control over, and will never have control over) ruin my day, etc. I need to take a step back. I'm still going to be a fan (again that's where the "cursed" thing was meant to be taken)... I just got be a fan in a way that doesn't make it have so much influence in my life. EDIT after I posted this: to make the point, family & job have always been the main priority and focus. That's why I have to make changes when I feel like its creeping into whats important.
  10. Make fun of me, say I'm a liar, say whatever you want. I'm done. I'm 34 years old, married with a 1 month old. I live out of state. I have been a Bills fan all of my life, I'm not going to stop being a fan, I can't. I've been cursed. For many years, I dreamed when I finally had a kid that as they grew up, I would have someone who would love the Bills as much as I do, something we could share. My wife doesn't care about sports (it sucks). That dream is over, I'm not cursing my daughter to a lifetime of misery. Of course, I will keep up with the Bills, but I've got to change the way they have an impact in my life. Beyond my family and job, the Bills have come next. Watching every game, having whatever app needed to watch them out of state, clothing, $, etc. I'm done. I cant keep doing this. The way I feel after a loss has to stop (especially the epic meltdown losses we are all to familiar with); I'm miserable, I'm mad, I'm angry, it consumes me. I'm to emotionally invested. Beyond my job and family, the Bills have been everything and anyone who knows me knows its my identity. Something has to give. So, I thought about it after the KC game last season. Now after this, its time. I'm no longer watching the Bills live. 4 hours every "Sunday" for 17 weeks and whatever playoffs and preseason stuff. That's over 70+ hours each season. That's roughly 3 days of my life each year devoted to the Bills. What has it given back to me, how am I a better person for doing this. What good, what accomplishments, what have I earned from this. NOTHING All I do is become a emotional wreck and a miserable, grumpy jerk when they lose. (I can remember crying as a little kid, like 6/7 years old). The crying as a little kid, now is mostly just meant with anger. Any of my friends and family know. To the point of, my best friends wife, texted my wife and wanted to see how angry I was after the KC loss. It's embarrassing. I have become a side show spectacle, to point where people are curious how "epic" my meltdown was. (I would like to say, I actually took it like a champ, and kept it all in eternally and showed nothing emotionally). No anger, just disappointment in myself and the Bills. From here on, perhaps I go back to it at some point. I dont know. I'm just done. I am disappointed in myself more for caring so much for 30 years. From this point on, I'm not watching another Bills game live. I need to do better in my life, maybe this is a small step in the right direction. I know I will watch replays if they win (just like I might watch Netflix or Disney +), but I'm gaining my life back. I'm done.
  11. wow, in theory with that punt, we could have had the ever super rare Free Kick FG to end the half...
  12. That would be a great story, and a big win for DeSantis, if Walker wins the run off election because he campaigned with those 3 Govs.
  13. If not a having a "Red Wave" this year because of Trump, which causes Trump to NOT run (or ultimately not being nominated) and Desantis is the presidential nominee then big picture this a HUGGEEE win for everyone.
  14. Can we sub him in for Fetterman? Regardless of party or affiliation views, I think everyone would (hopefully) agree that the PA Senate race is/was a display of two sorry candidates that highlights the bad (not everything is bad) in American politics.
  15. I mean anyone or anything (such as a can of soup) with a (D) by their name wins governor in Cali.
  16. I hope JA is ok and plays, but part of me is curious what Keenum would look like with the starting O. Not saing he is better then JA or anything like that, but I am curious what it looks like.
  17. I thought Id be silly and say this is his last NFL game. For the record, Im guessing zero, but if money was on the line Id guess 2/3 games, returning for the AFC East gauntlet.
  18. Agreed. If the game played out exactly the same BUT, the last INT was a TD, it would be a whole different tune.
  19. And because of this the OFF has been sloppy trying to stick it to Alexander.
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