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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. No seriously read it. You’ll nap like a baby. Wait no!! You’ll likely not sleep for days.
  2. And what is that number? Increasing it from what? Read this head spinning site and then get back to me. https://www.americanimmigrationcouncil.org/research/how-united-states-immigration-system-works
  3. So he's tagged you 7 times in a span of 5 weeks? Put him on ignore. Problem solved. 🙄
  4. Ok great. More/less/status quo of citizenship from our southern border? I can't answer that unless I know what the status quo is? Sorry to interject thought process into people's knee jerk answers. 🙄
  5. It's almost as if trans women's rights trump biological woman's rights.
  6. I can't really answer this because there is not enough information. When you say increase/decrease/status quo do you mean based on what? I've just done some research and there are various steps/qualifications. There are visa requirements, lawful permanent residents (LPR's or green card holders) and US Citizens. So are you referring to the first step which is issuing a Visa? Guys this is a very complicated process that makes it very hard for me to even begin to answer this poll.
  7. I worked with a Brit about 40 years ago. He was working with the owner of the restaurant where we worked to become a citizen. He was so upset about what he was going through all the while surrounded by illegals working with us. So my experience goes back four decades. I think it's pretty clear our government has no desire to fix the problem.
  8. So your tinfoil hat meme is hypocritical? Unless of course you were meaning both sides are playing the conspiracy game.
  9. If you really think that's what your posts do to me you are so ***** clueless. You do not remind us what a POS Donald was/is. You remind us all on a daily basis what a childish, immature, man child, psychotic, you are. It's really really sad and there's a part of me (albeit a very small part but it's there) that feels sorry for you. Do yourself a favor and put yourself on ignore for a few weeks. It will do you some good not to mention what it will do for the adults in the room.
  10. Question for you. Do you see the hypocrisy of both sides or just one?
  11. Of course not you imbecile. I’ll let you think about it for a bit. You might come up with the reason why.
  12. Good point. Good luck trying to charge your EV for the next week or so FL.
  13. Well lookie what we got here. In a thread about DeSantis and his leadership regarding the hurricane Billy Boy loads up on the Trump Trump Trump stuff.
  14. He didn’t need immigration. He had the black people which have now been replaced by brown people you apparently love to exploit.
  15. Me personally I’m a jackass with no principles. Rock on!
  16. I hope either a) you failed your college history class or b) your memory is failing you. https://historynewsnetwork.org/article/17255 That's some damn weird socialism there Tibs. And to @716er it's not that Coolidge wouldn't pay for any assistance he couldn't as there was no government agency to do so. Why he worked so closely with the Red Cross to provide assistance. Huh...well what do you know. Damn that Hoover. Ok, ok....I'll leave now.
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