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Everything posted by Irv

  1. Sad and pathetic. You have no idea how an economy works.
  2. There's been student loan debt ever since there was student loan debt. Now Demented Biden wants to "cancel" it? There have been Democrats in charge many times. Why didn't they "cancel" the debt before this??? Why now? Desperation. Sad.
  3. Good comeback! I like sarcasm!
  4. That’s none of your business and you wouldn’t be able to comprehend it if I told you. Stay in your lane like I told you son.
  5. Quit fantasizing about me. I don’t go that way, like you. What a mess.
  6. The Three Musketeers from Fantasyland in a full-blown circle yank. Wear eye protection. Hilarious.
  7. Stupid thing to say. I'd have a beer with every one of you jokers. It's just a stupid website chat board. You that filled with rage? Nuke Gaza. 4th&schlong. What a mess.
  8. Do your homework before you shoot your pie hole off again. Mic drop.
  9. You and your idiot buddy 4th&schlong must hang out a lot with your head in the sand. Nice job Biden. Read below. Bail Based on "Ability to Pay"
  10. You must have skipped 3rd grade math before you dropped out of grade school. I know it will be difficult but try to stay with me here. The people of the United States loaned the money to the students. Thanks to Demented Biden, without any legislation, the students no longer need to pay back the people of the United States As a result, the people of the United States get *****. What a mess.
  11. Isn't it a little early to be drinking? What a mess.
  12. Preliminary reports coming in that a recent illegal was behind the wheel of the stolen big rig. The WH has no comment. What a mess.
  13. Another lie. Pinocchio is envious of your skill.
  14. The sand called. It wants your empty head to go somewhere else. Read this and take a close look at the officer's photo who was killed. Oh, and ***** you. Killer Previously Released Without Bond
  15. Wow. A ***** history major. Real proud of ya! What a mess.
  16. This is what Biden and his idiot Dem buddies wanted. Demented fool. What a mess. Illegals Go Batshit in Free Hotel
  17. And this has what to do with Demented Biden, Third Term Obammy and cashless bail? What a mess.
  18. Great. Another Police Officer shot and killed due to cashless bail. Dopey Biden and Third Term Obammy continue to screw the pooch and cost people their lives. What a mess. Biden/Obammy Love Crime
  19. What did that illegal do with the money he was supposed spend on singing lessons? I need to gouge my eardrums out. What a mess.
  20. The "little guy" is going to pay for the cancellation too. You can go put your head back in the sand again. What a mess.
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