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Everything posted by Irv

  1. I watched the whole two nights. They were hitting each other a lot but it kind of looked a little fake.
  2. It was completely cloudy where I was during the eclipse. Thanks Biden.
  3. That broad has to be one of the biggest dopes in media. What a mess.
  4. He doesn't even know what's going on. Third Term Obammy and the dude in the Easter Bunny outfit call all the shots. What a mess.
  5. No. You're just boring. Go stare at the sun.
  6. I love how Dope Biden uses the work "cancel". Like poof! It just goes away. No Demented Biden. Others will pay. What a mess.
  7. I'd ask - what did the league think of him? The fact that we got a bag of towels for him should speak volumes.
  8. At this point let's be honest. Demented Biden doesn't even know what inflation is. What little brain he once had is 100% mush. What a mess.
  9. Leaving Rochester. Too crowded.
  10. I stared at the sun. Now I can't see beyond my keyboard.
  11. Gas pre-Demented Biden $2/gallon. Now we're happy if it drops below $3.75. Three ***** wars. Immigrants flooding the border and murdering. Food 37% more expensive. What don't you get?
  12. Food costs 37% more. For those that actually work and don't take handouts - did you get a 37% raise last year. No. What a ***** mess.
  13. Demented Biden and Third Term Obammy completely ***** this up. Add it to the list. Blood on their hands. What a mess.
  14. Demented Biden and Third Term Obammy paying Iran to attack the US and its Allies. What a mess.
  15. Here's how: In the upper right corner, there is a drop-down arrow next to your screen name. Click that. Then select "Ignored Users" Then type "Irv" in the "Add new user to ignore list" box Save Change Your Soiled Tampon Irv wins again!
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