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Everything posted by Irv

  1. Anybody know if major college programs sell PSL's?
  2. You've got to be trolling/kidding. Even you can't be that ignorant. What a mess.
  3. Doesn't matter. They will vote four times to make up for it.
  4. Biden's bosses are running scared. What a mess.
  5. Wilson treated the Bills as his personal ATM.
  6. We are going for the best DB in the draft. Plain and simple. Can't believe there is any talk otherwise. SMH.
  7. How dumb are you? These terrorist asshols take credit for every slaughter regardless of who did it. What a mess. Nice job Biden.
  8. I'm getting tired of Majorie Taylor Green and her theatrics. Our representatives need to have at least a little class. I wish she'd go away.
  9. Every link posted in this thread are total lies including the US response.
  10. The Pegulas are really pushing their luck. This is bull####.
  11. Needs to get the Pete Rose treatment. Send him back to China or wherever he came from. Done.
  12. I'm not sure if I am more confused or disturbed by the last two pages in this thread. 🤔
  13. Biden and Third Term Obammy have totally botched this whole thing. What the ***** did they think was going to happen after antisemite Schumer shot his pie hole off. Foreign policy failure. What a mess.
  14. How does the guy not get found in almost a month? How does the city even know how long he's been in there? Fishy.
  15. There's lot's of ways to get rid of unwanted renters. Been there. Done that.
  16. Billsy is on maximum troll setting. 😬. Try the decaf next time.
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