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Everything posted by jad1

  1. I don't agree with this. Jim Kelly started in Buffalo under Hank Bullough, the worst coach in Bills history. Even under that lousy coach, and during a losing season, Kelly always showed signs that he had the ability an NFL caliber QB. Edwards has shown NOTHING to even hint that he has any ability to be an NFL starting QB.
  2. The Buffalo Bills: The Cleveland Browns' B word.
  3. This team is nothing more than stupid followed by stupid.
  4. If we only had a LT with pro bowl potential.... Oh yeah, too bad that guy said mean things about the Bills during a contract negotiation.
  5. 3 and 1/4 seasons of Jauron ball and this is the best the team has to offer against another bottom feeder. This is why you never retain bad coaches in the name of 'continuity.'
  6. This game is like a high school game, but not a modern high school game where the teams all play spread offenses. This is like a high school game like when I played in high school back in the '80s, where the QBs couldn't compete pases more than 7 yards down field. The Bills should come out in the wishbone.
  7. Remember when Jauron was retained after last season and everyone said a big reason for that was that his players played hard for him? Well it was BS back then, and this game shows that it is BS now.
  8. Criqui: 'What are they going to do, run this twice and then what on third down' Boring football is so much better when it's predictable
  9. Another terrible play by a guy who is looking like a borderline backup QB
  10. So the team doesn't even show up on the field for a punt? Pop Warner teams are better run than this bunch of clowns.
  11. And seriously underthrown. Edwards just sucks.
  12. Edwards had time and held the ball way too long. It's time to see the next guy.
  13. He's had time to throw this game. The Oline sucks, but Edwards remains Captain Checkdown. I'm waiting for this guy to show something to prove that he belongs in the NFL.
  14. Anyone remember when Bruce Smith signed an offer sheet with the Broncos as a RFA? Man, that must have been terrible for building team unity. Here's a guy who gave the big F-U to the team over money. Obviously, Polian should have just let the guy walk, because by signing with another team, Smith should that he didn't want to be part of the Bills any longer. Right? Jim Kelly signed with the USFL instead of the Bills, showing that he cared more about money than playing in the NFL, and made it clear that he wanted nothing to do with Buffalo. Buffalo should have immediately traded his rights when Kelly signed with the USFL to a warm weather city, which is exactly what Kelly suggested they should do at that time, right? Basically following this advice about buying into drama of a contract negotiation, and take the statements made during a negotiation, would make for a lousy GM. That's why good GMs like Polian (who by the way was very vocal during negotiations) focused on getting the talent on the field, while lousy GMs like Brandon, showed that he has no skill to negotiate in the NFL. Bottom line, for 10 years Buffalo QBs have been chased and sacked all over the field. Building a strong offensive line with a corner-stone LT is a must to remedy this situation. Brandon f#cked this up because he has no ability to understand that talent on the field trumps contract negotiation banter in all circumstances.
  15. Honestly, as much as I dislike the current direction of the Bills, I hope that they turn this whole thing around starting with the next game. I hope that after years of coaching losing football, Jauron somehow is able to coax better execution and awarenes out of his team. I hope that he turns into a great game manager. I hope that Edwards suddenly becomes a gunslinger and starts throwing 50/50 balls to his WRs, who will show their superior talent and win those battles. I hope that the D finally plays the Tampa 2 the right way, and is able to apply constant pressure on the QB with their undersized defensive line, while stopping the run at the same time. Why, because even though many are in support of it, replacing an entire front office, coaching staff and QB is a crapshoot. Life will be much better for Bills fan if the current staff and players prove that they can win in the NFL. Will it happen? Probably not, and I'm not expecting a turn-around, but I'm definitely not rooting against it.
  16. All these stories about the Bills moving are bullsh#t until these target markets come up with a viable stadium financing plan. Some NFL owners have built their own stadiums, and some contribute to the building costs, but the majority rely heavily local and state money. It looks like financing has not been finalized in California, and it's hard to imagine that the state, billions of dollars in debt and auctioning off old equipment, has the resources to invest in new stadiums in San Francisco, Oakland, San Diego, and Los Angeles. In all, it's going to take around 1.5 to 2 billion dollars to move the Bills to a new market, whether it's Toronto or Buffalo. So while potential owners might talk a good game, it's hard to fathom that they'll be able to finance this deal, and near impossible to convince the local and state governments to back their investment.
  17. If he would be able to honestly evaluate football talent in his front office and players, he would be a good owner. If he bases his opinions on his belief that a player's success is a result of the left wing media, then no, he would absolutely suck as an owner. He couldn't be more of a blowhard than Jerry Jones or Daniel Snyder, and he couldn't do as much to ruin the league as those two, so the league would survive him being an owner. Do owners have to submit to drug testing like the players?
  18. Name one player that has committed to staying with the Bills AFTER their current deal expires. Should the Bills trade every veteren in their last year if they haven't committed to resigning with the Bills? By your criteria, the Bills should dump Owens tomorrow because he has not committed to the Bills after this season. And I'll translate your use of 'zealots' into meaning, 'every person who has a modicum of football knowledge,' because people who believed that Walker or Bell would be a suitable replacement for Peters were delusional. And to your last point, just consider the case of Brandon Marshall, who made a complete jackass of himself in preseason in Denver. He was, by far, a bigger problem to the Broncos than Peters ever was to the Bills. The Broncos dealt with him though, and he has contributed to the team's 4-0 start. Hmm, Broncos deal with their headcase and benefit from his talent on the field. The Bills can't figure out how to deal with a disgruntled player (and disgruntled players are common in the NFL), and are 1-3 and sinking with no real answer at left tackle. And the fans, well we're treated to watching our QB get slaughtered week after week, the same thing we've been watching for the last 10 years. We'll at least we can say that Peters was a real a##hole when we watch them pick up Edwards' teeth from the field as our 7th round LT with ONE NFL start tries to catch the number of the DE that just blew by him. Over the last 25 years, the Bills have had TWO decent left tackles. TWO. Peters could have been the third, but management couldn't deal with a common contract dispute. That's the point here.
  19. You mean like peers, who voted him to two Pro Bowls? Or the Eagles, who have a much better football operations group than the Bills? There are reasons why the offense sucked last year. The interior of the oline was terrible. The team was missing a competent 2nd receiver. The QBs included a guy who couldn't read defenses and guy who checked-down 95% of his throws. As far as the Oline goes, the problem with the Peters trade is that the front offense weakened the tackle position to fix the interior of the line. Last year the Bills had servicible tackles with some decent depth at the position. They traded that for better interior players. Ignoring the position in FA and the draft compounded the problem. It's a great plan for to ensure the long-term mediocrity of the offensive line.
  20. Every team has injuries. But how about answering this question: After 3 and 1/4 seasons as coach of the Bills, what is the Dick Jauron philosophy? What is the defining character of the team? When you think of the Colts and Cards, you think of an attacking offense. When you think of the Ravens and Steelers, you think of a dominating defense. What do you comes to mind when you think of a Dick Jauron team? What is the character and attitude of the team he coaches? What we've seen is that his team has no real attitude or character. His coaching philosophy does not translate into winning football. The guy is a flat-out failure. He can barely coach when he has a healthy team, much less deal with injuries that are common to every NFL team.
  21. They would have come close to that figure even if Bell and Butler were still there. A 7th round pick and a converted guard aren't the bookends that could stop teams when they decided to blitz our check-down loving QB. If the Pats knew that Edwards would ignore Evans and Owens, they would have blitzed the hell out of Edwards too, instead of playing coverage defenses, and probably would have racked up 5 or 6 sacks against Bell and Butler.
  22. For the most part I agree, but it's hard to argue that a strong coach wouldn't make a difference. San Francisco has lousy ownership, but the switch to Singletary has turned that team around. The problem is that Wilson picking a good coach is a more of a matter of luck than skill, because he has no clue how to hire good football people. So it's a crapshoot. But if Wilson gets lucky and does pick a good coach, the team could turn around pretty quickly.
  23. Not really. They dropped the 4 DBs back the customary 10-20 yards on several third downs. For much of the game it was the same bend-but-don't break bullsh#t that you should never see against a QB starting in his first game.
  24. Jim Kelly started his career under Hank Bullough, perhaps the worst coach in Bills history, and despite that, he left no doubt that he was the franchise QB we were hoping for. Edwards is handcuffed by a horrible coaching staff and bad teammates, but he has shown nothing to suggest that he's a franchise QB. And the same goes for Losman. Both these guys do not rise above the ineptitude around them, they add to it. Kevin Kolb started his NFL career with two 300 yard games. That's two more than Edwards has. Maybe you can find some hope in Edwards intelligence, but after 3 seasons, he hasn't even shown that he can read a 3-4 defense. The guys is going to turn out to be another wasted draft pick. At least it was only one pick, and not multiple picks, like what the Bills used to draft Losman.
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