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Everything posted by JTown

  1. I was excited about what I seen from Peterman yesterday. I don't know if I have ever seen such a quick release, particularly after suffering for so long with a qb that refuses to throw the ball. I respect TT's ability to extend a play, but I am now ready to move on. McD says that he has to figure out a way to score points. Well Einstein. How about giving Peterman or Webb a shot. Not sure how true of a gauge it would be with the current OC, but IMO, both Peterman and Webb looked better than TT did yesterday minus the opening drive. But we all know how that ended. Smh Seriously, will it ever end?
  2. Jim is correct. Gronk should have been pummeled by the 10 remaining players on the field. You must defend your teammates when they are subjected to such a cheap shot. He could have done permanent neck or spinal damage. I thought the culture of the team was changing when they cleared the bench to celebrate a first down. Now they allow cheap shots. Soft team going nowhere fast.
  3. I live in NC and at 2:30 pm today I jokingly asked a co-worker,who is a Panther fan, if he had heard the latest trade news and he replied something like Yeah Ajai to Philly. I said no...K. Benjamin to the Bills and he freaked before realizing I was joking. Imagine my surprise when I got home and seen the trade actually happened at 3:57. Holy $#@*!! I then sent him a text and he didn't believe me. Honest. True story. Unbelievable.
  4. I don't get it. Why does anyone think continuity is everything? Particularly, continuity in a staff (RR/DT) that has destroyed this defense. Help me understand your logic. Please. Rex is going to be retained so he can release an All-pro DL. That can't learn his "scheme". He is going to replace the best Defensive line in the league with his type of players that he thinks are going to learn his complicated scheme. Sooooooo how long will this take, hmmmmm? Sounds to me like old Rexy is blowing it up and doing a rebuild his second year. I thought that good coaches maximize their players abilities and utilize them accordingly. Instead, this Bozo makes no adjustments all year and when he misses his playoff playoff guarantee. The clown says it must be the coaching. I got it now. Yup. Great plan. Continuity at its finest. someone please get me some popcorn, I want to watch this freaking circus. We know who clown is.
  5. All of you who think Rex automatically serves another season because of his contract might be surprised. Personally, I believe the Pegula's have to be as upset with him as the fans are. They are successful business people who have obviously made smart business decisions. Keeping Rex for another year would not be smart. Didn't Pegula already state that money doesn't matter. That he wants to win and if he wanted more money he would go dig another well. I'm pretty certain his tenure is anything but guaranteed. I'm certain the owners are consulting others as to the predicament of the RR contract. I truly can't wait to see the reaction of the fans toward RR at the final home game.
  6. I am so sick of the continuity argument. Do you truly want to continue to destroy a great defense? I have absolutely no faith that even if Rex personally selected every defensive player, that the end product would be any any different from what you got from him this this year. In his presser upon being hired he stated that the 4th ranked defense was not good enough, he said they should be 1st. He did not say, the players don't fit my scheme, so I am going to have to evaluate the personnel and make the necessary adjustments in the off season. Rex is a Clown. Always has been and hopefully he will join his brother in the very near future. If Rex is the coach of the Bills next year, I am going to take a one year hiatus (the first since 1972) as a fan. And if the 8-8 or worse record they achieve in 2016 don't lead to Rex being fired I hate it for all Bills fans. Seriously, why wait. Rex did not come here in a rebuilding mode. He guaranteed playoffs. He failed. This is a multi - billion dollar business. If I were the Pegula's, I have seen enough. I would cut my losses and move on. The writing is one the wall. The state of this organization after 2-3 more years of this clown is going to be devastating. Flame away.
  7. Did you not notice how aggressive his punt was? Honestly, I have been speechless since week 2. In regards to the D anyways. Overall, the offense far exceeded my expectations. Rex always seems lost on game day and the lack of discipline falls on him alone. However, he always appears prepared for the press. As far as I am concerned, Rex hasn't proven he deserves to be a mascot much less the HC!!!
  8. look there jimmy10. He just got two replies with facts he probably would not have found on google. The OP has a valid point in his post.
  9. Fair enough. I certainly hope that you and your wife continue to to enjoy the games. Honestly. I fully understand you can't win them all. I had season tickets when I lived there as well. I guess you need to forgive me for making this sound like a "hyper tizzy fit".
  10. What is your point? Do you have to have a certain amount of posts to start a thread? His screen name alone tells me about how long he has been a fan. Whats the standard?
  11. Do you feel as though you got a return on your investment this year? Secondly, for the first time in the history of the organization we know the team is not moving. Would you consider not renewing until the production on the field improves?
  12. But But wait. .. how can that be? I just read a thread here last week that guaranteed me that the Bills were going!
  13. Hello Mr. Ryan! Please grab your bags, your plane leaves in 1 hour.
  14. There should be 60,000 upset season ticket holders outside pegs office tomorrow volunteering to drive Rex to the Airport.
  15. This for me is easy. I would have Rex clearing his office office tonight. He has never had any control over this team. He personally cost the team a win with his lack of knowledge on when to challenge. He has destroyed the best best defense the franchise (Whaley) has assembled. I hate when people refer to him as a defensive genius. He is an an idiot. Unfortunately, I am sure that DW will be the fall guy and Rex will be here with his childish antics for years to come. Pathetic. I see a grim future.
  16. There you go! So what was it that you all saw in this team that had you billieving they even had a remote chance off going to the Super Bowl? Rex has has truly succeeded in accomplishing an amazing feat. He has taken the best defense this franchise has assembled in 16 yrs. and and destroyed them. He is an idiot, but yall drank the kool-aid. Yes my expectations were high at the beginning as as well. But after repeated dumb penalties, it was obvious that Rex never had control of this team. Unfortunately, I believe that that Whaley will be the fall guy, and that is the worst thing that could happen. I personally would have Rex clear his office tonight. Sad really. Roman did much much better than I had expected. I would bet Schwartz would have had this defense dialed in. So life as a Bills fan continues. There is ALWAYS next year.
  17. I can just see the Op's post on Monday. "If the Refs ......." "If Rex had ......" DUDE get a grip on reality. Or better yet, bet the farm farm now in Vegas. They should give you better than 23-1. You are a genius!
  18. Something tells me Doug Whaley has something big up his sleeve, I just can't seem to figure out what it may be. Whats your thoughts?
  19. Stephen A. Smith continually makes inferences to racism on a daily basis Nothing New here. Move Along. ESPN has done nothing for years and will do nothing now. The idiot sitting next to him is clueless as well and their job is to fill meaningless time (when everyone is at work). If they were considered respectable, they would be on the radio as the do Mike& Mike. It is tiresome however, if people are still watching the First Take then that is their problem.
  20. I would say he is better in all aspects. Experience, pocket awareness, arm strength, ability to read defense. I thought he played well at both KC and Minn. Is he a viable game manager? Absolutely.
  21. I think signing Cassel is a great move. Is Cassel going to be the starter? who knows. He is competition and at this rate I believe we have only seen a few moves, FA hasn't even started and we have a Premier RB and solid competition at QB. I love the aggressive position on the New Front office. Last years 24th hour attempts to acquire competition for EJ were disastrous. This year is entirely different. The front office wants to win and win now. Having been a Bills fan since 72, I cannot remember a time when the front office has ever been this aggressive. Ever. It a great time to be a BILLS fan
  22. Except for the lack of talent at one critical position = QB
  23. VERY INTERESTING! I had totally forgotten that it was Brady (and few others) that were lobbying for that change in policy on who provides the footballs. I believe that when all is said and done, Roger is going to be forced to punish the Patriots harshly. IMO, they will never save their tarnished image by pinning De-flate Gate on a poor minion and think the public out-cry would not cause irreparable damage. Particularly, with multi-billion dollar sponsors reputations also at stake. I'm actually hoping that NE wins, so Roger has to stand on that stage next Sunday night and hand that trophy to Belicheat and Tom "soft balls" Brady knowing damn well they should never have been there representing the AFC to begin with., and if he (Roger) had done his due diligence during Spy-Gate the Patriots would not likely relevant anyway.
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